I would like to share some love problems, if you guys don't mind.


So, my boyfriend && I will celebrate our 6th Monthsary this Feb 11. Problem is, awhile ago.. We were walking on the street and talking bout random things. He was so careful not to offend me cause he knows that I'm a VERY MOODY person. Then I opened the topic about him having a tattoo. Yes, he said he has 2 but I only saw 1. So I asked him where's the other one? He told me that I was forbidden to know. But I forced him to tell me so he gave in.. He said it was on his back, it says "I WILL DIE FOR YOU." Apparently, he made that for his "ex" (he's saying that they were never together but they did "IT" many times). Yeah, I WAS JEALOUS AS HELL. And he's telling me that the date when that girl left her was Feb 11 which is our monthsary. So, I don't know what to say anymore so I went home without any word. Without even a hug or goodbye kiss. I hate it when he still mentions about his so called first love.


I really want to cry right now. I hope you guys don't get mad if I'm sharing this nonsense about my crappy lovelife. It's just that, its only in AFF that I can share my feelings. So, thank you if you read this. I love you all!


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FastFood #1
shining_writer #2
I think the two of you should ponder about the problems existing between the two of you before working it out.
I'm not good at helping people in situations but I will try.

He knew you would get mad at him, but he should have told you before so you didn't have to find out now. Also, he told you the truth. That is always a plus. Talk to him about it, don't ingnore him and make him feel like too. Talk to him about how you feel and you guys should be able to work it out.