Sorry :(

Hi I want to say sorry to the readers who have been waiting for the rest of my chapters to be uploaded to SHOCKER. So much has been going on off of asianfanfics with me & my seizures. An trust me I'm not making up any excuses at all, but I shall be working on it today now that I will have silence in the house and no one bothering me. I know I said I will be working on that one day , but now I actually am cause it's eating me up inside that I can't keep y'all entertained much. I hope with my next stories after this I can keep you entertained. Much much love to you all & many blessings.


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Lisa34 #1
Just take care of your health first -your readers will wait =)
Health is always first, so you should put yourself before the writing! I'm sure the readers can understand your position! Keep up the amazing work!