kiseop & jaehyo.....

please tell me I'm not the only one who can see a /BIG/ smiliar... thing between the two

Ahn Jaehyo & Lee Kiseop

omfg. they look sofaking similiar ;______________; i cannot even. I just got into Block B and when I saw pictures of Jaehyo, I kept thinking to myself 'How come I've never seen these pictures of Kiseop before?' to which then I later found out that it was actually Jaehyo and NOT Kiseop. alkd;fjalksdjfalsdf These two. omfg idk. Kiseop is actually one of my Top biases and seeing Jaehyo just makes me go sal;dfkjsldfk even more roflmao. They look alike soooo much! I don't understand this; only that the both of them are Uljjangs who are in an idol group that I treasure! Though I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who thinks Jaehyo and Kiseop look alike since I've seen other fans say Jaehyo looks like... Kyuhyun from Super Junior >____<

and  yes that really is a picture of Ahn Jaehyo. You can go see it on his twitter because he tweeted it ;____;

Anyways, I just had to blog about that because i dont know. I just.. I don't know. THEY LOOK SO ALIKE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. makes my heart stop beating for a couple seconds roflmao /shot............


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Sarapyon #1
You just noticed it now O_O

It's been around that Kiseop and Jaehyo are really look alike ^O^ And the best part is both of them are ulzzangs as well ^^
yeah they look so alike.. :D both ulzzangs~
I love the both of them(: They can be ulzzang brothers :D
Joo-Mi #4
It does look like kiseop! I've been trying to figure that out for a long time. Because Jaehyo looked so familiar and his face was really pretty but slender? But i couldn't remember. He looks a little too skinny too look like kiseop a bit. Kiseop has more of a round face.