Getting to Know my fellow AFF snagged from SugaDaddyMinVKook

Getting To Know my Fellow AFF Inmates.. I mean


Name:  [ Any nickname or Name you prefer]I will answer to pretty much anything as long as you are respectful about it

(Once i get to know you,I will tell you my real name..DaMeeps or Meepster works for me for

Age:  [if over 18 just put - us adults are self-concious about it, I know) I am 25 years old with 20 years experience.. or I will be in May

Gender:  *looks down my shirt seeing s* yup i am a female

Country: Canada... you know the place with free

Languages Spoken: English,Sarcasm,Meepense(ask me about it.. its a funny story.. a few people know the story behind it)

How long you've been into Kpop: 2016ish.. got started just after album D was being promoted(Big Bang)

How you got into Kpop: saw something on tv about big bang and got me curious and been stuck on the kpop darkside ever since

What your first group / song was: Big Bang-Fantasic Baby(loved the color of GDs hair)

Your favorite groups: MonstaX,Exo,Bts,Big Bang. 2ne1.Got7,Shinee(still hard to watch the MVs),BlackPink,VIXX,Boys Republic.. I am sure there is more but I am sure more will come to mind

Your Ultimate Bias: Hmm so hard to pick just one.. Toss up between Xiumin and Wonho

Idols you personally Identify with: [ If you could only be called this Idol's name for the rest of your life, which one would it be. Not sure on how to answer this..Curious on who people would pick an idol that I might identify with.

Your Bias's: Xuimin,Wonho/Jooheon,RM,Taeyang(BB),Yugyeom

Your Wreckers: Kai/D.O.,Kihyun/I.M.,JImin

Your Weaknesses: My Health.. Too soft hearted

Your Strengths: Strength,Loyalty

Your Hobbies: Reading(addicted), crochet baby blankets using size 10 crochet cotton,Swimming, Hanging out with friends,Playing games online

Your Favorite color: Red and Black

Your Favorite Food:Cherry Cheesecake,Pizza,Beef Jerky( that stuff is soo addicting) Chocolate.. just not 

Most Cherished Memory: the birth of my three kidlets

Something Unique about you:Good listener.. doesnt judge.. I do my best to look after others before myself

One line about you as a person:  I am quiet until you get to really know me... then you cant shut me

Quote from you:Take me as I am.. you either like me or you dont.. if you dont.. not my problem.. and to borrow a line from RuPaul.. if these es arent paying your bills .. pay them no mind

Your Favorite Kpop Song Right now:  Dramarama 

The last movie you watched:The Fullmetal Alchemist

Other Info: I am a very protective of Momma Bear.. mess with people who I care about.. you deal with me..We dont always like the family we are born into BUT we get pick the family we want.. and those know who I consider family.. message me if you arent you wanna know something about me.. feel free to ask.. I am not shy *giggles evilly*


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It's not s its BEWBS ...LMAK
i Should identify you as XIUMIN ? HEHE

P.s:- You aren't shy AT ALL *cough*
all depends on how pissed off i am.. I have worked hard to keep my temper in check over the years.. the last time I lost control over my temper was when someone accused me of something I didnt do.. which is a big pet peeve.. if I do wrong.. I own up to it.. the last time i gave into my temper.. ended up punching a wooden door repeatedly to the point i still had extreme tenderness a week later and had to have xrays... hairline fractures.. i swear xray tech are mean.. i know they gotta get the right angle but damnit it hurts sometimes to hold that
I love that sarcasm is one of your languages. I'd say I think you're a lot like Yugyeom - You come off as someone who could be kinda volatile but you're nothing like that - you're sweet, caring, loving and help people out a lot. I see you being most like him I think :)
"if these es aren't paying your bills, pay them no mind" You made a typo, but I love Rupaul xD