BirthName: Chakrii Bunyasarn 
BirthPLace: Bangkok thailand
FaceCLaim: Nct ten
Back Up: got7 bambam
Kpop_kitty | Ami 
Posted on may 23, 2017

Chakrii is flamboyant and over the top onstage and offstage he is a shy boy that isnt super open with others. there is no inbetween for him he is one extreme or another it just simply depends on how and when you find him.

ON STAGE: Chakrii acts the way their concept needs him to Chakrii enjoys acting cute cute is him in general on stage but he definitley has a y side that is saved for when he is on stage lip bites, winking, he lets it all lose and isn't afraid of being flamboyant and strutting around as if he owns the stage in fact people watching him on stage assume that he is full of himself because he soaks up the limelight and is over the top.

OFF STAGE: he is shy and tends to keep to himself unless he is with s he opts to stick to himself and not say to much unless he is with the people he is super close are the only people he is really open with so it varies on which member he is with. it is hit or miss. When backstage though Chakrii is  flamboyant once again being a sassy diva. 

ON VARIETY TV SHOWS: Chakrii isn't fond of being on the camera and prefers to stay silent when it comes to people asking him questions allowing the members to answer for him instead.  now if it isn't something that involves him he is more than happy to talk about it he often jokes around and will play with the other members. Chakrii overall when the camera is on him is just quiet and sticks to himself and close by to ian.

AT PRACTICE: Chakrii focuses and practices he does his best and is quite he takes things serious during this time or at least when it starts. After about an hour or two Chakrii starts to get antsy and will make jokes and play around not wanting practice to be to serious.

WITH STRANGERS: Quiet and shy comes across as boring Chakrii isnt one to open up to people it takes a while and when he does even then he isn't super talkative to other people.

Chakrii was born to his mother who was told that she wasn't able to have and after three years of trying Chakrii came to them as a surprise. he was their little miracle and they cherished him and gave him all that they could. His mother and father both worked in the music field his mother was a choir teacher and his father teaches piano and such from their house. 

As a kid Chakrii was quiet and didn't talk much at all he prefered to spend time with his father and  would dance around to his father playing to the piano and or sing with his mother when she would find songs for her choir classes. this led his parents to enroll him into dance where he fell in love with preforming for others and it became a big part of his life from there on. 

Middle school and high school were the same he continued to dance except this time he was now in choir he was an okay student he got mainly b's except in choir he got an all a's in choir.  in high school Chakrii's best friend suggested that he try out for a kpop group because he suited the style and looked good. He owed it to his mom for him knowing what kpop was although it wasn't his favorite type of music he enjoyed it none the less and thought that his friend made a good point and so he although unsure brought the idea up to his parents.

His parents were unsure about it not wanting their baby boy to leave them wanting him to stay put but they agreed to allow him if he promised to finish out the school year and then they would go during the summer so that he could audition. Chakrii finding the idea fair overall and agreed to the compromise, working hard to perfect what he would auditon with when it came to the time.

Family Relations:

– mom / Bunyasarn Araya/ 44 / choir teacher/  when his parents came over to Korea him and his mom went to all the places his mom wanted to and they often do yoga together and grab food when they can.

Father/Bunyasarn Mario/Piano Teacher/46/

The two of them were never really close except for when it came to him teaching Chakrii piano and watching him preform and at dinner time that's when they spent the most of their time together.

❤︎ ian (has a major crush on him)
 ❤︎ Coffee
 ❤︎ cats has a small OBSESSION with them
 ❤︎ sunset/sunrise

❤︎ Rude people (feels like they exist just to get on his nerves)
 ❤︎ bugs (he hates them so much thinks they're gross)
 ❤︎  The heat (he can't stand being hot especially when he is trying to sleep)
 ❤︎ waking up early
❤︎  Haters
❤︎  Thunder
 ❤︎  Country music

— Sticking his tongue out for photos
— cracking his knuckles
— sleeping in just his boxers

Playing piano

flirting with ian

playing with cats when he can

— Knows how to play the piano
— Is allergic to Vanilla
— Is left handed
— Gay af
— Major ian fan 
— Always has his phone with her 
— Has a diary
— Is scared of clowns
— Tries to bring home every stray cat he sees ever
— Will be a crazy cat dad 
— Has to have some source of caffine in the morning

Posted on may 23, 2017
Posted on may 23, 2017
Enter The Void

STage Name: Rii

Position: Main vocal, main dancer, visual 3

Trainee Life: trainee life for Chakrii was a roller coaster ride things would be good and then bad he always gave it him all to what he could but a lot of the times the pushed him harder than he could physically could knowing it was often to the point where he felt like she was going to faint or she did and he'd often get sick and still have to come to practice because he didn't want to lose his chance to debut he wanted to achieve his goal and he wasn't going to give up. he would find himself crying to his mother and father who would calm him down. he never did quit and continued to work and work to improve on his skills. 


Pre-Debut Activites: n/a

twitter Chak_riivoid
Instagram: Rii_void
snapchat: itsrii

Posted on may 23, 2017
Looks & Speech

Hieght: 171cm
Wieght: 60kg

Onstage: x x x x x
Practice: x x x x
Casual: x x x x x  


– Thai ::  Thai is his NATIVE TONGUE. / NATIve (75% Pronunciation, 80% Understanding)
– English ::LEARNED FROM taking classes at school as well as to the fact his parents loved to host people that would come to study there. He picked it up from them as well. / FLUENT (60% UNDERSTANDING , 60% PRONUNCIATION)
– Korean ::  Advanced conversational He picked it up due to watching a few kdramas with his mom and learned with some of the language with them as well as it becoming a need when he joined AOMG / NATIve (40% Pronunciation, 30% Understanding)

Ethnicity: Thai

Posted on may 23, 2017
Posted on may 23, 2017

Posted on may 23, 2017
Posted on may 23, 2017
Your Love is My Love

Name: Ian hale

Career: Void

Age: 22

INteractions:  tHE TWO OF THEM ARE VERY TOUCHY FEELY MAINLY When they are at the dorm or backstage because that's when he is most comfortable about it he has a habit of flirting with ian regardless of where they are but when it comes to being touchy he isnt super keen about it when it is in public. Chakrii enjoys holding hands with him and just being around him. the two take care of each other and chakrii more so especially when ian gets sick chakrii will cook him soup and make sure that he gets plenty of rest. in the dorm room they cuddle and sit on each others laps and the other members often tell them to get a room even though they are just cuddling. 

Love Story: Chakrii met Ian during training one day and was just absolutley taken in by his looks and then his personality was just as enticing to him. Chakrii was shy at first but he wanted to get to know Ian better and the two of them took a while to get to know each other.  it took about four months for them to get comfortable around each other totally and when they were Chakrii fell for him even harder and though he didn't exactly act on his feelings they flirted back and forth with each other on occasion and  would behave as boyfriends would.  chakrii quickly formed a crush on ian and it wasn't a secrect he really cared for Ian and they take care of each other .

Back Up Lover: I am drawing a blank but if needed i will add one when i come up with something. 

(Hi okay so side note. I didn't know if you had like an idea but this is just a basic and i'm considering changing it but for now this is what i have come up with. so ill let you know if i change it up)

Posted on may 23, 2017


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