2017 ended on a sour note for me i loss my grandma it was kind if like a passed away in sleep kind of thing are we close when my mum and dad are working she is the one that took care of me and took me to nursery and back home so she was pratically like my 2nd mother  i remeber when i was a kid i had this very weird habit i like to drag the umbrella on the floor so she would always give me the old umbrella because she say " please don  scratch my new umbrella on the floor " athough she had demtia and it robbed her of her mobility  when we take her for her scans and stuff everything is ok so her death was quite sudden i remmebr i was sleeping when i heard my mum and dad rushing out my mum did  tell me the day before that they were going to my marternal grnadma shop to help out  when i texted her to ask  her why she left so early she told me " mama is not feeling well so we are at toa payoh " i knew something was not right she told me they send her to the hospital and the doctors are attending to her i wiated for update from my mother then my mother called me and told me . 

 " amanda mama has passed on " i was in a daze i did not know what to do then she told me " go and wake mei mei up and come over to the motoury now " i did not want to cry infront of my sister because she still had her exams so i shoook her awake told her what happen and we took a cab down to tan tock seng when i arrived at the mortury and saw her lying there motionless the tears i had held on so long just came out when i saw the coffin go into the cremation room i told her " don worry i will be ok" 



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