Can anyone help me with this kind of condition .

Hi , did anyone here know anything about sleep walking or a condition where someone say that you re awake but you doesn't remember anything the next day . Lately i been doing things that i can't remember but the others saw me doing it . My friend said that i was sleeping but suddenly i was staring at the window and shut it close . Another time they saw me walk to the living room and just sat there for a moment . I ask them if i was sleeping that time bcause it probably just sleep walking but they said that my eyes were open that time . One time my friend phone alarm ringing , i shut it off . A friend of mine ask me " hey , is that her alarm she set it for her to do assignment . " and guess what, I FREAKING ANSWERED . I said " yes it her phone . " and after that i went back to sleep . The question is , why i can't remember anything ? Last night a friend text me and i text her back i can't remember anything . The text was there . My roommate saw me staring at the phone while it was ringing but i don't pick it up . I freaking ignore it . Wtf . Now im scared help me please . 


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zangsia1 #1
I think you might need to go to a specialist for a sleeping test. They would make you sleep in a room and observed throughout the night. They will be to tell you when does these occurences happen? Like was there any leep deoravation like an all nighter where you lack sleep and ha been like sleep walking? Mostly when things bothered me when i was younger i would talk in my sleep or walk from the bed. But it did not return after a while and no diagnosis from the doctor.
Maybe you should see a doctor to check and be sure ? Then asked the doctor's advice and etc .
I face the same problem! It’s just I think I’m a bit more random. I remember once in camp my friends told me I climbed down the bunk bed and started talking about some random things with my eyes open and then went to bed again.
People can sleep walk with their eyes open. I don’t know if memory loss like that is connected to sleep walking, though, but it might be. Look it up on google. I don’t think you have any reason to be scared.