Am I worth it?

Everyone I see around is facing their own troubles and issues which sound far more worse than mine.

Are my problems really worth it?

Am I really worth it?


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Everyone are equals, no matter what people say! Your feeling, emotions, and experience, and everything about you are worthy. It's like saying to someone that because you are short you can't eat food! For example. It's really not logical, is it? So of course you are absolutely worthy! And there are many of us here on AFF if you would like to talk to any of us! We are always willing to listen to you!
You're worthy . Your circumstances doesn't define who you are . Your feelings does matter . You're amazing just the way you are . Never compare yourself to anyone . I hope that everything get better for you. Stay strong
Your worth is decided by not only others but yourself have to consider yourself worthy first and love yourself first then others can do the same!!you are worth it!
Of course, they are, it is not right to say that others problems sound worse than yours.
You are not less worth than others. You are feeling sad and down because of something or hurt and that is totally okay.
Your feelings are valid.
What happened? Any problem?