Plagiarism/Wow April /Romanticizing

Hey guys, looks like I got plagiarized on Wolves again, and sadly most of you know the drill. I'm not posting again until this issue clears up. If you're the plagiarizer, please just come forward because I'm really tired of getting plagiarized and I have plagiarism alerts on for every story, and I'm willing to talk about the situation if you come forward. Maybe you didn't know that was plagiarism and I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.

It was a pretty much word for word copy except for one thing. It was a Jeon Jungkook story instead of Min Yoongi, and that itself makes me really unhappy because in the chapters that they posted, all the situations were pretty much the same which makes me think that they were going to excuse the controlling nature that made the main character uncomfortable, and qualified as emotional abuse because of the manipulation. I'm frankly not okay with this because it romanticizes an issue that the main character was dealing with. There's a reason that I wrote the main character to have to deal with romanticized issues and emotional manipulation. And I don't enjoy that being disregarded. Romanticizing issues like that isn't okay, nor ever will be, and I already don't support romanticizing. 

Just because I'm writing for my own enjoyment doesn't mean I'm going to glorify emotional manipulation, or abuse, and the fact that my story was plagiarized and changed to center around a character that does that isn't okay. Abuse and posessiveness shouldn't be glorified, even in fanfiction. That isn't justifiable, and neither is plagiarism. 

You know what's the funniest part about this whole situation? I was planning on uploading edited versions of the first few chapters because I wasn't happy with the way they were written. I wrote them when I first came on this website and I don't think it's on par with my standards anymore (frankly, they're terrible and make me cringe) and I was planning on uploading them this weekend. I'll be putting those on pause too, but once you see a notification from the added BoK from the last chapter and thed (edited/new!) tag next to the initial chapters, you'll know that the situation is resolved.

It's rainy outside and I've been really sick lately so the allergies are not making it better. On top of that, I have exams coming up so this isn't really at a good time. School , and I'm just tired guys. I've had a rough day, so thank you for all of your support. 


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Oh no :(( That's really awful, and I'm sorry you have to deal with it (again). I hope whoever it is apologizes soon; kudos to you for giving them the benefit of the doubt.

Hopefully exams go well and your health improves!
It's a shame this happened again. Hopefully, things will get resolved quickly. Still love you, senpai.<3