Changed My Name! (BTSNewArmy ---> -BTSArmyForever-)

Hey everyone! Remember the poll about my account-name change? Well, I've just checked the results and I'm impressed to see people voting! Haha!

So, the results said that there were 5 votes for TaeKook-Titanic, the highest number of votes. After that, the next leading name was BTSArmyForever, which received 4 votes. I was originally going to put TaeKook-Titanic since it got the highest votes but I think I should put BTSArmyForever because one of my friends pointed out something quite important.


He said that if I put TaeKook-Titanic, it means that the ship would hit an iceberg and sink (according to the movie). And I don't want Taehyungie and Jungkookie drowning in the ocean. I don't want one of them freezing to death while the other escapes and then tells his love-story to other people- Okay, stop....

I've decided on putting BTSArmyForever, because:

1. It's true, I really am going to be an ARMY forever.

2. It is the option/name with the second-highest number of votes.

3. It is similar to my previous name (first name) which is BTSNewArmy. (God knows why I added 'New' in there...... Simple words, I was dumb!)

4. It's quite easy to remember! And you all can call me BAF in short-form!ย 

One more thing, I just tried changing my name to BTSArmyForever but apparently, that username was already taken. So, I ended up going with:


Just added 2 dashes at the beginning and the end of the username/account name.

That basically concludes this blog (my second blog) regarding the change of my username/account name. Thank you for reading this blog! And I hope you don't forget me as I changed my username..... Goodbye!

From: BTSNewArmy

From: -BTSArmyForever-


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