Random facts about (your) Sabby

I'm having my monthly pain right, so I wrote this to distract myself from 'feeling' it LMAO


  • 19/11/2010 - I threw my shoes to my class monitor (I was his assistant at that time) JUST because his friends mocked me when I was JUST asking them (the boys) to help us (the girls) to clean up the classroom as it was the last day of the term. That "tragedy" caused me to be mocked by the brats for the next four years until we finally graduated from high school. FOUR GODDAMN YEARS
  • 2/3/2011 - It would take 3000 words essay to tell you the whole story and since I'm doing this just for distracting my brain from processing the pain down there, let me make it short to the point. On a lovely late noon, in the class, when I was conducting a 'family gathering' with the classmates (I was elected as a class monitor assistant again and again before I finally got to be the class monitor in my senior year), I asked them to come out, talk in front and speak since it was a heart-to-heart session (with 30 something members haha). I had no idea what the heck was infecting my brain at that time that I ended up making an embarrassing apology by writing on the whiteboard about how terrible and sorry I was to my ex-monitor (yeap, he's the same jerk whom I threw my shoes 3 months before). I didn't turn to face all of them after I was done writing my rant (AND IT WAS IN A SMS FORMAT WHICH I INCLUDED MY PHONE NUMBER! WTF RIGHT? I KNOW, I WAS SO DRAMATIC DURING MY PUBERTY PHASE HUH) but my besties told me that almost everyone was wondering and whispering to each other to whom I was apologizing from. I couldn't hear anything as I was really upset with myself at that time and the reason why I couldn't face them because my tears were already b in my eyes. BUT my besties said that there's one hand raised at that time and it was HIM!! Wow, wow, so he knew he's the one huh? He even claimed that it was him (which was 100000000% true) but strangely, I didn't hear him tho? Nvm. If things couldn't be worse, I ran to my seat again and finally burst into tears which took everyone surprise because for the second time (I won't tell you what happened until I lost my tears ity, it's heartbreaking), they were witnessing me bawling. What did the boy do? He escaped, of course. (This is also the same time when my best-boy-friend finally showed his affection to me by coaxing me to calm down and he even talked to THAT JERK to go to talk to me, which in the end, he failed. HAHA)
  • I couldn't remember the exact date, but it was a few days later after the incident, something miraculous happened (and my heart almost burst after realizing it). It was a day before our mock test, so we had to rearrange our seats in the class and created gaps between each seat. I had always been the one and the only girl who would do the heavy task ALONE cuz among 16 boys in our class, only 6 could be relied on and asked for help. Well, I was trying to lift a desk at the very front before another pair of hand lifted the desk for me and helped me until the end (he was the seventh) and guess who? Ddang! THAT BASTARD WHO MADE ME CRIED (or more like I cried for). He didn't say anything and he even avoiding from facing me or making eyes contact with me while he and the others were helping me until the task is finally settled. He said nothing. It was very awkward, but I really took his action seriously and even talked about him and his weird gesture (cuz he's known as a jerk in our class, my teachers acknowledge that). So, I assumed, he accepted my apology then? Because for the next 3 years, we were THE BEST ENEMIES DUO OF THE CENTURY. Lots of things happened after that, and trust me, I even wrote a novel about all the events that happened between both of us (it's an unpublished novel that I wrote on FOUR notebooks).

I just need to say something cuz the pain is excruiting but I have nothing interesting to share with you except my lame dramatic life as an immature 21 years old ahjumma.

Okay, I need to get my painkiller now. Bye~


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First world problems
What the... I'm too! Having monthly pain rn!

You had interesting high school days, drama queen. No wonder that boy escaped!
Blubber7 #3
Its okay........ we all have those days where we just want to just unlease our feelings and rant about life
I just realized that I made a lot of grammatical mistakes and left the sentences half way. I'm too lazy to edit so just bear it fams.
musicislikemagic #5
Wow *__* thank u for sharing though,I don’t really know if I should laugh at some moments or cry with u in others....