Trivial Matters Regarding Bookmarkers

Do you bookmark stories? If you do, besides the obvious reason to pick up from where you've left off, what other reasons are there to bookmark someone's work? And I'm addressing stories, not roleplays, shops, or say a series collection.... 

I'm only asking because I have a gold status. For gold status users, we can see who bookmark what chapter and whatnot. In two of my works, I have two users who'd always bookmark every update but I somewhat doubt the sincerity behind it. My work isn't on the same level as Stephen King or William Shakespeare or even J.K. Rowling but I'm beginning to think it could for plagiarism purpose? I've enabled text selection for both works for personal reasons and I'm not sure if I should confront them about the stories. Would it be strange to message them? 

I don't know. Maybe they're just silent readers and I'm overthinking but then again I've always expressed how unfond I am of them (silent readers). 

- I've disabled text selection so we'll see if they stick around. 


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I have many bookmarks, but I only used them to make a stock of what to read. I start reading the stories, but switch between so it passes some time until I'm back at one certain story.
Like the other two comments says. If there's still suspicion lemme know so I can kick some butta.........
I think, some people might use bookmarking as a way of subscribing. Subscribing kind of suggests you follow the story and read it right now whereas bookmarking in some cases can suggest “I will come back to read this so I don’t forget about it”.
That said, I do understand why you’d find it weird that they’re bookmarking every chapter of yours when subscribing could lead to following the stories with less clutter. In regards to plagiarism, if your gut feeling tells you no regarding these two people, block them. It may not be “grounded in reason” according to them, but unless they speak up about their reasons for this rather peculiar behavior, then I’d say it’s fair to be suspicious. ;;
I hope nobody is plagiarizing you and you’ve obviously made it really hard to do with the disabled text selection now so look for a change in their behavior. If they stop bookmarking then you may not have been too far off.
(You can send them a PM and ask what it’s all about without being accusing too.)
Also also - I shall kick somebody’s if they actually dare plagiarize you.
I think it’s just overthinking. If you are suspicious that someone is plagiarising then you can monitor their stories to see what happens. If they planned to plagiarise, would some people bookmark a chapter where you can clearly see them (if they knew about the Gold status). You have to keep in mind that there are people who are interested in your stories. You may not be impressed by it but others might. This is coming from someone who bookmarks often :)