[CHECK THIS OUT] Newly Made Fanfic Masterlist! Support It!

Heyo frens! YUM also known as Lyn or V here, bringing to you an announcement of a really cool and masterlist that has recently been made and brought to us by a crew of AFF peeps who worked hard to make it.


Fanfic Masterlist (All bands. All Ships. All Genres. All Genders.)

It's made to be a place where you can easily go to look and search for fanfics to read, and you can find ones for all types of things, just like it says in the title! For tons of different groups, no matter the ship, genres, genders, all that. Not only is it helpful in a way to help you, the reader, find something nice to check out, if you're also a writer (like myself) then you can go over there and have them put your story into the masterlist too! So, they're also helping to get you more readers and have your stories be noticed in this way. You can even pay to have your story featured in the foreword for whatever period of time you so choose and stuff.

I honestly think big masterlists like these, where it's open to all sorts of groups and not just focused on one, are pretty sweet. Not to say others that do focus on one group aren't, but for me, I think these are awesomer, showcasing all types of stuff.

So, check out the place and join me by helping them to help spread the word out to more peeps about the masterlist! Whether it be through a blog post like I have made here, or with your stories, or another way! Let's contribute to making their fanfic masterlist a success and good place to scope out stories!


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