I'm So Fking Pissed and Frustrated

We got our water supply cut off due to water treatment plant maintenance on the 6th, and was supposed to get the water back yesterday. And then the pipe suddenly exploded/burst and now we have to wait till SUNDAY (3 more days) to get the water back. They really fking think we have a fking swimming pool to store water? We don't even have enough water to use and the water company doesn't reply to DMs on Twitter and sent relief supplies of water. Bloody hell.

And we have a fking flea infestation IN THE HOUSE since IDK when and now I'm paranoid af. My mom even scolded me for being 'inattentive' and 'it's my fault' that we got an infestation. Well, fk. She doesn't even want to help out to kill the fleas and clean the stuff, she told me to do it on my own because it's not her damn problem. How dafuq would I know where the fleas came from??? And yet they are indoor dogs, not outdoors.

Fk my life.


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Hey buddy first of all feeling sorry for your situation... You should contact you local authority to fix this water problem... And as may be your mom has some other work so she said you to do the cleaning... Don't get upset with your mom buddy...Moms are very precious ... And i hope soon all your problems will be solved...