
((I hope y'all would understand my inner turmoil, and i just really wanna let it out, and really if you don't like it one bit, just message me, don't resort into hating the people mentioned) so it would start at this. i used to like BTS back then, in fact i was the one who introduced them to my sister who's now a die hard army, it was all like that, no toxic Twitter fanwars, no unwanted comparison between the two groups. but then, when BTS won something at the BBMA's, Twitter, or any social media platform, morphed into this toxic place. I don't want to be the bad person, but as I scroll through my tl, a lot of army's kept getting on their high horse, acting all high and alrighty just because BTS won an award overseas. I was also proud of BTS, but I was definitely not the type to brag and boast around, because for me, BTS paved a new way for kpop. So yeah, they gained new fans, and the majority of those fans were like "BTS is better than EXO, face it." And that was down right stupid. Like what the , exo doesn't need to get involved in this, you could just say "BTS is the best." And no one would ever argue with you. I get that they're your faves but can you please leave exo out? Our boys do not need your attention.

And to that, I drifted away from the fandom, gradually losing interest in BTS. I don't hate them, but I don't really like how most of their fans act now 


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