Kim Jonghyun

Rest in peace, Kim Jonghyun.


I have only just heard about the news and burst into tears. Wanting comfort I ran downstairs to my mother, telling her why I was crying. I really wish I had a mother that was more supporting as she held me for 30 seconds then proceeded to list other celebrities who died by comitting suicide. My heart goes out to them really but when you want to focus on the fact that the vocalist who bought me into KPop has comitted suicide, the worst thing a person can do is list others and say it's not like you knew him personally.

I may not have known him personally but he has been my KPop bias for 3 years! Let me mourn a man who led me to music that helps with my anxiaety and depression! Let me mourn a man who, whenever I saw a video of him smiling, caused me to smile to! Let me mourn a man who has made many people love him for being him!

I wish someone would have noticed how he felt. I wish he got the help he needed before he did this. But some people are scared and can only hold on to so much for so long. 

Please rest peacefully, Jonghyun. We are sad to see you go, but you did well. We are so proud of you for doing the best you could.

We love you.

And if you heard my mother,Jonghyun, please don't take her words to heart, you're not selfish for not thinking of the fans, you've thought of the fans for years. If you leaving this awful world meant you were thinking for yourself and setting yourself free, then I'm happy for you. x


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