PAMELA MOON IS A "BRA"HOOD MEMBER [ deleted pictures need to be restored! ]

if you're looking for the cooler one of the pair of moon mysteries, it's your lucky day, my friend.
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11 min ago

[ FULL NAME ] pamela roseanne moon 문지수
🍂   pam, pammy, pampam, other cute names you can think of...
🍂  chipmunk a self-proclaimed nickname that suddenly popped into the girl's head one morning as she was doing her makeup, taking note of her slightly plump cheeks, later going around that day asking everyone if her comparison was correct. soon enough, the girl's friends and viewers caught onto the nickname.
🍂  paper girl due to the girl's petite and thin frame, the brahood members would often blurt this nickname out on especially windy days, joking that the wind will carry the fellow member along with it if not careful, therefore often resulting to jimin finding himself next to the girl, subtly tugging her arm closer, acting as an anchor.
🍂  ant waist after appearing in one of brooke's vlogs where the brahood members were going for a night out at a club, the viewers were easily able to notice pamela's thinner-than-average waist in a rather form-fitting dress, therefore rewarding the girl with the nickname.
[ ETHNICITY ] korean
[ BIRTHPLACE ] auckland, new zealand
🍂 english being born in new zealand and raised in australia, there's no doubt that the girl is fluent in the language, along with a sprinkle of the australian accent.
🍂  korean to prevent pam from losing touch with her ethnic side, her parents signed her up for korean school every saturday morning, assuming simply conversing with the girl wouldn't be enough. therefore, the girl is fluent, able to speak, read, and write the language.
🍂  spanish remember taking that second language course in high school? yeah, pamela doesn't remember much either. that's why her spanish is conversational, knowing enough to get herself around comfortably if she were in a spanish-speaking country and understand the basic idea of what the people are saying.
 725   556   610  
19 min ago

[ APPEARANCE ] with long legs standing at 168 centimeters and a petite figure weighing at 52 kilograms, pamela has a thinner than average body, not to forget her well-known ant waist. thanks to the daily lathering of sunscreen, the girl was able to protect her fairly pale complexion from the blazing california sun. with proportionate features on a small face, pamela is satisfied with her appearance and wouldn't dare change it any other way. speaking of changes, however, they would often be seen in the girl's hairstyle. born with naturally wavy, dark brown locks, pamela likes to keep the length consistently long, tips brushing the bottom of her torso. from dying her hair a fiery auburn to a dirty orange to a golden blonde and to an ashy brown, the girl is now sporting a jet black color with light bangs she could easily hide with the rest of her hair if she wanted to on a certain day.


🍂  the feeling cute as usual collection pamela would like to say her wardrobe has quite the vast variety, finding it difficult to describe her style under just one category. her articles of clothing are all simple individual pieces, but it's how she puts them together that deems her outfits quite unique. however, the scale of her outfits' uniqueness ultimately relies on the girl's mood (and maybe the weather) and how willing she is to put effort into her fashion. if she's feeling tired or lazy that morning, expect her to throw on a solid long sleeve tucked into a plain skirt or a simple shirt paired with ripped jeans. but, if the girl is feeling herself, all cute and , watch her walk out of the house styling a cropped polo shirt with a patterned short skirt or an off-the-shoulder styled with fancy trousers. (oh, and have i mentioned: these type of days leave jimin with mixed feelings because he should be shook by how good pam looks but she tends to just show so much sk in and all these du des keep c hecking her out? ??)
🍂  the i'm finally going out for once collection okay, if there's one thing jimin has to admit he doesn't like about pam is her 💯 choice of clothing when going out. let's be honest here, the girl has no fear. if she thinks she looks good in a dress that jimin finds a bit too revealing, there is absolutely no changing her mind. when choosing to wear a dress or a skirt, pamela tends to stray away from the lengthy ones because heels and loose fabric are not the greatest combination. therefore, pamela only owns short dresses, all off-the-shoulder, strapless, or spaghetti-strapped. occasionally, there will be times when pamela would pair a sheer top with pants if she doesn't feel like wearing a dress.
🍂 the hey demons, it's ya girl collection when filming an episode of moon mysteries? now, that's another story. when walking around dusty, uncomfortably chilling places stringed with cobwebs during the dead of the night, it's at least somewhat comforting to wear long layers. so, bye to all skirts, shorts, and heels. pamela normally wears comfortable jeans with long sleeves, whether it be sweatshirts, hoodies, jackets, and so on along with walkable sneakers or boots. simple, casual, and comfortable.
 212   196   407  
20 min ago

pamela moon: an odd tsundere
p. dauntless individualistic honest eloquent caring compassionate
soft-spoken calm observant neu. logical odd unpredictable
unapproachable sarcastic blunt stubborn detached pessimistic n.

min yoongi · do kyungsoo · jung taekwoon
the shell you're walking down the sidewalk, and as your eyes wander around the street, they get caught on a petite but tall girl styling quite the outfit. you prepare yourself to approach the girl, but something about her prevents your feet from moving. her expression, her dominant aura, she seems almost unapproachable.  growing up, pamela never really received the best first impressions due to her resting face triggering the idea that she was unamused at the moment and did not want to be bothered at all. she was often judged to be the rude, overpowering  who had too high of a maintenance for anybody all due to a glance at her subconsciously contorted features. however, despite her negatively strong first impression, pamela is actually of the opposite nature: calm, soft-spoken, and eloquent. the girl is rarely seen raising her voice, always speaking in a soft tone, words short and sharp. it's almost wondrous how the girl is able to put words together to form a sentence that's so clear and understandable. if you're merely acquiantances or even strangers to the girl, you shouldn't expect and won't be getting any extreme emotions from the girl, showing a small smile or chuckle here and there. due to her soft-spoken nature, the girl is honest, she likes to get straight to the point. she values truth over anything else, believing that everyone does not deserve to be fed with lies, even if it makes them feel better. this leads to the times where there's a fine line between her being honest and her being blunt. she would outright state her opinion and what she thinks about a matter, aware of the fact that it might offend some people. but, hey, it's her opinion.

the white the friends of a month or two are at this level, already have cracken the shell of pamela moon. she is more open with them, talking more, showing sides of her the people who are still stuck at the shell would not have expected. the girl is dauntless. she isn't afraid to be who she is, to express who she is. the girl has no fear. however, that doesn't mean she's the type to be taking dares from anyone now. she's logical. pamela can do the craziest of the unthinkable if she wants to, but she won't do it because she knows it's simply dumb and comes with more consequences than she'd like. she views the world in a logical manner, paying no mind to the what if's and those absurd theories that the world comes up with these days. this is what gave life to her sarcastic nature. every sentence and word that falls out of her lips oozes with playful sarcasm, she can't help it. especially when a nonsense idea is presented to her, it just asks for her remarks. pamela enjoys humorizing or lightening a dark mood with her sarcastic commentary, which many of her peers are grateful for. going hand-in-hand with the girl's dauntless nature, pamela is individualistic. she doesn't need to rely on others, only needing herself to do her own thing. she doesn't let what others think get in the way. therefore, the girl could also be quite the stubborn one. if pamela sets her mind on something, she will stick with it to the end. she will fight for it if she has to, so it's deemed as a difficult deed to change the girl's mind.

the yolk only a few have reached this level of pamela moon: family and friends of many, many years. growing up, pamela was quite the observant one due to building the habit of watching and taking note of everything around her. this led to her being quick to notice details and even the slightest shifts of emotion of her peers. pamela can be caring, but she just shows it in the most subtle ways. whether it be from tucking a knocked out brooke into bed to  casually fixing an uneven collar of namjoon's shirt to placing a cup of water next to an eating taehyung while walking by, it's the little things that pam likes to go all motherly on. along with this side of  her, the girl is also quite compassionate. while she's driving and she catches an elderly woman carrying bags of groceries by herself or the homeless holding signs asking for money, pamela can't help but let a sad frown overtake her features. even when she never experienced their situations first-handedly, pamela can always find herself envisioning herself in their shoes. what people definitely never would have expected of pamela was her sudden odd nature. from giving brooke the scare of her life at three in the morning when she stepped out to grab a glass of water only to find pamela perched on the kitchen counter with a ghostly face mask on, munching on a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch while swinging her bunny slipper-clad feet to suddenly approaching jin, staring at his hair and asking if she could braid it to walking halfway through a hallway only to start gently wiggling her limbs like an octopus. she's just...odd, which leads to the fact that she's unpredictable. you never know how she will respond or react. it will scare some people sometimes, never knowing what she will do. maybe it's due to the fact that they can't read her expression as clearly as they'd like. what people don't know about pamela is that she holds a pessimistic mindset. they never know because she never displays it. nobody likes a debbie downer, and she clearly doesn't want to be one. therefore, it's all kept in her head. if put in a situation that will likely result unfortunately, pamela would allow the optimistic to do everything in their willpower to hopefully turn the tables in any way, 'cause hey, who knows? the girl could also be detached. when in a seriously upset mood, pamela tends to stray away from any contact and keep to herself, needing time to sort things out and recollect herself. her thoughts would often be colliding with each other, often leaving her dazed and unfocused. let's just say detached pamela is not the best pamela.
 49   424   422  
21 min ago

act one pamela moon would like to say she had a pretty normal and smooth childhood, born on a warm summer day in auckland, new zealand to a content married couple. starting off as a family of three and remaining as a family of three, pamela grew up with no siblings. although there were lonely times here and there, the girl learned to busy and entertain herself growing up. pamela has no recollection of new zealand whatsoever due to the moon family moving to melbourne, australia a month or two after she was born. preschool, elementary, junior, and high school all became chapters of the girl's life, never forgetting those special moments like creating her first friendship in preschool with the girl who ate her cookie or the time when she shared her first shy kiss with a freshman boy under the tree located in the far corner of the school field. and before she even knew it, college rolled around.

act two surviving late nights of cramming information and long afternoons with obnoxious group project members, pamela successfully maintained above-average grades, gaining confidence to fulfill the girl's lifelong dream of attending school then possibly building a new life in the states. grabbing and filling out application forms as an international student for multiple, different colleges, pamela's clammy and trembling hands were thrown into the air when her frantic eyes read the acceptance letter from university of california, los angeles. shaking with excitement, pamela was quick to begin packing her bags for a one-way trip from melbourne to los angeles.

act three before the girl boarded her flight, she obviously needed to handle the responsibilities that came with the big move, and housing was a major one of them. unfortunately realizing and taking note that she should have applied for a dorm beforehand, pamela had no choice but to search around online and hopefully pray for a decent roommate with decent rent. and as if god had graciously answered her prayers, pamela's mouse came across brooke bae: a usc student whose four-bedroom apartment (to which pam's jaw dropped before mouthing to herself "four bedrooms? ??") was fairly in between the campuses of usc and ucla, all under a workable rent. fast-forwarding to when she stepped foot onto the land of the united states, little did pamela know that her once average life would flip upside down. after settling down, summer was coming to an end, and the first day of college was right around the corner.

act four pamela entered ucla under the interior design major, genuinely enjoying the different color palettes and sketching various furniture pieces against a given texture. doing the thing she loves, the four years of college whizzed by and soon enough, pamela was holding her bachelor's degree in her left hand while her right tossed her cap along with the others into the air. after college, pamela was given the opportunity to begin her career under the well-known interior designing firm, gensler, to which she happily took on. and around that time was when brooke was seen walking around with her camera, vlogging her everyday antics along with that rowdy group of boys pamela tended to stray away from whenever they came over. they called themselves brahood, was it? pamela was pretty certain the term was brohood, but it's their own thing, why should she care? whenever brooke was vlogging in the apartment, pamela made sure to not get in her shot, but that one day changed everything.

act five upon seeing a new pretty face munching on a vegemite toast in the background, the viewers were quick to comment and tweet if there was a new addition to the brahood. after reading all of the crazed questioning of a new brahood member, brooke thought: "why the hell not?" and approached pamela, who was in the midst of working on a new project for an upcoming five-star italian restaurant opening in hollywood. "hey, pam." "hey." "you know, your vegemite toast-eating self popped up in my vlog the other day." hearing this, the girl's head rose up to look apologetically at her friend perched on her bed. "oh really? i'm sor-" "no no no! it's fine! it's just that you've been causing quite the stir among the subscribers." brooke's lips curled into a sly smirk, as her finger playfully poked pam's arm. "people think you're a new addition to the brahood!" "...really?" "yeah! so, i was like 'why the hell not?' you wanna join brahood?" "...what do you guys do?" upon hearing the girl's hesitant and suspicious tone, brooke scoffed in amusement. "geez, pam. it's not like we own a drug cartel or something. we're just a group of friends who run our own youtube channels, hanging out and just enjoying life, y'know." brooke shrugged. "...okay." "really?" "i mean, yeah. you asked me. so yeah, sure." "cool! they'll love you!" "i hope so." at this, brooke let out a laugh and patted the younger's hair before getting back to her editing.

and that was how pamela moon casually became a part of brahood.

#yah vegemite, donuts, car rides with the windows down, rain, cinnamon toast crunch, brunches because it makes the girl feel fancy, honey butter chips, noodles, spam, spicy and sweet foods, the city, costco 'cause big bulks and food samples, amusement parks, anime, jazz music, vines (her favorite is the heart and soul nae nae), karaoke, animals, shopping, piña colada, mushroom on pizza, puzzles, buzzfeed quizzes, fairy lights, neon signs, nutter butter, baked sweet potatoes, instant noodles, mpgis, black-haired jimin 'cause have you seen his tweet? ??
#nah early mornings, try not to cry challenges 'cause she always loses, sour foods, beans in rice, sausages on pizza, sweating, unaesthetic color palettes, messiness, catcalls, cigarette smoke, advertisements, mobile games that require purchases, the ocean 'cause you never know what's in that big ol' thing, airports 'cause it makes her feel anxious, airplane rides too, sweet potato fries, onion rings, excessive roaring of a car's engine (super annoying)
#habits eyes go wide and nibbles on her lower lip when anxious, smiles and blushes a lot when embarrassed, harmonizing with the singer when singing a song, hands go super sweaty when playing a video game with namjoon and yoongi, rocking from heel to toe when feeling awkward
#hobbies singing, visiting home decor shops, watching movies (action is her favorite genre), going to target to buy and solve puzzles (she's a puzzle collector), cleaning her apartment or the black market, visiting animal cafes, watching sims 4 house builds and interior decorating

🍂  when walking around and a subscriber comes up to her, she gets more excited and freaked out than the subscriber because "omg this precious human actually enjoys my content, omg hey, can we pls take a picture together? ??" the girl can't stop smiling and blushing when talking to a subscriber
🍂  pamela has a separate album in her photo gallery with just pictures of her and her subscribers, named: #moonsquad 🌙 😘
🍂  pam tends to use emojis a lot because a) they are super cute and b) they express what she's trying to say really well
🍂  2k18 new year's resolution: "smile more, pam, your resting face is scaring all those potential friends away..."
🍂  yes, pamela is one of those people who fills their bowl with milk before cereal, but she doesn't understand why everyone makes such a big fuss over the way she wants to enjoy her cereal
🍂 pamela's australian accent is the most evident when she pronounces the long "o" such as "no, bone, hello..."
🍂 pamela will probably be one of the neatest person you will ever meet, she despises messy and disorganized spaces and will not hesitate to fix them
🍂 while some may never miss the annual super bowl or the annual grammy's, pamela will never miss the annual victoria's secret fashion show, for it's something about seeing beautiful women confidently strutting the most beautiful wings against some good music that piqued the girl's interest (her favorite model will forever be candice swanepoel)
🍂  pamela would like to say there are better things to attend to than clubs and parties, but she wouldn't mind going if she had to; it's just if she goes, she tends to sit down and sip her drink instead of squeezing between sweaty people and dancing the night away
🍂  now let's talk about pamela and alcohol. she doesn't have the tolerance of a mouse, but she also doesn't have the tolerance of steel. but then again, she doesn't prefer drinking more than a cup or two of a mai tai. but ultimately, pamela prefers wine over all
🍂  drunk pamela is like a rare pokemon, very hard to come by. drunk pamela is a very giggly, very touchy pamela who will call everything cute and attempt to hug the life out of them. drunk pamela often results to an ashamed, embarrassed, sober pamela the next morning
🍂  whether it be from knowing hippos' sweat turning red due to  being upset to knowing king henry viii slept with a gigantic axe, pamela always has a random and weird fact to present if asked
🍂  pamela recently was able to get her hands on a white 2018 kia soul; it's something about its rear view that was able to capture the girl's heart
🍂if pamela has a special talent, it's unintentionally videobombing the brahood members. from strolling through the hallway (pajama-clad) in the unfocused background of namjoon and yoongi playing a video game to her arm reaching into the camera frame holding a half-filled box of donuts for taehyung and jimin in the midst of the fire noodle challenge (amped with chopped ghost peppers, "stupid. really." —pamela moon) to hearing the familiar australian accent asking jungkook if he needed anything from target only to apologize right after realizing he just pressed the record button for another one of his covers, it's a pretty amusing topic among the brahood members.
🍂  the brahood members never heard pamela swearing because she never does, no particular reason, she just doesn't
🍂  #moonjams: beyoncé, ariana grande, last dinosaurs, lauv, two door cinema club, daniel caesar, harry styles, børns, taeyeon, iu, offonoff, kyle, khalid, miguel, suran
🍂  pamela moon, the type to: casually walk around a haunted asylum, recording jimin's freaked out reactions whilst munching on a donut  gasp in the midst of driving and pull over just to observe an ownerless dog or cat grab fro-yo in the coldest temperatures of winter literally roll out of bed on a sleepless night, hop into the car, and drive to a nearby denny's for a plate of pancakes habitually set the utensils over a napkin for everyone at the table when eating at a restaurant still recall a joke that someone said like ten minutes ago and just laugh to herself  listen to her music at a high volume when using earphones more to come
 156   435   815  
22 min ago

here's an amazing and adorable #jipam fanart by @_pa.wi.nee_ 😍💖 hope you all have a merry christmas and a happy new year! 🎄🎉
5:35 PM - 25 Dec 2017
 6.9K   70.5K   76.8K  

 PAM MOON 🌙   @P_MOON · 25Dec
 Replying to @jipam_shipper
 wow. look at our highlight. 😎 👌   @P_CHIM
  462K   4.1M   3.2M  

 Replying to @P_MOON
 damn. that GLOW. 💁
  502K   3.8M   5.2M  

 golden boi  @JJKOOK · 25 Dec
 Replying to @jipam_shipper
 wtf- @_pa.wi.nee_ hey, can you make   one for me and @brookebae ? ??
  354K   4.7M   6.1M  

 Brooke Bae  @brookebae · 25 Dec
 Replying to @JJKOOK
 🎶  all i want for christmas is a   #brookekook fanart 🎶
  214K   4.6M   7.2M  

 Replying to @JJKOOK
 @JJKOOK @brookebae WTF. HEY. do   you not see the name of this account?   this is for #jipam only. 😡  get your   #brokeshook cooties outta here. 😷 🤢
  319K   2.6M   4.2M  

 PAM MOON 🌙   @P_MOON ·25 Dec
 Replying to @P_CHIM
 @JJKOOK @brookebae #brokeshook   let's make that trending. oh, and   @jipam_shipper happy holidays, dear!   hope you and your loved ones have a   wonderful one! 😘 💗
  321K   1.4M   3.1M  

 SUGA  @AGUST_D · 25 Dec
 Replying to @P_MOON
 @P_CHIM @P_MOON @JJKOOK   @brookebae ok but what even in the hell   are you guys even doing here?
  475K   5.4M   5.1M  

 @jipam_shipper · 26 Dec
 Replying to @P_MOON
 ..........holy .
  35K   57K   51K  

24 min ago

[ #MOONDAILY ] being the neat and organized girl she is, after taking on youtube as a full-time job, pamela has planned the following schedule for herself:

daily routine pamela normally wakes up around eight in the morning and dresses up to go straight to the apartment complex's gym (mondays, wednesdays, and fridays) for an hour of cardio. she then comes back up to shower, eat breakfast, and do her makeup and hair. the rest of the day depends on her agenda, but normally, her work would be all during the early afternoon, so the rest of the afternoon and evening is free for her to spend. when it's time to call it a day, she puts on her pajamas and begin to take off her makeup and wash up. tucked into bed, she would then check her social media, read some comments, (maybe facetime jimin) and eventually fall asleep.
mon around one in the afternoon, the moon mysteries crew would gather at their set to film the commentary and discussion portion of the video. normally, the filming would take around two to three hours. after wrapping up the filming, pamela and jimin would often hang out and do something, so he could capture some vlog content for his channel.
tues, wed & thurs pamela would dedicate some time each day, portioning out the editing throughout the three days, so she won't be burdened with the workload on thursday. 
fri video goes up at six pm! (basically a free day tbh)
sat (this only applies if the topic of the video goes over a specific location, such as an abandoned hospital or a crime scene. if the whole video is just them going over theories and discussing, then this is a free day as well.) around evening time, the moon mysteries crew meet up at their set and prepare to roll out. they would spend time filming and gathering evidence into the dead of the night, normally finishing around three or four in the morning, unless they are spending the night at the location.
sun if they spent the night at the location, they would wake up and wrap up filming there. but if not, they would use this day to sleep in due to coming home around three or four in the morning, and then a free day as well for pamela. :^)
[ ANTISOCIAL ] (twitter is exactly the same as this layout!)

[ SUBSCRIBERS ] 7,139,471
[ CONTENT ] unsolved cases of crime and supernatural, along with discussions of popular theories and footage of the two visiting the places themselves
[ INSPIRATION ] buzzfeed unsolved
[ HISTORY ] the channel was created after a month or two of pamela's official joining of the brahood. she just appeared in the members' vlogs and videos here and there, but she felt safe and stuck to her job as an interior designer. however, seeing how all of the members had a channel of their own, pamela thought why not have one of her own. then came the contemplation of what type of content her channel will revolve around. vlogs, cooking, gaming, travelling, pranking, singing, and beauty were out of the question, since she didn't want to clash with what the rest of the members were doing. so, what could she possibly do? ding! her eyes landed on buzzfeed's newest article exaggeratingly questioning ufo's being sighted that night (it was actually just nasa doing one of their experiements). that's when she decided she will make a somewhat parody channel, sarcastically discussing the crazy theories that people just love to read so much about. to her surprise, her first video got quite the positive response, egging the girl on to continue with the channel, no set schedule, though, just releasing videos when she had the time to. but as more and more videos went out and more and more subscribers came in, pamela began to be more consistent with her channel, deciding to take it a bit more seriously. that's when jimin stepped into the picture, guest starring in a video, which led to probably the most views and positive comments in the history of moon mysteries (and possibly the start of #jipam). that's when the two became partners for the channel, eventually upping the editing game, the set, and even being able to hire a camera and sound boy to follow the two when they visit the locations for the episodes. as time progressed, after realizing her youtube channel was making more income than her job itself, she made the big decision of quitting her job at gensler and taking on moon mysteries as a full-time job. and she believes 'til this day that that has been the best decision she has ever made in her lifetime.
[ CREW ] (hover over icons for more information!)


 472   69   36  
30 min ago
(scroll icons for text convos!)

seokjin kim · twenty-five
the shepherd and his sheep

SC STREAK: 192🔥 😬

jin is the shepherd. pamela is the sheep. an owner and his puppy could also be applied to the two. the beginning of this friendship trails back to the day jin first invited pamela to one of his worth it videos centered on donuts, arguably pamela's favorite food. after the (what she likes to call) heavenly experience,  pamela is always seen subtly trailing the older boy. jin doesn't know if the girl doesn't understand the concept of guest stars or if she's just asking every chance she gets to appear in his worth it videos again. the truth is: she just wants to eat some good food, and who else to go to than prince seokjin, himself? whenever seokjin is filming a mukbang or cooking video in the black market's kitchen, you could hear the small australian accent behind the camera praising the older boy so she could score a spoonful or two of his food.


yoongi min · twenty-four
the ideal brother

SC STREAK: 132🔥 ⌛

due to having similar personalities, there was no doubt the two would get along just fine. their relationship is one of those type of siblings who never heads and are so in sync with each other that it's almost suspicious? the two would often team up and grace the atmosphere with their humorous sarcastic remarks. the two are also the hidden (i guess you could say) mothers of brahood with their subtle and silent caring natures, almost as if the two are afraid of getting caught doing good deeds. one thing, however, that leaves pamela anxious is that dang hourglass ticking beside their snapchat streak. yoongi was never good with the daily streaks, and pamela knew that, still suggesting that they try to at least maintain one. the two never surpassed 150, but it's the effort and the thought that yoongi is actually trying that counts.


hoseok jung · twenty-three
the realistic brother

SC STREAK: 340🔥 💛

probably the closest member to pamela, (after brooke, of course) due to being the bright and outgoing boy he is, he was quick to introduce himself to pamela. despite the drastic difference in personalities, the two surprisingly clicked very well, their relationship similar to one of a pair of siblings who have their fair share of light-hearted banter along with gentle headlocks and hair ruffles here and there. the two are very supportive of each other, leaving a like and comment every video, every tweet,  every instagram post. although pamela always feels slightly bummed out whenever hoseok has to travel elsewhere, it's fine since the two always send snaps, updating each other about what's going on on their side of the screen. when hoseok is around, the two would often stroll around the city, whether it be grabbing brunch, visiting lacma, or hiking to the hollywood sign.


namjoon kim · twenty-three
namjoon's platonic #1 fan

SC STREAK: 165🔥 💯

pamela is a er for dimples, so when her eyes came across smiling namjoon with his dimples shining at the brahood gathering, she couldn't help but grin back. let's be real here, if pamela wasn't already having youtube as her full-time job, she would've been the president of namjoon's fanclub. his dimples, his pro-gaming skills, his wonderful  photography skills, and he's quite the intellect? ?? "are you even human?" —pamela moon she would probably consider flattering namjoon a specialty of hers. the two would occasionally be seen having conversations about topics that many would find boring, such as politics and science. but most of the time, pam would be seen poking the boy's dimples in the most random moments.


brooke bae · twenty-two
wifey tbh

SC STREAK: 312🔥 😊

drop youtube and take on the role of the president of namjoon's and brooke's fanclubs? she can handle two. the two first met face-to-face at the airport when pamela arrived from melbourne. eyes trailing from the paper with "pamela moon" cutely written in pink bubble letters to the slim and tall figure to the gorgeous features of her future rommate, brooke bae, the first thing that pamela could think of was, "she's my roommate? wow, you're too good to me, god." "pamela?" "yeah. hello." "wow. you're pretty." "that's exactly what i was just thinking." "really? cool! i can tell we're gonna get along just fine. c'mon, you must be tired." brooke is hands down the closest member to pamela due to knowing and living with her for the longest time. the two act like a newlywed couple, crazy affectionate and touchy, constantly throwing compliments at each other. due to having a similar love for fashion, the two would go shopping a lot. if pamela was bored, she would often shuffle into brooke's room and just casually slip into bed next to her with a casual "hey."


taehyung kim · twenty-two
the annoying brother

SC STREAK: 201🔥 😏

taehyung is often the victim of pamela's sarcastic remarks. due to both being '95 liners, pamela found herself being able to comfortably joke and bicker with the boy quicker than the other members. the two would often "fight" over jimin, to which taehyung would get more riled up when pamela always responds with her calm yet sarcastic replies. like any other siblings, the two would pick on each other and challenge the other in a way to one up the latter. other than her sarcasm, pamela likes to attack taehyung with two other weapons: tickling and the fact that she was born seventeen days before him. pamela tends to casually slide up next to taehyung, whether he's vlogging or chilling on the couch playing with his phone, and just dig her fingers into his armpit or side, often resulting to the camera frame suddenly jerking with taehyung's scrunched face popping up here and there, then cutting to the disheveled boy panting, "guys, the fricking chipmunk tried to tickle me again." also, the brahood members would be familiar to the exchange: "be quiet, tae, i'm older than you." "yeah, by like seventeen fricking days!" pamela has a separate album in her photo gallery named: #ugly. it consists of screenshots of tae's snapchat streaks of his ugly and derpy close-ups.


jungkook jeon · twenty-two
long lost twins? ??

SC STREAK: 260🔥 😊

pamela was able to bond with the older boy over the same interests: anime and singing. the first interest was discovered when pamela was catching up on haikyuu in the living room, the theme song resounding throughout the black market, the thudding of feet soon following as a panting jungkook looked to see who was watching one of his favorite animes without him. when he saw pamela staring back at him, munching on honey butter chips, his eyes went wide. "woah! you like haikyuu, too?" "yeah." "oh my god! what episode?" jungkook excitedly inquired as he sat down next to the girl, grabbing a handful of chips for himself.  "season two, episode ten." "i love this season! do you have a favorite character?" "i can't choose between ushijima, kuroo, and akaashi." "oh my god! i love ushijima, too!" and that was how the two slowly became anime buddies, spending empty evenings re-running naruto and making sure to never miss the studio ghibli replays in nearby movie theaters. pamela appeared once in jungkook's videos, singing a cover mashup with the boy, hopefully making more appearances soon. it was even shocking to pamela and jungkook when they realized they have some sort of music telepathy. when one is softly humming the tune for a song, the other would be quick to sing the rest of the lyrics, eventually leading to a point at each other and a high-five.
(note: brooke called the brahood members to a gathering to introduce their newest member, pamela. that was like the formal first meeting for all of them, except for brooke and jimin, so that's why i didn't write the first meetings in the elaborations.)

 175   888   12  
51 min ago

@P_MOON halloween has never looked so GOOD before 😍🔥 
9:37 PM - 31 Oct 2017
 1.9M   2.5M   8.7M  

 HOPEseok  @J_HOPE · 31 Oct
 Replying to @P_CHIM
 we get it. you're in love with @P_MOON.   just ask her out already. 🙄
  671K   3.6M   3.9M  

 golden boi  @JJKOOK · 31 Oct
 Replying to @J_HOPE
 i agree with the previous statement.
  31K   1.4M   8.8M  

 kim hyung tae  @KTAE_V · 31 Oct
 Replying to @JJKOOK
 i agree with the pre-previous statement.
  490K   4.5M   9.2M  

 Monnie Money  @MONNIE · 31 Oct
 Replying to @KTAE_V
 i agree with the pre-pre-previous   statement.
  121K   4.1M   5.3M  

 hot & hungry  @EATJIN · 31 Oct
 Replying to @MONNIE
 i agree with the pre-pre-pre-previous   statement.
  825K   1.2M   2.4M  

 Brooke Bae  @brookebae · 31 Oct
 Replying to @EATJIN
 i agree with the pre-pre-pre-pre-previous

  119K   3.1M   7.8M  

 Replying to @BROOKEBAE
 and i agree with the fact that i actually   hate you all. 😤 
  322K   6.1M   9.5M  

53 min ago

[ THEIR STORY ] (inspired by the one and only elf!)
act one it was during freshman year of college, on a friday night, and pamela was crammed in her room, working on a new project for her class. the apartment was silent, for brooke yelled out to pamela that she was going out to a nearby club while being dragged out of the door by two of her friends, taehyung and jimin, was it? deciding to take a break, the girl stepped into the bathroom to take a relaxing shower. connecting her phone to a bluetooth speaker, pamela took her time under the warm water, singing 'til her heart's content. in the midst of this, an already tipsy jimin had stumbled into the apartment to pick up brooke's phone, for the girl was unable to properly gather her things due to being so rudely rushed out of the apartment. however, his given task dissipated into thin air when he heard a favorite song of his echoing in the bathroom. tipsy jimin didn't make the best decisions, so into the bathroom jimin went, plopping himself onto the marble counter, folding his legs like a kid. swaying his body from side to side, the stupid grin never left his face, as he listened to pamela sing the song. with the song coming close to its end, the girl's closed eyes shot open upon hearing an unfamiliar voice finishing the song a tad off-key alongside hers. tense silence along with the patter of the water permeated the bathroom, as pamela heard nothing but the pounding of her heart, suppressing her panic and thinking of what to do. slowly pushing her head past the curtain, her eyes met with the squinted ones of jimin, a hiccup escaping the boy before slurring, "you're good at singing." a moment of pause. a slow sigh of relief. "jimin. get out."
act two after the strange encounter, pamela wasn't surprised when jimin had not even the littlest memory of the night before. this, however, led to pamela distancing herself from the boy. jimin, on the other hand, wanted to get closer to the girl because he has to admit, when he first laid eyes on pamela, he was oddly attracted to the way she didn't spare him even a glance, seeing how he would often be stared and waved at by the girls on campus. however, he pushed the attraction away, brushing it off as a short-term phase. but, realizing how the first thing that would pop into his head when approaching brooke's apartment if pamela would be there or when his eyes would always follow her every movement or when he would subconsciously lean towards the girl to catch her soft-spoken words, he knew: he was crushing. nothing but subtle stares and awkward distances ensued for those four long years. this definitely gave brooke, who was quick to notice jimin's unusual behavior around her roommate, some unneeded stress and frustration, but she refrained herself from forcing them together because they'll eventually figure it out.
act three and eventually, they did. graduation was a past memory now, and brahood was a fairly new and popular thing on social media. after brooke's announcement in the kik group chat to gather at the black market, that they will be meeting a new member of the brahood, jimin was internally shaking with excitement upon opening his door to see brooke and pamela. because maybe, just maybe, this could be his chance. slowly but surely, the two began to talk and get to know each other, agreeing to forget but not really forget their odd first meeting. then, came moon mysteries, the gateway to their blooming relationship. bringing the two even closer, it was time when pamela began to realize the light-headed fluttering in her stomach when they got in close proximity or when she can't help but grin whenever jimin would get a little too into their argument over the credibility of a certain theory. she, too, was crushing.

#oncamera when in front of the camera, the two tend to be more playful and comical like best friends, throwing jokes here and there and getting into light-hearted banters. when recording moon mysteries, jimin resembles ryan while pamela resembles shane, therefore leading to the boy often asking to hold her hand or refraining her from leaving his side in case a "demon tries to take his soul," to which pamela refuses at first but eventually goes along with his requests because scared jimin pulls at the girl's heartstrings, let's be real here. while in jimin's channel, he would ocassionally fulfill the "'girlfriend' does my...challenge" requests by always asking pamela to be his "girlfriend" or display the mutual possessiveness in their relationship by exaggerating the disapproval of pamela's outfits of the day, setting the camera down and swallowing the girl with one of his hoodies, finishing with a satisfied "there. you look even cuter now." and vice versa, when pamela catches a shirtless jimin vlogging himself, she would slip under his camera-holding arm and cover his body with hers, looking back at the boy with a disapproved frown and a, "go put on a shirt, mister."
#offcamera maybe it's the lack of the camera and the sudden thought that millions of people aren't watching them anymore. it's just them two. alone. the atmosphere between the two when the camera shuts off turns more quiet, more soft and innocent. the two share a lot of shy grins and giggles, random dancing sessions late at night in the black market's kitchen, winks across the room, tight hugs with their plump cheeks squishing against one another, comfortable silence with a focused jimin attempting to paint the girl's nails perfectly, and one staring at the other when not looking. skinship is often initiated by jimin, since it's a bit new to pamela. and boy is jimin big on skinship, even when the two are in public, the boy isn't afraid to interlock their index fingers (they're not at the whole casual/comfortable hand-holding level yet) or stand close behind pamela, gently resting his head on the girl's shoulder as she questions which puzzle would make a better purchase. it's the straightforward compliments and cheesy comments that leave pamela flustered and blushing, to which jimin just loves because it's nice to be the only one who can make a girl who always has quick sarcastic comebacks go all cute and stuttery. taehyung's life advice? "if you don't want to be the major third-wheel, never be around jipam or brookekook. i learned that the hard way." 
[ STATUS ] the "we know we really really like each other, but we're just not ready to admit it and call it official yet, snail pace is the best pace" phase
[ IN THE END ] i'm a er for happy endings. ;^)
 269   563   126  
54 min ago
[ COMMENTS ] oh my word, i am finally finished! i am super duper excited for this story, it's gonna be so much fun! and i apologize for this word vomit. it is currently 1:48 in the morning and i refuse to go to sleep until i finish this application, but ya girl finally completed it, woohoo! so, yeah. hope you like pamela moon. :^) and i just noticed, since jungkook is also a '95 liner, does that make taehyung the baby of brahood? ?? omo
🍂  a collaboration with the originals themselves: ryan and shane! omg pam & shane v.s. jimin & ryan
🍂  a special moon mysteries episode with the whole squad and they go to a rumored haunted place or smth and just a lot of screaming and clinging it's gonna be awesome
🍂 brahood talent show and jimin, jungkook, and j-hope do the home party dance and pam's reaction is secretly recorded and she's just like :^)))) the whole time 'cause holy hell jimin looks so hot dancing? ?? plus yoongi + namjoon singing and v + jin rapping it's gonna be so lit
🍂  a youtube awards show or event or smth and brahood attends and jimin and pam are like indirect dates obvi and just a lot of brahood x other youtubers interactions pls
🍂  gets invited to the victoria's secret fashion show along with brooke ('cause she's the beauty youtuber here) and pam's just like the most stoked and excited puppy ever
🍂  brahood secret santa!!!
🍂  pam and jimin finished filming their commentary portion of the video and decided to go to target to get some new additions for pam's puzzle collection but then W OAH IS THAT JESS & GABRIEL?? ? both couples who were vlogging encounter each other and it's just a happy exhange with pamela internally screaming 'cause she loves jess & gabriel sm
🍂  brahood goes to six flags and they play games during the lines to see who will sit with who
🍂  brahood goes to australia? ??
🍂 pam and jimin's first kiss 'cause they have yet to reach that milestone
🍂  lemme think of some
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omg moon unsolved :’) i love it. is she more like ryan or shane??

for username, maybe moonmystery???