I miss my best friend

Me and my guy best friend have been best friends for like two years.

Until last october when he asked me to be his girlfriend. I said that we should just be friends.

I guess he didn't want that because he stopped talking to me a day or two after that. I thought maybe he just feels awkward. I'll give him some time, maybe he'll talk to me soon. 


Then a month went by.


I went to an annual ball/party at his school that I already graduated from. I saw him and he saw me. He actually avoided me, didn't talk to me at all. I was so annoyed. Okay yes I know that I could have talked to him, I know.

You have to know that I am extremely shy. Extremely. He knows that and we hadn't talked in a month. There was no way that I could go up to him in person and ask him why he has been avoiding me and not talking to me for the past month. I thought maybe he needs more space. Maybe he's mad.


A few more days have passed.


Me and my school buddies were going to see a play. That's when he sent me a snap. It said "Sorry that I haven't been active lately, I've just been busy." And let me tell you, I was very annoyed, he hadn't talked to me in a bit more than a month, when we used to talk everyday and he says he was busy all that time? I know far too well that that is not the truth. I know that he stays up all night playing video games and watching Jacksepticeye. He could have sent me a message. We could have talked through our problems. We could have remained friends.

He stopped talking to me again that day.


Another month goes by.


We see each other at a new years party. We don't talk. He avoids me.


Two weeks go by


We meet again at party held by our friends. Well we don't exactly meet. 

Again we don't talk. Again he avoids me. I guess this is how it'll be. 


I miss my best friend


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