My Crisis

Okay. So, as y'all may or may not know, I'm an atheist. Most of my friends are religious, which is fine. We've learnt to avoid that whole debate. But one of my friends is having a crisis of said faith. She was in an accident, and while at the hospital, she was clinically dead for about a minute there. And according to her, there was nothing. No God, no afterlife of any kind, no heaven, no hell. Obviously, this shook her up a little. She has no idea how to handle this, because she thinks her life is meaningless now, and that her whole life has been a lie. As her only atheist friend, she's coming to me for answers. And I don't know what the to tell her.

Obviously I'm not mean enough to say, 'I told you so', but... I did? What do I say? I can empathize with the fact that she's distraught, but... I can't relate. I've never had a crisis of faith, I've never even had faith to begin with! I've had two decades to come to terms with the fact that this life is all I get, so I better make it good. That sunset isn't beautiful because some God made it that way, that sunset is beautiful because that could be the last one I'll ever see, and as far as I'm concerned there's nothing after this that'll make what happens here more meaningful, so I'm gonna enjoy every ing sunset I live to see!

I want to comfort her, and I want to tell her that everything will be okay, but... Holy , how? I know that a faithless life can have meaning because you give it meaning, but how do you delicately say that to your distraught friend? How do I tell her that she knows better than I do what's next? I don't know how to help her!

So please... help. Maybe if anybody else has had a similar experience that could help her?


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Faith is something that you dedicate yourself with during the good and bad times. It's something that you need to feel and go through a certain process of growth in order to feel spiritual connected internally. It's something that you need to work on like everyday / everytime. You don't just believe it but practice it in daily life through your own thoughts and actions . Once you have reached a certain level that's high enough , than only you can truly experience the wonder of it. You reap what you sow. Everyone can say that they are religious and etc... But in reality, not everyone practice it sincerely in the correct way. So it still depends on one's own heart and inner wisdom. If you have more wisdom internally, your aura , thinking , actions , even the smile on your face is certainly different. That is why it's crucial to always cultivate the mind and heart. For example , not everyone that donate money or help others are genuinely kind . Some do it for publicity or for their own good / benefit. Like wise, not everyone that pray have a good soul. Most people , pray for their own benefit / good . They want to be blessed , want to be prosperous ,and etc. They don't pray out of own faith and understanding . So that's where you see the difference.I hope that my explaination helps you to see / understand from different perspective
I actually believe in God. Maybe your friend didn't see anything because God knew it wasn't time for her to go? I've heard the opposite, how people were dead for a little while and saw heaven, so ...I've never clinically died so I'm certainly not an expert. Maybe have her read Heaven is For Real. This is one of those times that she needs to hold on to her faith the most. That's what faith is - still believing even though you can't see.