Fan Project, Please Check Out And Share

First of all, sorry to everyone I have yet to reply! Things have gotten pretty messy and busy lol and I am currently trying to adjust to my new sleeping schedule for my night shift haha 


so as some of you know, a friend and I have a fan project for the band 24k going on and our recent updates are pretty exciting. We will make support rubber bands like the ones you know from other bands and will also order some for the boys and give them to them. We received permission from the agency to use their name on it as well. So once we reach 100 pieces we will discuss the colour and order them. Also for our letter event we got a nice suggestion from a fellow 24U and when we reach 50 entries for the event we will compile everything in a book(s) and give them to the boys. My co-admin is going on vacation to Korea so she will hand them over to the agency in person.

For more info visit our instagramm! @24ufanproject2018 and help us share this project please! We want to give the boys more love!

That's the link to the form:

and here are the links to the instagram posts, we also have facebook and an email address!


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