
This just bothers me...

Why is everyone on facebook ing about how lonely it is on valentines day, How Lovey-dovey would them and their loved one would be. Well, to those who keep telling your butthurts, or sharing their FUN moments with their beloved, I think you should stop doing it and Focus your attention on something more important like Studying, Reading fanfics, or better yet, WRITE POEMS OR STORIES ABOUT YOUR SORROW OR HAPPINESS, WELL, that would make me appreciate your post even more.

Just sharing. :P


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lollinderella2nd: I absolutely agree with you!!! It's so awkward. :P Hahahahahaha! :DD
I agree!
I don't like spending Valentine's Day with anyone.
I feel awkward when I do LOL
instead I bore myself to death or read fics or write stories.
Well, that's good for you. you're not one of the bitter ones.
I agree! Sure I'm single and feel kinda lonely, but I don't whine and cry about it saying stuff like 'I hate valentines day!' or 'love is for weak people!' crap like that.