Does a mental illness give one the right to treat others badly?


       Its been a while since I've logged back in here and I've got a pretty valid reason for that (I think).

So this question comes with regard to something I'm experiencing in my everyday life. I have a friend who is diagnosed with depression, I've known this person for almost my entire life. However he/she has moodswings every now and then and sometimes says things that hurt my feelings. I mean, I know its got to do with the fact that he/she has a condition but I'm human too and I have feelings. I don't think that its right to use me as an emotional punching bag whenever they feel like it.


I honestly dont mean to offend anyone with any condition whatsoever, if you do have a condition you have my utmost regards.

But this is just coming from someone who has been on the recieving end for a REALLY long time. 

So what do you think? should I stay silent or voice it out?

Please do respond


-a confused person 




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No not at all. I think it's wrong to actually use it as an excuse . Friends support each other yes but not until that extend... As much as you really care for her , you need to focus on your own feeling and emotions too. Try talk to your friend about how you feel honestly and let her know that you're hurting too. I think it's best if your friend can seek for treatment / help from the professional .
I think you should voice it . The person has depression but I think he/she will be able to understand you plus you have known that person for a long time so I think they will try not to hurt your feelings
The answer to your question in the title is NO. Being the friend to someone with a mental disorder is difficult. Like, it’s actually really ing difficult and the struggle is absolutely no less.
You need to take care of yourself. This is going to sound like a really ty suggestion but I mean it with all I have and this is not going to make you a bad human.
If your friend tears on you too much, slowly spend less time with them. Remember yourself.

You are not their emotional punching bag and their condition doesn’t justify them hurting you over and over.
It’s difficult. For the sick person and the ones around them. But rule number 1 in dealing with mentally ill people on a non-professional level (as friends for example) is to remember yourself, your own emotions and needs and to know that it is not a sin and that it doesn’t make you a bad human if you need some time away.

And then I would suggest your friend sees a professional. If it’s not chronic depression (which should be handled either way so the person is stable) then life is better without.
- with love someone who’s been both the friend and the mentally disordered.