FERMATA | Last Round Entries (Updated!)

It's finally the last round for Fermata!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
I didn't expect to reach this far, but I'm very very very happy that I did. The prompts this time around didn't have a specific theme, but they were all intriguing nonetheless.
I decided to combine my two entries in this one blogpost since I submitted them together for the first time. Still unsure if I'll submit a third one ^^;
I submitted a third one after all, which is the maximum limit of entries per round, since I figured I might as well go all in one more time for the contest.
I'm crazy nervous because the other designers are crazy good, but here goes nothing.


So if any of you follow my designs or shop, ya'll would know that I loooooove working with animation, so I couldn't help it for this one since I wanted to show the theme better. A lot of the prompts were pretty free reign, and likewise this one only included a quote to work with along with the genre - thriller / mystery. The bonus point was to use just one character from a girl group. I chose After School's Nana after some searching since she had the facial expression I wanted to use when I imagined my poster, but I had to manipulate her photo into another one so that it'll work with the poster more since the original one was too bright and formal. Everything kinda just sprouted from there, from the  desolate background, to the running girl gif, and finally the title which was always my weak point when it was up to me (and with my stories ; u ; ), but I went with Ruin! Idk, maybe it's cuz the poster gave me dystopia vibes already. Fun fact: The "code" letters at the beginning is the same font used for Wakanda in the movie Black Panther. I recently watched and fell in love with the movie, so yeah. Wakanda Forever.



This one was significantly more challenging for me to create, but I based things on the title given for the prompt - Locker Number 59 along with the "coming of age" theme they gave and just did my research. The bonus point was to work with actors / actresses and I was originally going to work with Korean ones, but I couldn't find the right people and mood I wanted to set. And then for some reason my crazy mind thought to use Robert Downey Jr. or Chris Evans (blame my recently Stony reading spree) until I realized it was supposed to be school life themed as well and they were way too old... so I got Tom Holland since I was in the MCU anyway and Cole Sprouse because he's a babe and I also couldn't think of anybody else. I made the poster on the left originally and while I liked my design, I was never really someone who was content with simple things and  it didn't feel enough for a final graphic contest round, so hence the poster on the right was born. I played with the title some more by adding lockers and a real life feel to the poster. I hope doing so was a good idea since it was what I submitted in the end.




This one kinda just made itself after I found new Seventeen renders. I based everything on the given details which was the quote along with the theme and figured this kinda fit! My original plan was different; I was going to make the angel look goth and the devil look innocent and sweet, but I also wanted to use Seventeen, so I decided to base it on their expressions instead. Jeonghan was my original choice for the angel, but I loveeeee Junhui's expression in the photo, while the idea of Jisoo being anything close to a devil was so ironic that I decided hey, why not? I wondered briefly whether I should add a title or not, but I've always hated empty space and ended up going for a Korean title so I can work on the style of it and went with the translation of Guardian Angel, suho cheonsa. The animation turned out a bit faster after uploading it which may be my only problem, but I'm not sure if it's my laptop's fault or if that's really how fast it is. I debated who to use in the center as well, but decided to go with the most fitting Seventeen member's expression, so the place went to Mingyu! This was super fun to make.

Last round! Let's do this ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ



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