Hye guys,I just wanted to tell you that depression is not a joke.
It's annoying how people actually find it funny when others have depression.
I don't know why they did it but I guess it's because they hate me.
It's really hard to tell others that you have depression,it's really hard. I SWEAR !
Unfortunately,they thought it as a joke.

I felt hurt and sad.They didn't care.
Why did I even bother to tell them ?
I'm such an idiot.

If someone near you have depression,please help them.They need your support.
I don't want them to be like me,I want them to be happy.


p.s ;
I'm sorry,this is too personal but I just feel that I needed to talk about this because some of us actually aren't aware of it.



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YuzuruH #1
That’s terrible because depression is not a joke. Some people even have to take medication in order to relieve it. I really hope the people around you can support and understand you more in the future. May I know in what stage of depression you are and the last time you consulted your doctor?
I agree. I just got in an argument with another user on here that was claiming someone from her family used their problem as an excuse and it set me off because that only adds to the stigmatism. I'm both bipolar and borderline as well as manic depressive and suicidal. I'm sick of being told I'm an attention , a liar, a manipulator because people don't understand me and my issues. I'm tired of having 'friends' who turn their back on you when they find out about your demons.

Feel free to add me. I need more people in my life I actually give a about, and have it returned :)