✖「 Young Avengers 」Rose Wagner

Rose Raven wagner

Amandla Stenberg  Beauty | #MichaelLouis - www.MichaelLouis.com




NAME — Rose Raven Wagner

Roro — a shortened version of her name

— Blues Clues — Thank you Baby Stark. 
HERE — reason.

BIRTHDATE — 16th November 1995
BIRTHPLACE — New Orleans, Louisiana
AGE — 22
ETHNICITY — African American/Creole - German


ENGLISH | It's her mother tongue
GERMAN | Her father Kurt is fluent in German and taught her to speak it when she was a young child, regailing her with stories of his time in the circus. 

does this cape make me look fat?

Image result for amandla stenberg gif

FACE CLAIM — Amandla Stenberg
BACKUP FACE CLAIM — Britne Oldford


APPEARANCE — Rose is about 5"5 and weighs in at 60kg of pure muscle. Her humanoid appearance makes her almost undetectable as a mutant unless you know what to look for. Pointed ears are hidden behind her mass of dark curls and when she smiles, eyes may be draw to the extra long and extra sharp looking canines. In her human form, she has dark brown eyes and tanned skin, but in her mutant form, she has amber eyes, blue skin and a prehensile tail.

FASHION STYLE — Rose is a fan of the pin up dress style. She loves figure hugging outfits and combining  bright colours together.    x x x x 

SUPERHERO LOOK — Rose doesn't need a costume. Turning blue pretty much stops people from recognising you. 




Image result for amandla stenberg gif    Image result for amandla stenberg gif 

TRAITS —   (+)  vivacious, perceptive, daring  

(=) laid-back,

(-) insecure, vicious, unorthodox, distrusting




Well ain't you the sweetest thing this side of the bayou

There's something about Rose. Maybe it's the way she says your name or the way her eyes light up when she hears you talking about your favourite thing. When you catch her in the right mood, Rose can be a light in a dark room. When Rose wants to, she can capture the attention of the whole room with her larger than life persona and her attractively animated behaviour.


You don't have to tell me. I can just sit here until you're ready to face it

Rose's ears are good for more than hearing an incoming attack. With enhanced hearing, she can listen in to conversations far away but also listen to pulses in the same room. As a result, she is able to detect who is coming and going but also can detect emotional changes in her peers. An increase in heartbeat or a change in speech inflection can indicate to her that someone is feeling off and she uses that skill to be a shoulder for others. She doesn't always have the right words, but she knows how to show support. 


Is that a challenge?

See that sign that reads 'shark infested waters'? Well Rose doesn't. Her selective blindness likes to kick in and she'll be the first to jump right in, or jump off a cliff into the ocean and return miraculously unscathed. Dare her to do something and chances are she's already gone and done it before the words have left your mouth. On occasion, she does need to be reigned in, but why not try everything while she still can? Being a saviour of earth doesn't exactly give you a long shelf life. 


If I get any more relaxed, I will literally die

When all her uni work is done and the Young Avengers don't need her, Rose is so laid back she's horizontal. She'd rather be at home in bed bingewatching shows on Netflix or having in depth conversations with her plants than rushing around for no reason. Her down time is her and hers alone.


Please don't look at me

Despite her vivacious, confident nature, Rose is rather insecure. Although she maintains a majoratively human appearance, her long canines and pointed ears indicate that there's something off about her and first impressions are usually right. As a young woman in her 20s, Rose can't help but want to see what people think about the Young Avengers, but unlike some of her peers, she is often met with fear. 


Back off 

Still waters may run deep but they can still overflow. It takes a while for Rose to lose her temper but there are a few topics which make her blow her top almost immediately. You can usually tell when Rose is starting to lose her cool by the way her jaw clenches and that vein in her head starts pulsing like some weird underwater creature.


You don't get to tell me that I'm a bad person

Rose'smethods can often be seen as somewhat unorthodox. Think along the lines of Damon Salvatore or Capt. Jack Sparrow. While she aligns herself with the goals of the Young Avengers, her way of going about it can rub people up the wrong way e.g. a YA assignment might be to save all the hostages, she will take an eliminate the enemy stance and trying to minimise the casualties because saving everyone is unrealistic. She is the one to ask the difficult questions and bear the responsibility of making the difficult decisions.


I don't know you, ergo I don't trust you

Trust is not an attribute that comes easily to Rose. After all that has been done to her ancestors and to herself and mutants alike, why would she trust anyone. Trust is earned, not given, and people historically have had a difficult time trusting (or even respecting) her bloodline. Chances are Rose will be the last to put her trust in any new allies and will spend her time fixing them with the darkest gaze possible when in her presence.



Rose Raven Wagner is the mutant child of Kurt Wagner (X-Men's Nightcrawler) and Logan Fairchild, an international human rights lawyer. Logan Fairchild was one of the humans 'in the know' about mutants and had established a diplomatic relationship with Xavier, offering her services as a lawyer but also helping to build relationships between Mutants and the government. Through this relationship, Fairchild met Wagner. When asked what made her fall for him considering their huge differences, Fairchild would say 'His tenderness. He is hated yet he pities those who can't understand beyond what they see. How could I not care for a man who is full of such tenderness".


Unlike most mutants, Rose exhibited her mutant status straight from birth, taking a similar form to her father. At the moment of birth, her skin was bright red before shifting to mimic her fathers appearance of blue skin, yellow eyes and a horned tail, signifying the combination of Azazel and Mystique's genes. This was a cause for concern for her mother Logan who wanted her to have a normal childhood as much as possible. Imagine how hard it was to discipline a child who could simply teleport away, or try hiding cookies on the top of the fridge when her tail could just get them down. It wasn't until Rose was 3 that she indicated having a human form, when she sneezed and shifted into mini version of her mother. 


As she was so young, and did not have much control over how often she shifted, Rose was homeschooled until age 11 and moved to secondary school. Her mother hired a mutant tutor to keep her educated to the national level so when she joined a school she wouldn't be left behind, while her father taught her everything about being a mutant and his adventures with the circus/X-Men. As a result, Rose is very close to her father and takes after his talents in performing.


Rose's stint in a "normal" school was brief and impactful. She had inherited her fathers flair for theatrics and was enrolled in the theatre club, the gymnasts club and the cheer squad. While Rose was prepared to work hard and integrate, she was not prepared for the emotional strain, the "mean girls/boys" and all the hormonal changes that come at that age. While she cemented her place in the school as a promising young gymnast, her peculiar appearance (pointy ears and elongated canines) were the topic of ridicule and resulted in an incident. While on the way home from school, Rose was assaulted by some school kids who wanted to scare her. They hurt her and she hurt them in return by shifting in mutant form and fighting them off. As a result, Rose was swiftly moved from the school and enrolled in Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters to be around people more like her. However, it was too late. Insecurities had already set in about her appearance and a small sense of distrust towards humans had set in.


While Rose was more at ease at Xavier's school, it wasn't all smooth sailing. She had more self confidence being a mutant around other mutants and still pursued a gymnastics career but there were still issues with other mutants her age. Due to her mutant appearance (like Azazel) and the way she shifted (like Mystique), it didn't take too long for students to put together her heritage. While it seemed insignificant to the majority, a minority took offence to her Brotherhood of Mutants family history. Even amongst all the animosity, she was able to qualify and compete in the 2012 Olympics, scoring a medal for her performance on Women's Uneven Bars. Throughout her education at Xavier's, Rose was visited by Mystique, unbeknownst to her parents or the schools faculty, who told her about her family history and the war between the government and mutants like herself. She was even shown files on what had been done to mutants in the past; including her grandfather who she bared a strong likeness to with an almost identical scar across her left eye (thanks to those lousy human kids). 


When she was 20, Rose again qualified to compete in the Olympics Women's Uneven bar and Floor exercises but changed her mind mid qualifiers and chose to go to uni. Somewhat agreeing with the Brotherhood of Mutants ideals, Rose chose to study history and law so that she could become a lawyer like her mother and represent solely mutants. While studying at NYU, she joined the cheer team where she became friends with Eva and got a job as an aerial silk performed in a speakeasy in downtown New York so she could still perform. While Rose's distrust towards humans dissapated over time, she remained indifferent to the crimes that occured around the world i.e. Ultron, and prefered to watch from the sidelines rather than help. To her, the world had turned against mutants once, and they would do so again if she intervened.


Rose joining the Young Avengers was completely unplanned. In fact, she would have gone completely under the radar if it weren't for the events of 2012 i.e. fighting Loki. Stark developed a program that would alert the Avengers to any signs of interdimensional travel. Rose's love of base jumping brought her to Jarvis's attention; she would teleport to the top of high buildings and jump off, teleporting her way down. 


Once she was known to them, it wasn't hard for S.H.I.E.L.D. to find more instances of her being spotted on conspiracy websites. They easily tracked her down to the NYU gymnasium where she was practicing late into the night. When offered a place in the Young Avengers, Rose scoffed in their faces and downright refused because a. she doesn't trust the government and b. she really don't trust the government. Pressure to join the group came from her father, who convinced her that compassion was a better source of strength than fear and anger and if she wanted to change the history of Mutants and Humans, she would have to make the first step. 


OCCUPATION OR STUDENT —History & Law double major at NYU during the day, aerial silk artist at a downtown speakeasy at night



✖ — Athletics i.e. gymnastics and cheerleading
✖ — Karaoke
✖ — Making an entrance

✖ — Carbs

✖ — Huge fan of the Beastie Boys

✖ —  Banner's kid


✖ — Authority/government officials
✖ — Other peoples toes (they creep her out)
✖ — Being confined

✖ — Sheltered individuals

✖ — People who ask too many questions

✖ — Shellfish


✖ — Base jumping
✖ — Reading about mutant history
✖ — Playing video games

✖ — Dancing

✖ — Using her tail to steal things from the YA members


✖ — She wags, yes wags, her tail when she's happy
✖ — her lips before talking
✖ — Hanging from the ceiling to read

✖ — Running her tongue along her teeth when thinking

TRIVIA — as many as you want

✖ — Rose is the reigning Young Avengers Tag champion (it's hard to beat a teleporter)
✖ — Has held Stark Jr out a window using her tail once during an argument. Was swiftly informed that it was not ok. Proceeded to try and do it again
✖ — Prefers sleeping in the top bunk - unfortunate for whoever sleeps on the bottom because that tail is gonna be flicking you in the face ALL. NIGHT. LONG. 

✖ — She has a number of piercings, including a piercing which she refuses to divulge the story of

✖ — Is not religious but prays nightly out of habit

 imma fly right into the sun. Not until you do your homework!


                 Image result for x men nightcrawler gifsImage result for x men nightcrawler gifs
father | wagner, kurt (nightcrawler) | 55+ | compassionate, moral, pacifist
— Kurt "The Incredible Nightcrawler" Wagner has fathered a child. While other kids were getting taught to ride bikes, Kurt taught his daughter how to use her tail and to teleport. His friendly character made him the perfect teacher as he focused all his time on his daughter and teaching her pride in her abilities, only disappearing briefly if he was needed by the Xmen. He was the doting father who always made it to his daughters gymnastic performance, even if it meant he had to watch from the rafters. 


                              Image result for black lightning lynn gifsRelated image
mother | Fairchild, logan | 54 | inspirational, stern
— Logan is the epitome of an accomplished woman. A well-known international human rights lawyer, Logan spends her time paving the way for those who need her help. A caring yet determined woman, Logan is no stranger to hate but teaches her daughter that anything worth doing isn't going to be easy.


                  Image result for mystique gifsImage result for mystique gifs
grandmother | darkholme, raven (mystique)| 100+ |mysterious, charismatic
— Rose has only met the esteemed Mystique on three occasions, all unknown to her parents. A direct line to her mutant history, Rose is somewhat enamoured with Mystique. While they have only met briefly, Rose believes she has much to learn from the mysterious, charistmatic woman who looks no older than herself. While her intentions for Rose are still unclear, Rose has a trust for Mystique which runs painfully deep and she will defend her against anyone.


      Image result for x men azazel gifsImage result for x men azazel gifs

grandfather | azazel | 1000+ | ruthless, purist

— Not much is known about Rose's grandfather apart from the path of destruction he left in his wake during his long life. hood in the Hellfire club, his aim of mutant superiority and his annihilation of numerous CIA agents have not been forgotten by the government. 



               Image result for cheryl blossom gifsImage result for cheryl blossom gifsImage result for cheryl blossom gifs

best friend | lisbon, evangeline "Eva" (FC: madeleine petsch) | 22 | Confident, mischevious 
— Fellow drama queen and cheerleader. Eva's father is in jail for white collar crime so the pair bonded about having a negative family history. A fellow athlete, Eva is the one Rose will go to no matter what. While the pair of them together look like they might be mean girls, Rose and Eva are always found in a pile of giggles or making harmless mischief, making themselves popular on campus for the right reasons.


                Image result for river phoenix quote gifsImage result for river phoenix gifsImage result for river phoenix gifs
ex | benedikt, chet "Gooftball" (fc: river phoenix| 23 | funny, affectionate, goofy
— Chet was Raven's first boyfriend, her first love, her first everything. When they first met, she called him a 'goofball' which stuck as her pet name for him. Chet, the southern sweetheart from Lafayette, Louisiana, referred to her as 'cherie'. First human she willingly showed her mutation and loved it. They spent loads of dates hiking and watching the sunset from the tops of trees (she'd used her tail to help him up). The pair parted ways when he graduated and made a career move to Australia. Though the split was mutual she will always have a soft spot for Chet.



relation | last name, first name | age | personality traits
— Pro iriure vivendo signiferumque ne, quo quis invenire an. Quem dolorum ullamcorper vis ne. Ex mel malis nostrud intellegebat. Audire democritum efficiantur ea ius. Invenire erroribus percipitur id vim, at vix tempor splendide. Quodsi cotidieque interpretaris eum cu. Ne aperiri vocibus pertinacia duo, nostrud antiopam reprehendunt est ea, ad eam aeterno reformidans.

who knows how to dismantle a security camera?

Image result for britne oldford gif
Image result for britne oldford gif

alias — Diabla

Power — What's their power? Is it the same as their superhero parent? Or is it different? Maybe they don't have a power. 


Telaportation - Just like her father, Raven can teleport by travelling through the Brimstone Dimension, leaving behind a trail of black smoke. At most, Raven can teleport 2 miles in any direction, including skywards, per jump and does not need to see where she is going to teleport. She is, however, unable to teleport other people. Yet.


Metamorphic - Thanks to the genes she inherited from Mystique, Raven can change her appearance, but due to the influence of her human genetics, she can only change between two forms; her human form and her nightcrawler form. Raven holds humanoid form in public to prevent discovery and persecution. Her metamophasis is controlled by her emotions so she must remain calm at all times, no an easy feat.


Wall Crawling - Raven is able to cling to walls using her hands and feet.


Prehensile Tail - Raven has a prehensile tail, just like daddy dearest, that is strong enough to hold her weight but can also lift a full grown adult off the ground. If she's ever seen in the gym at Stark Towers, its usually to see how much her tail can lift. Her tail can be used to pick things up with ease. Besides her fists, Raven uses her tail as a weapon as it is strong enough to break bones when used with enough force. The talon like tip of her tail is sharp enough to be used as a stabbing weapon #perksofsupervillaingrandparents


Superhuman Agility & Reflexes - Raven's agility, coordination and balance are enhanced to beyond normal human levels. 


Enhanced Hearing - Those big ears count for something

abilities — What's their ability? Is it the same as their superhero parent? Or is it different?


Skilled Acrobat and Combatant - Due to her enhanced agility and reflexes, Raven is a talented Olympic level gymnast like her father. Her fighting style is combinated between gymnastic stunts and martial arts taught to her by her father




Humanity -  Raven is susceptible to disease and injury just like any other human. She doesn't have supernatural healing so if she is injured, she is out of the game. 


Electricity - Electric currents interrupt her teleportation ability (as well as being hella painful) meaning her powers are diminished. While she can still fight, the use of electricity also makes her easier to capture. 

the team — Rose has a slight sense of animosity towards the Young Avengers. Unlike her, her teammates are able to return to their lives once a mission is over but she must live in constant fear, or so she thinks. Her deciding factor to join the Young Avengers, albeit begrudgingly, was Banner Jr due to similar situations - the whole "other side" of them. She doesn't dislike her teammates; she just doesn't know them. It's hard to simply trust strangers to watch your back in a life or death situation, especially when you're not sure if you'd even trust them to watch a potted plant. 

hey. you know i love you, right?

love interest — Banner's kid (She thinks he's absolutely adorable)

faceclaim — If you have a OC for a love interest or if the name is different from their actual name.

backup love interest — Another Young Avenger


ethnicity — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

birthday / age — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Power or Ability — do they have a power or ability? Are they a superhero?

alias — if they are a superhero? what's their alias? If not, delete this.

personality — Describe it to me. ( One or two paragraphs or more is fine)

first meeting — Rose noticed Banner before he noticed her. She was always amused how she'd catch him buried deep in a pile of books or explaining an interesting discovery to less interested people. Rose introduced herself 

interaction — How do they act around each other? If there's anything to get that tail wagging, it's Banner Jr. As soon as they walk in the room, Rose has to fight for control and not give herself away although it's obvious. Eyes light up when he enters the room obvious. She likes how they're always genuine and excited about something they've discovered and she will always make sure to ask as many questions as possible, just to listen to them talk about their passion. Frequently drags him to do things he wouldn'tusually do (impromptu dancing mid research). 

relationship status — One sided attraction/good friends to a relationship? I imagine Banner Jr to be quite oblivious, at least at first.

time to assemble!

comments/suggestions — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

scene requests — 

  • Interrupting Banner's research to force him to dance with her 

password — what's your character's theme song? Paint it black

turn in — back to the story


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