My mothers favorite way to annoy me. 99% of you will relate >

She will come into my room, list the things I need to do and tell me exactly what I'm doing wrong then leave my door open.

...................but waeeeeeeee?!?!?!?!?! If the door was locked when you came in theN LOCK IT ON YOUR WAY OUT! 

Don't get me wrong I love my mother more than i love myself but tell me, what will leaving the door open half a damn inch going to do? She refuses to close it, I refuse to leave it wide open so is this her 'solution' ? To 'meet me half way' ? Like wut???? Whyyy? 

It's really no big deal, at least it sounds like no big deal but if you have to get up from a extremely comfortable position 20 times a day only to push the door a extra inch to close it then sit back down and then repeat it will drive u crazy ><

I just needed to rant. I have ranted. Now I will go hide under a rock because rocks don't have ing my mom come and make a tiny door in the rock only so she can leave the damn thing open -_-

Thank you and good night *bows*


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He he you are so funny...
haha, this is hilarious. my mum does the same. it was worse, when I was in the bathroom, she came to talk about politics, after I told her to leave me alone she left. and yes, she left the door open.
Shes_dreaming #3
Lol You're so right
Man I relate to this so hard ;-;