Application for K.B

AFF usename: Yoochunswifey

AFF profile link: Click

Preferred contact information: Feel free to contact me any way, aff or [email protected]

Your Character

Noah Hyo-shin Lee

Age: 22

Date of Birth: May 1st, 1989

Ethnicity: 1/4 British, 3/4 Korean.

Hometown: Portsmouth, England

Langauges: Fluent English and Korean, almost fluent German and conversational Japanese.

Orientation: Gay.

Blood type: O

Height: 186cm

Weight: 70kg.

Appearance: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ulzzang name:
Kyung Ryong

Back up ulzzang name:

  • Seo Min Woo 1 2 3
  • Yoon Ji Sung 1 2 3

Personal info


First of all, there is no point in denying the fact that Noah looks a lot older then he actually is, and this has caused him some problems over the years. Everything getting kicked out of the buss everytime he forgot his student id to getting wrongly accused of being a pedo just because he hang around the school waiting for a friend (and he was 13 for goodness sake -_-). People also expects too much of him because they think that if he looks mature he must be mature too. It can be pretty tiering when people always expects you the be the responisble and grown up one.

He's the type who will read waaaay, WAAAAY too much into simple situations, and think the worst will happen. Innocent situations turns into full blown seduction from the other part inside his mind... Yes he does have an active imagination. He's just seems to have problems reading people and situations proberbly and it gives him a great deal of stress. But despite this he's actually pretty smarter then he thinks, he just doesn't trust his instincts. (That's probably why he can write excellent love scenes and such in his novels.) Luckily there's things he's actually quite good at.

Noah loves sports and being outside climbing, fishing or just taking a walk. Anything is good as long as it's outside where he can breathe freely and... he doesn't know how to explain it, there's just something that he needs as much as food and sleep. He's strong and muscular, so leave any heavy lifting to him. He also like to read so he knows a lot of random facts about random stuff, and he likes to share it with people. Well, when at least when he's comfortable with you, he doesn't really open up easily. It's not like he's being intentionally anti-social, he has some walls that must be broken down first.

His biggest weakness is cuteness. Cute things or cute people makes turns his bones into jelly and his skin on fire. And I don't mean that sicknely sweet ageyo, but the natural cuteness someone seems to just radiate. To him a cute person is someone who is 100% himself and is not afraid of being goofy and dorky. Someone who smiles with their eyes and laughs with their heart.


Noah grew up in the beautiful town on the south coast of England togheter with his parents and his 10 years older half-sister Hyori. Noah's father moved to england after his wife died while giving birth to Hyori, and 8 years after that he married Noah's mother and 2 years after that again they got Noah. Now that's out of the way, lets talk about his childhood.

His childhood was pretty normal I think, his mother is a hard working ceo so, but still found time to be with noah and hyori (she didn't want to become one of those mothers who one day looks back and realise she doesn't know her children). Noah's father had great hopes that noah would become an basketball player just like him and teached him to love sports. But as much as Noah loves sports there it isn't something he wants to do as a job, he wants to become an author. Both of his parents was completely okay with his uality from day one, and his mother keeps bugging him about brining a guy home xD They have also said, and I quote "Get a girl pregnant and run away with it so we can have a grandchild... or adopt". I hope they were kidding about the first thing...

He is extremly close to his sister who he idolize, and she has a brother complex just as he has a sligth sister complex. She's his best friend and confidant, and was the first to know that Noah was gay; he told her when he was 11. Her bright hearted attitude and kick mental strength helped him through the years of high school when suddenly everyone had a problem with his uality.(He has only dated one girl in his life and in the end he realised that it was because she reminded him of his sister... that's not creepy at all...)


  • Cute things and people.
  • Tea. He's completely addicted.
  • Mystery and horror movies.
  • Sports.
  • Writing
  • Harry Potter.
  • Jazz, Rnb and Soul.
  • Penguins, rats and turtles
  • Leather jackets and pants... *wiggles eyebrows*
  • Eye smiles.
  • Fresh air.
  • Children.


  • Anything banana flavoured.
  • Racists and Homophobics.
  • People who play with and manipulate other's feelings.
  • Tv-seriers like "gossip girls", "the hills" or "one three hill".
  • Songs with way too much autotune
  • Child molestors.
  • Animal cruelty.


  • He likes words that start with the letter A for no paticular reason.
  • He has had 3 ex boyfriends before.
  • Went to Portsmouth Univeristy for 3 years right after High School and studied "BA (Hons) English and Creative Writing"
  • He's allergic to seafood and horses.
  • He used to be on his high schools basketball team.
  • He has published some of his novels in english magazines under "Noah Lee".
  • He loves his car very much.
  • Has a pet rat he brings with him eeevery where called James Bond.


  • Swimming
  • Basketball
  • Soccer
  • Write stories, and hetero. Much of it has in it...
  • Sewing. His mother own a fabric company remember?
  • Shopping in second hand shops because they have so much cooler stuff then brand shops.
  • Doting his pet rat.
  • Play his Nintendo Wii.

Special talents:

  • Expressing himself in words.
  • He seems to be a natural at all sports with his speed, balance and strenght.
  • Languages. He picks up accents and language quickly.

Relationship info


  • Mother: Cathrine Shin-Young  Lee - 48 years old - Ceo of CSY Fabrics  - Was still breathing last time I checked.(half Korean, Half British)
  • Father: Lee Ho Keun - 62 years old - Former basketball player and Basketball Coach at Portsmouth High- was still breathing last time I checked. (Full korean)


  • Older half-sister: Lee Hyo Ri (Solo singer) - 32 - Pre-school teacher. - Was still breathing last time I checked.

Love interest

  • Kim Junsu (jyj/dbsk)
  • Kim Jaejoong (jyj/dbsk)
  • Kang Daesung (bigbang)


  • Park Bom (2ne1)
  • Park Yoochun (JYJ/DBSK)
  • Kang Daesung (BigBang)


  • Jung Jessica (SNSD)
  • Jung Yunho (dbsk)
  • Shim Changmin (dbsk)
  • Choi Seunghyun (Bigbang)
  • Ok Taecyeon (2pm)
  • Kim Jongwoon (Super Junior)

Rivals and Why: Choi Siwon (Super Junior). Why? He's like walking perfection; Tall, good looking, smart AND funny. Anything a girl could wish for in a man right? Unfurnatly boys are attracted to him, even though they know that Siwon is straight as a ruler. Of course it's the boys who are attracted to Noah that are weak for Siwon too. It's like when they see Siwon they see noah, just a upgraded version who's better and more fantastic in every way. Sometimes Noah wonders if Siwon is intentionally stealing all of his potential boyfriends away, because he seems to take some pleasure of seing Noah's chrestfallen face when his crush leaves him faster then the a speeding bullet at the sight of Siwon. So why is he doing this? According to Noah it's because Siwon is a sadistic son of a gun. THIS IS THE BATTLES OF THE SEME!! Maybe... just maybe there is more to it that just competive instict, becuase maybe, just maybe Siwon has a thing for Noah... ---> (Feel free to not include the last part about Siwon liking Noah if that doesn't work for you or your story.)

Ex-boyfriend: Nichkhun Horvejekul (2pm)


Are you a top or bottom? Top.

Do you want your character to fall in love at first sight? or a love-hate relationship? or do you want a 'i don't care' relationship? I want Noah to fall head over heels with first sight :3 As for his partner... that's all up to you hun'.


(^ w ^)


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ok i love your app! if my co author likes it then welcome to the K.B house! :P