The League of Extraordinaire : Park Jisung : Solar Manipulation

replace with fc




✩ jason - english name


✩ english - native language
✩ korean - ehh. he's second gen sooo.


✩ he has a tall and athletic build, with handsome features. he has a tatoo of a cherry blossom (left side), which was his couple tattoo with his former girlfriend (right side).


✩ he dresses in primarily dark coloured or neutral coloured clothing. he doesn't like flashy clothing, and wears normal streetwear that allows him to move comfortably. when he is being lazy, he will wear sweats and a tank top.


solar manipulation:
he can absorb and utilise solar energy in the form of super heated blasts of energy or light.


BIRTHDATE: jan 26 1993
BIRTHPLACE: toronto, ca

FACE CLAIM: kim jisoo
BACK UP: imfact jeup
HEIGHT: 187 cm
WEIGHT: 73kg

I am who i am




[ + ] decisive, confident, protective
[ = ] calculative, blunt, withdrawn
[ - ]
vengeful, amoral, manipulative


jason is a decisive and confident individual. he believes strongly in his own power and will often reject assistance in order to complete a task himself. he makes decisions quickly and efficiently, though he is meticulous about planning so that he can eliminate as many ups as possible. he hates leaving things up to chance, and if a group is being indecisive he will not hesitate to make a call.

jason has a small circle of peple he cares for. he lost most of his friends in the attack on the canadian school and is not willing to go through that again. that incident has made him very withdrawn emotionally, and he is very cold to most people, but to matt, coco and somi, he will do anything to protect them; even potentially betray the school if it means that they can be saved.  to this end, jason cn be calculating and manipulative. if you are not in his inner circle, he will not hesitate to throw you under the bus or use you in an advantageous way.

he can be very blunt when talking to people, and does not care if he hurts their feelings. he can be quite mean ): he is vengeful, and he believes strongly in an eye for an eye. his main goal right now is to find out what attacked the canadian aschoola nd killed his love, and he will kill them. if he dies, he will make sure they go down with him. he does nto care if there is a right or wrong, he will do what needs to be done.


jason grew up in toronto, canada to park namyoon and park jidam, a pair of prominent scientists studying evolution and the power of extraordinaires. he had all that he wanted growing up; unlimited money is a wonderful thing. however, his parents were incredibly neglectful, often dumping him with nannies or in random boarding schools as  they were too busy to actually take care of him. 

his early years consisted of nothing remarkable, just a priveliged asian kid doing priveliged things like sports, elite day cares etc. in fact, he didn't do anything remarkable until highschool. a gifted athlete, he was member of the basketball team that won all 4 years that he was in school. however, they had an ongoing rivalry with a nearby school that often got heated. after a particularly chippy tournament where jason's team came out on top, they went out to celebrate. however, the rival team was not happy, and they started a fight with jason's team.

jason tried his best to stop the fight, but was struck in the middle of it. he got pissed, and all of a sudden a massive wave of energy blew up around him. members fo both teams were thrown about 10 feet away, with many suffering injuries and burns. in horror, the rest of his friends backed away from him, and as he tried to look to them for help they booked it. jason was scared and confused. he quickly went home and sent a message to his parents as he wanted answers.

his parents were thrilled. they handled all the political things, all the cops, all the angry parents. jason was quickly shuttled off to the canadian sanctuary so that he could learn to control his powers and so taht his parents could keep tabs on his development for their studies. that was the most interaction he had with them for years.

anyways , at school he was pissed. his friends abandoned him and he was stuck in the middle of alberta when he grew up in toronto his whole life, and his parents still didnt give a except that he had powers now. he kept training, and he found that his power was to manipulate solar energy. he was incredibly powerful, but he lacked control, especially if he absorbed too much energy at once. he became one of the most dreaded opponents in combat training, until a girl named jenna came along. she was one of the top students, and one of the strongest and well controlled extraordinaires at the cnaadian school. she destroyed him in training with her wind powers.

as two of the top students, they were constantly placed together for training, assignments, everything. they grew closer and they eventually started dating. she was able to walk him through and teach him better techniques to control his powers, and also helped fill that lonely void in his life. they stayed at the school for a few years, as jason had still not mastered his powers. everything changed however when the canadian school was attacked. late at night, jason had limited access to his powers as he had comepleted an exhausting day of training and was just sleeping in jenna's room. the first explosions happened and a startled jenna woke him up. upon hearing it was an attack, they rushed to jenna's sisters room to see if she was okay. he used the rest of his energy fighting his way through with jenna, and was in the process of helping somi escape when the building began to collapse on them. jenna, knowing that jason had no way to get out, used her wind powers to push him and somi out of the way and the building collapsed on her. she was one of the many casualties of the attack. they had no time to grieve, as the school was destroyed and the remaining students fled. jason and somi were originally going to be sent to new york, but as that school was overfilled they decided to head to the incheon school instead.


✩ he likes drinking bubble tea and eating spicy food, but hates coffee.
✩ he has no idea how to cook and do laundry as that was all done for him as a child
✩ since the attack he has nightmares and hallucinations of jenna
✩ hates it when someone calls you but you miss it and you call back 2 seconds later and they dont pick up
✩ he has a habit of fidgeting his leg when sitting still and it pisses his friends off
✩ his power is kinda counter productive to his sleeping habits as he hates mornings and is a night owl who sleeps til 4pm
✩ he absolutely hates mosquitoes, and when they were still in canada he would use his solar flares to burn them away (and everything else in the vincinity)
✩ he is a gamer and plays all the popular games like pubg, league, overwatch etc.
✩ often time listens to hip hop and edm
✩ goes to the gym regularly with his boy matt
✩ he did not grieve for his parents after their death at the indian school. he did not know anything about them and has seen them only once since they moved him to the canadian school


✩ girlfriend- deceased - jenna kaye (23) / student / protective, fiery, blunt / 10/10
power: wind manipulation/razor wind

the girl who accepted him for who he was and stood by him no matter what. she was his pillar and his moral compass. she died while protecting jason and her younger sister somi during the attack on the canadian school. he loved her with all his heart and  and is prone to seeing hallucinations and nightmares of her due to his guilt in failing to save her during the attack on the canadian school.

"jenna? hey jenna!" jason shouted as he ran. the girl continued to walk away as if she couldn't hear him. "jenna wait up!" he panted as he finally caught up. "where are you going in such a rush-". his felt his backpack slip to the ground as she turned around to face him. her once lively face as now a sickly pale, her eyes rolled white. "i'll always wait for you jason. i'm dead. i have all the time in the world." jason took a step back in horror. "no. no. NO." jenna reached her pallid arm out towards him. "why couldn't you save me? WHY? ANSWER ME!" she screeched. a blinding light flashed before him as jenna was engulfed in a spectacular flame. jason woke up with a shout, his hair and shirt damp from the cold sweat, his bedsheets and room on fire once again.

✩ parents -deceased-  park namyoon (60) + park jidam (54) / scientists / uncaring, analytical  / 2/10

two of the leading scientists studying evolution and the powers of extraordinaires. as a child, they never had time for jisung, often leaving him at boarding school or with nannies. they have little in the way of morals, often only studying things to find out the results and prove their theories with little regard for laws or conduct, however as they are leading the field they often got a pass from many governments. they were thrilled when jason was discovered to be an extraordinaire, and made arrangements for him to be sent to the canadian school. they made a discovery in india however, and delayed their observation of their son for a few years. they were killed in the attack on the indian sanctuary, and up to that point jisung still had not seen them for years.

✩ close friend - matthew kim (26) / student / loud, brash, fun / 8/10
power: shock absorption

an l.a. boy at heart, he went to the incheon sanctuary due to the lack of space at the new york school. he is a loud party boy who loves to ahve a good time. he grew close to jason and coco due to being the few english speakers that they intially met. even though he seems kind of frat boy-ish, he can be very observant and often knows when things are wrong. he has the power of shock absorption, letting him absorb the shock of any physical attack, but there is a limit to the amount he can absorb.

"dude, you look terrible," said matt as he strolled up during breakfast. jason merely grunted in response as he ate his eggs.  matt sat down across from him and stared. "what?" jason asked as matt narrowed his eyes. he leaned forward. "you had another nightmare didn't you?" "i don't want to talk about it," muttered jason. "i can smell the smoke. but fine, we won't talk now  but sooner or later you're gonna have to let us in. we want to help." matt gets up to leave, and jason sighs as he puts down his fork, his appetite long gone.

✩ close friend - coco lee (26) / student / innocent, cute, pushy / 8/10
power: empath

coco is also from l.a. and similiar to matt, she was sent to incheon when new york ran out of space. she is very innocent and cheerful, though she can be  pushy when she wants something. she gets the boys to do stupid shenanigans with her, and she balances out jason's negativity. she is an empath, with the power to manipulate people's emotions but they ahve to be within her eyesight. she is a good listener, and is often the one who helps jason relax after one of his nightmares.

jason heard a knock at his door and got up to open it. he yelped and took a step back when he found a glaring coco standing there. she pointed at him accusingly "you. are. supposed. to. tell. me. when. you. get. ed. up." she emphasized each word with a finger jab into his chest. "ow. ow. OW. okay i'm sorry. geez," he said as he rubbed his chest painfully. She stood there with her hands on her hips, but her eyes softened when she saw his disheveled state. "go sit down you havent slept in 3 days," she said, and he complied. Jason immediately felt a sense of  relaxation as the tension left hsi body. he looked up to see coco's eyes glowing and her hand above his head. when she finished, jason was lying down ready to sleep. "thanks coco," he whispered as he started to drift off. coco just smiled and shook her head as she left his room, closing the door behind her.

✩ unofficial baby sister - somi kaye (16) / student / blunt, caring, nosy / 7/10
power: wind manipulation

she is a mirror image of her older sister, and is very similiar in terms of personality. she feels guilt that her sister died protecting her, and right now jason watches over her like a hawk. although she feels a bit of resentment towards him for that, she still cares deeply for jason as they were very close at the canadian school and is basically a braty younger sister. jason will do anything to protect her, including sacrificing the school if it will ensure her safety. her power is wind manipulation, and though she is nowhere near as talented as her sister was she si still very good at controlling her powers and learniing at a exceptional rate.

solar manipulation

energy absorption


    What is your power? Are there any limitations?

✩ "my power is to absorb the sun's energy and use it in a variety of ways. i can use the enrgy to strengthen my body physically to grant me more strength, and i can also shoot out soalr flares and light on fire. flames do not hurt me as i can easily absorb that energy. however strong i feel though,  i will run out of energy quickly if i overuse my power when i am not in sunlight, so i will need to store and utilise my power wisely, especially at night time."

✩ depending on the strength of sunlight in his area, he is prone to losing control of his power if it is too much for him to handle. that was the reasoning that he was sent up to the canadian school, as the shorter days and longer nights gave him more time to practice his control. he is basically an average, athletic young man at night as he does not have access to his powers if he has used up his store of energy. he is still learning to master his abilities to control maximise the amount of energy he can absorb, as wella s learning to absorb the reflected solar energy off the moon at night.  jisung can use his power in different doses, such as releasing tiny solar flares for light or setting fires, to full on concussive nuclear blasts in the form of solar flares with devastating results. eventually when he learns enough control, he can use the excess energy to turn his body into something similiar to the surface of the sun as well as use his power at night due to the moonlight which is reflected sunlight.

   When did you find out about them? What happened?

✩ "in highschool, some of my friends had beef with this group from another school. they started a fight one day and as i tried to help stop them, one of them hit me in the head. i got super pissed and next thing i know, a massive flare erupted around me and everyone was thrown about 10 feet away from me and they all suffered burns."


How did people react when you find out, like your family or friends?

✩ "well, i lost all my friends cuz they thought i was a freak, the cops were on my , but my parents who i never see were thrilled, so i got that going for me."          

How are you handling it?

✩ "i'm... figuring it out. trying my best to not randomly incinerate people or give them bad sunburns. the usual."




replace with fc
replace with fc
replace with love int

   park jihyo

   applicant female


sonic scream



✩ jihyo is the complete opposite of jason. she is considerate, cheerful, honest and wears her heart on her sleeve. nobody would ever think that these two would even remotely be close to each other. she is forgiving and very open minded to a lot of things. she can also be very pushy when it comes to what she wants, and she gets easily stressed out though she hides it well. she's really too good for jason.


✩ jihyo is a prefect at the incheon school. she is one of the first students to get in after the evacuation in china which is where she was studying until the evacuation. when jason first arrived, she was assigned to be his guide. you would think that there would be mad drama because jason would hate her guts, but surprisingly, he was okay with her.

there really wasn't anythign special going on, though her nosiness and pushiness did occasionally get on his nerves.  he kept himself closely guarded against her as he did not want her to know about his nightmares, though she is perceptive enough to know something is going on with him. eventually, she found out when she overheard matt and coco talking about it after one of his nightmares, and she instantly broke down his door and demanded that he explain. she was incredibly concerend for his wellbeing,and seeing him in a zombie like state was truly upsetting to her.

following this event, she kept closer to jason. he was annoyed at first, but eventually he accepted her and even opened up a bit more to her. they spent so much time togetehr, and eventually they just fell into a situation where everyone assumed they were dating and they did not deny it.

ENDING: plz be good but if they die its ok too


username ✩ nickname

LAST COMMENT: my love story im sorry but i really wanted jihyo in and i figured a normal love story would be a nice break from his angst. sorry for the lateness and i hope u like it!


✩ here

✩ here





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