Just for fun

I'm bored and I saw this so let's do this. Credits to anybody who made this. 

1. This depends on my mood, but, hot chocolate. 

2. Christmas

3. This is tough, but I guess you can watch movies for a longer time than listening to music, so movies it is. 

4. Talking. Tho I type quick af, I have low endurance lol so I prefer talking, coz I never get tired of it

5. Depends on the shade, and I usually prefer blue, but I'm feeling like red so red it is. 

6. Spring, because if I get direct contact with sunlight for too long, then my skin disease will show up again. I'm kinda allergic to it lol but I wouldn't say it's an immunity problem. Well. I think. But anyways, I can't get in contact with sunlight. (IM NOT A VAMPIRE I SWEAR)

7. Autumn. I can't stand the cold, I have low fat and blood circulation problems, even having literally cold feet in the layers of socks and shoes (if I slip my finger in, my foot is still ice cold), I chatter my teeth and shiver during parties when I wear dresses. I perish in the cold lmao. 

8. Showers, but I love baths. I choose showers because I have to shower before I bathe, like if I want to thoroughly clean myself, I can't rinse properly in the bath. I have to shower after or before. 

9. Soccer

10. Cheeseburgers, because I don't like pizza somehow. Unless it came out from a four star hotel or smth, the first pizza I enjoyed came from such a place tbh lol. BUT I love my mom's homemade pizza.

11. Ice cream. God, I'm weak for ice cream. Terribly weak. Even tho I suffer in the cold, my teeth aren't sensitive and who doesn't like ice cream kbflkesbflskjblskjebsjb

12. Grapes! Used to love watermelon a lot, but it's a bother when the water runs down my arm lol. 

13. Sunset, I'm a night type of girl. 


Welp, that's it. Feel free to steal if you want! 





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1. Both make me sick, but from memory, I'd say Hot Chocolate tastes better.
2. Christmas since I love seeing people react to my gifts.
3. Music! I feel like it's more engaging.
4. I prefer to talk face to face; if not face to face, then texting is fine. (Conversations through the phone/video chat tend to fizzle out quickly for me at least.)
5. I love cool colors so... blue!~
6. Summer since it's drier, and my birthday occurs during that season.
7. Autumn since the weather is always cool and comfortable (even in the rain despite the humidity). Winter is just too cold for me.
8. It's nice to have a good soak in the tub, but I prefer to take showers since they're quicker.
9. If I have to play the sport, then I'd pick soccer (I can't properly throw a football for the life of me). However, I wouldn't particularly enjoy watching either sport.
10. Is this even a question?! Of course, I'd pick cheeseburgers!
11. I love both, but ice cream makes me feel sick. So, I'm gonna have to go with cake (I like chocolate cake, but sometimes I'll indulge in carrot cake or tres leches cake).
12. Grapes are great and all, but eating watermelon is always a treat despite how sticky my hands get afterward.
13. I like the evening and all, but seeing the sunrise during my morning routine is always the highlight of my morning.
Lol same. I also love ice cream SO SO SO MUCH once I ate until I got stomach ache and coughing non-stop lmfao.
You're a vampire bye
Oh okay now the picture has load. Silly me
Wait where's the question? ×_×