So, Wanna be an Ulzzang?

Well, every ulzzang has their own specialty, It differs from the eye shape, skin complexion, thin lips and many other factors. And counting that on being an ulzzang, I'm counted out, first, the complexion, FAIL, the eye shape, I HAVE SMALL EYES. So yeah, and if you know an ulzzang, introduce them to me, It's nice to have friends who are ulzzangs. You will gain respect from the community (at least xD)

And even you are not qualified to be an ulzzang by this time, Work out, take medications or simply eat vegetables, and you might not know, you will be an ulzzang in the near future! :))


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Eh? Do I look like a girl. See my display pic. Omo. I LOOK LIKE A FANGIRL. O.o
aww~ no need tp feel bad. everyone is good looking in their own way. it depends on the other person taste. i live, in california n a lot of girl here r like really tan. it's hard to not have a good complexion when u like in a place where it's sunshine n all. So, no worries girl :) u have this girl who has a bad complexion too, and who cares if u have small eyes? u should be proud bc azn are known for chinkiness!! XD
~randomn troller XD