50%███████▒▒▒ B.Seok// buffer's dadd- I mean leader




buffer's Daddy Leader

263 x 129

FULL NAME: Park Bomseok, (박봄석)
Bryce Park - Bryce was his English name that he went by whe he lived in Canada
Image result for arrow png Bomi - 봄이 - Bomi is just a basic nickname that everyone calls him by. Matter of the fact is that when people call him Bomi everyone thihnks that it's his actual name due to being called that frequently
Image result for arrow png Dad - 아빠 - This name is used by the Buffer members because he's the eldest and the longest trained trainee.
Image result for arrow png Muscle Man - 근육맨 - 1 & 2. Need I explain more?"
Image result for arrow png Gentle Giant - 젠틀 자이언트 - Bomseok is often mistaken as someone scary and/or cold-hearted, but he nothing like that. s always say that he's one of the most cutest members in the group
BIRTHDATE: 03.19.92 (25)
BIRTHPLACE: Scarborough, Toronto, ON, Canada
HOMETOWN: Scarborough, Canada (1992-2005), Seoul (2006-present)
ETHNICITY & NATIONALITY: Korean + Korean-Canadian
Image result for arrow png English (영어) ; Native ; Bomseok was born and raised for almost half of his life in Canada. Also, the Scarborough Toronto in general part of Canada is known as the more, "urban" side of town. So because of that, Bomseok is very much into the Canadian slang.
Image result for arrow png Korean (한국어) ; fluent ; Bomseok had to learn Korean when he moved there. So, he was a bit lacking, but by studying he was able to 
Image result for arrow png Japanese (일본어/日本語) ; conversational ; When Iseul started training in BigHit he was taught how to speak Japanese in case he were to debut and do promotions in Japan


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HEIGHT & WEIGHT: 186cm, 79kg

APPEARENCE & LOOKS: There is not a lot that is different from his original look. When you first look at him, he does have something intimidating about him. (highkey, it's because of his height and muscles). However whenever you look at his face, smiling o course he's like a big marshmellow. He also has recently dyed his hair to nice blonde-ish, brown-ish hair colour.

FASHION & STYLE: Bomseok doesn't have a definite style that he goes by. He's more like, throw on whatever's in my closet and is comfortable. But he does look good in most things. Also because he didn't grew up in such an upscale city of Seoul, he was not into much of the fashion lifestyle. If there's a fashionista in the group and they were unpacking their stuff into their dorms, he would've asked if the rest of Bomseok's stuff was being delivered. Bomseok would just say that the one luggage and backpack was all he had, and their face would just drop and insist that they go shopping together.

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Formal :  
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TRAITS: Good ; Ambitious, Passionate, Optimistic, Outgoing, Empathetic
Bad ; Perfectionist, Tireless, Humble, Nervous, Secretive


Good ; 

Image result for arrow png Abitious & Passionate // "This is how I do it." // So, with Bomseok, he is the eldest of the trainees so he must have a  pretty strong desire and determination to train and to have waited for so long to become an idol. He wants to succeed at what he does best and that shows when he's onstage performing. You can just feel his passion for what he does, and that he wants to be on the stage so badly and to get his hand on the microphone to tell who he is for 3 minutes. His passion is what drags you into his performance, and make you just want to listen more. Because of that, his stage presence is on fleek. When his parts come on, you best believe that he's making the audience remember her name and making sure that his part is what stands out.

Image result for arrow png Optimistic // "There's a light at the end of the tunnel." // But when Bomseok's off the stage and not training he's pretty much not what he portrays himself as what he is. Because you know the saying, "Fake it 'till you make it.", right? Because in reality when you see idols onstage, you literally can only see them for 3-4 minutes and done. Goes with variety shows too. Not everyone is who they actually say they are. Bomseok's is no exception. He does show a confident and charismatic side of him onstage, but of the stage is a different story. Because due to his past, it has left him in a vulnerable state. But he just has to keep reminding him something what he's doing this for - who's he doing this for. Because that's the reason why he's walking in a very shaky way, and on a road with a lot of unexpected twists, turns, and bumps. To know and just hope that all the hardwork and pain will be paid off one day, and to just see the people who were behind you the whole time to just cry because you made it. To know that they're proud of you is what Bomseok thinks - knows that all the pain he faced and others faced is what makes their loved ones smile.

Image result for arrow png Outgoing & Empathetic // "Hi, is the first word of friendship." // Bom is automatically given the "elder status" for his group. Even when he was a trainee, he would always greet his juniors friendly and became a sort of "big brother" figure for them. When new trainees come in he would usually be the person to show them the ropes around the place and what a typical day is like. He also assures them if they needed help, that they shouldn't be hesitant to ask him about anything. He also has a shoulder ready for anyone tocry on or lean on. Plus, the man has lived a lot more days than the younger trainees, so he knows what the experience of a trainee idol can bring, so he understands the problems that they're facing at the moment.



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Image result for arrow png Tireless & Perfectionist // "Never give the opportunity to waste your time twice. // Bomseok is probably the last person that leaves the practice room because he's still training himself past his limits which can lead him some minor complication. Because he's tireless, it slows a team down when he knows he didn't do something right, he wants to restart to make sure that he's timing, position, and everything is right. He doesn't really care how much his eyes flutter when he's tried, or how sweaty his training clothes get, even with the amount of people to tell his to stop. He wants to start this competiton with his all, and leave the competiton to know that he gave his all. Also, because he's the leader of the group he holds most of the responsibility on his shoulders. If a teammate is lacking, Bomseok will take that to account as the leader in other words, he takes the blame a lot, but out of his own free will. All he wants is his team to succeed even if it means that he has to be the fall guy. 

Image result for arrow png Humble & Nervous // "Being nervous isn't a bad thing. It just means that something important is going to happen." // Despite being a well trained trainee for years, there's a stigma in Bomseok's mind that he's not good enough. I mean, he was training there for a long time, that has to be because he's still lacking in some places, right? No matter how confident he may seem onstage, he's  still nervous and scared that he might fumble his lines and has to play it off like nothing has happened.  He does lose his the fire that was inside of him at times, because he's scared that the cycle that he faced will hit him like a typhoon. And trust me, it's scary.

Image result for arrow png Secretive // "Some secrets are meant to stay secret." // Bomseok thinks that it's better to keep some things to himself. Such as his emotions. It's kind of embarassing and mabye even ironic that the person who is supposed to help everbody's elses problems and can't help with his own. He doesn't like to admit it because he wants to show a strong and capable image for s to depend on, even though he's hurting himself in the process.




Image result for arrow png // The 6ix // Just by looking at the title you know where I'm going with this. Bomseok was born in Toronto, Canada. He didn't come from the most well off families, but he made do with the make do. It made him learn how to appreciate the value of a dollar (which explains why he can be cheap at times) and doesn't want to waste a lot of money. His parents owned a convenience store that was a block away from school, so a lot of kids from his class knew who he was. He was always the kid who appreciates what he had/has. As you may know that Canada is actually one of the country that has a almost ethnicity in it. So people didn't pay much attention to his race as a child. In Canada he was always someone who didn't really talk as much, but he as a damn good friend to lean on when you needed it. He made a lot of friends when it came to music. At his parents convenience store they would play the radio and listened to a lot of hip-hop and R&B.

Image result for arrow png // Gotta Go Back // Unfortunatley (age 15 ; 2007), there was a time where his parents convenince store weren't getting enough money and had to back to South Korea to get a better job there. He had to start anew. He only knew basic Korean because his parents taught him enough to get him by, but he had a bit of an accent to his voice that made him mispronounce some words. So he would get made fun of a lot and it kind of restrained him from talking because it would embarass himself.

Image result for arrow png // Lean On Me // Learning more Korean more traditionally weren't cutting for him that much. Luckily, there was music. To fit in with some people at his school in Scarborough. Like hip-hop. He listened to a lot of old-school hip-hop like Wu-Tang Clan, N.W.A, Warren G, etc. Then he had to listen to Korean Music to make him feel like he wasn't that different from other kids. It was like music was somehow, always there for him to help him. it helped with feeling like he was different, that it was okay to be different, and that he wasn't alone.

Image result for arrow png // School's In // During Bom's school years, he still was a quiet kid at the beginning, but he began to show a more brighter image after meeting peple with the same interest as him. What I mean, is that Bomseok was one of those kids who liked to write lyrics in his notebook during breaktimes and listening to music through his earbuds. His friend who was also into music, helped him download music software so Bomseok could actually rap his lyrics along with a beat.

Image result for arrow png // Time and time again // A year after living in South Korea, his parents re-opened a convenince store down the street from his school. So, as a chore he was usually looking after the store (as a cashier). He would rap along to the songs that the radio played, go back to work when there's customers in the store.

It was only when he was 18 (2010) years old, after school one day, he was looking after the store, while his parents were resting for a while at home. A man in a very professional looking suit came to the cash register to pay for instant ramen and looked up to see his face after hearing him rapping along to, "Ballerino"  by Lessang (Their disbandment though...). Bomseok's not the prettiest flower of the bunch, but he had the talent to back him up. So, the represenative in the suit told him  that he has talent and should audition.

'Till know, Bomseok has always kept his rapping under wraps. However, his bestfriends pushed him into audition and I mean literally pushed him in the building for his audition. Bomseok was shy at first, but when it was his time to go for it, he felt at ease as he rapped along to his own lyrics.



Image result for arrow png Hip-hop - Of course, a rapper that likes hip-hop. But he does listen to other genres, like R&B, pop, but hip-hop is what he majorly listens to
Image result for arrow png Math - Hard to believe that the a person would like math willingly, right? Well, with being a cashier for most of his life, he got pretty good with numbers, and is one of his few talents. He can almost instantly calculate anything in his head, excpet long equations when he has to write his theories down
Image result for arrow png 90's hip-hop - He prefers the 90's hip-hop because, in Bomseok's opinion, back then rappers would write their own stories into lyrical poetry. Instead of how some artists of today's music would be generic in their songwriting process (but then again this is solely Bomseok's opinion
Image result for arrow png BTS - Bomseok doesn't like BTS because he's under the same label or because they are his sunbae group. He likes them because he geuninely cares about them and trained alongside most of the members, so he loves them like  brother
Image result for arrow png Jay Park - When it came to listening to Korean hip-hop, Bomseok is a really big fan of Jay Park. His flow, voice, just his everything. He also finds admirable of how he became a big name in the khip-hop game  after everything that happened to him
Image result for arrow png Kimbap - Again, another obvious like about Bomseok. He is always snacking on any type of kimbaps. When he's in his dorm and has nothing to eat, he would either make himself kimbap, or by some at the convenince store
Image result for arrow png Cooking - As a good son that he is, he would cook his parents dinner at times when they worked to hard, and are tired when they come back home- 
Image result for arrow png Show Me The Money - It's a guilty pleasure of his. He watched season 4 when Zico was one of the producers for the show. He ended up loving it, and watched all the seasons. He ddn't pay attention to the drama, but mostly on the raps
Image result for arrow png Coffee - As a college student, majoring in Business, is pretty tirig as Hell. Because of the studying and tests, coffee has become his best friend when he's in need of a quick pick me up. Plus, canned coffee is pretty addicting and more convenient then actuall making it

Image result for arrow png Worrying His Parents - Of course, as children of our own parents we  hate seeing them worried about us. Bomseok has been training for seven years and had to wait for a long time for him to debut. His parents worries about his health and his future of becoming an idol. They just want to see him healthy and happy
Image result for arrow png  Mnet Editing - One word. Devil. Mnet is renowned for their "devil editing". Bomseok didn't like how they cut things to make a fake problem, but real drama for other people.
Image result for arrow png Giving Up - Bomseok has been training at BigHit for several years. He doubted himself sometimes, but he never fully gave up on himself. He doesn't giving up, because he doesn't want to feel like he wasted his time
Image result for arrow png Singing - Bomseok is a rapper for many reasons. He loves hip-hop, he's been listening to rap for almost half his life, and also because he is not a singer by choice, but because he cannot sing for his life
Image result for arrow png Squid - He's allergic to squid, so whenever his parents decides to treat him for a seafood feast for special occasions, he has to always be concious of whether he's eating squid or octopus
Image result for arrow png Being Called "Cute" - He may look cute, but he hates being called cute. Because, I mean, he is 25 years old, and tries to be manly and charismatic. Plus, he's very awkward if you ever ask him to do aegyo, but he ends up being cute anyways
Image result for arrow png Horror Movies - Despite his big figure, he hates horror movies. He hates the jump scares, he hates blood, any form of masks and prostetics, anything that he thinks will scare him for life and give him internal nightmares in any form or way
Image result for arrow png Makeup - I mean, he never wore make-up ever in his life so he has nothing against it, but it just not his style
Image result for arrow png - Not Doing His Part "Perfect" - Being the perfectionist that he is, whenever he performs and thinks that he didn't do his best, he's always hard on himself, and he won't blame any members, but himself. Because in the world, the only person you can blame is you only
Image result for arrow png The TV in His Parents Convenience Store - When Bomseok became a trainee, his parents bought and installed a TV in the convenince store to see their son onstage doing his thing and being happy. Yet, they had waited for seven years and whenver he works there on the weekends. he hates seeing the TV there because when it kind of makes him feel like his parents bought for nothing.

Image result for arrow png Cooking - Sometimes his parents would be too tired after work at the convenince store and stressed about how much income is coming in, so away to make their lives a bit more easier, he started cooking for his parents.
Image result for arrow png Composing - Of course, when he was a trainee he was taught to compose his own songs. So, if there's a time when they have to compose a song, or make their own rap, Bomseok got you
Image result for arrow png Taking Care of The Younglings - Bomseok is an only child in his family, so he likes taking care of them as little brothers as if they were related by blood
Image result for arrow png Working Out - I mean, refer to the links from before, thoe muscles don't just happen after doing a semi-crunch from getting out of bed
Image result for arrow png Cleaning - Bomseok can be a bit OCD at times. So he does sweep around the dorms, do the laundry and all that jazz

Image result for arrow png Flipping His Snapback Backwards - Due to him wearing snapbacks, turning it backwards is kind of his ritual when he's rapping. It's a way for him to tell the audience that his means business on the stage
Image result for arrow png Shaking His Leg - Bom shakes his right leg all the time, unconciously. s sometimes have to put their hands on it for him to stop shaking it. But as soon as they remove it, he starts shaking again
Image result for arrow png Sleeping in the Starfish Position - Bomseok, ever snce he was little would always assume the sttarfish position when he's sleeping. The members feel sorry for Bomseok's future partner because they had to live with his limbs all over the place

Image result for arrow png Bomseok is voted as the member who eats the most. However he makes up for all his eating by working out like a beast
Image result for arrow png Bomseok doesn't mind being called an "idol rapper" because he has trained to become a rapper it's just that people added the word, "idol" to it
Image result for arrow png Bomseok cannot sleep if he doesn't make and drink a cup of warm milk and honey. It's something that his mother always made him when he was a kid and couldn't sleep well
Image result for arrow png Has a killer eye smile
Image result for arrow png Bomseok would talk a lot when it's a formal intwerview, but during the variety shows, he would just let the funnier members handle it
Image result for arrow png He is an expert at making kimbap
Image result for arrow png The thing that makes Bomseok happy the most is that his parents finally gets to see him perform on TV while they're working
Image result for arrow png Before Bomseok became a trainee, he was planning to just take over his family's convenince store
Image result for arrow png Bomseok is currently attending college as a business major. Bomsok didn't major in music because he wanted a safe net in case he wouldn't become succssful
Image result for arrow png Bomseok is usually the one who would wake up the earliest and wake up the members as well. He also tries to make breakfast before they start their day
Image result for arrow png Is the "chef" of the group. 
Image result for arrow png Is usually in charge of grocery shopping in the group due to knowing what's fresh and what's not and also because he knows how to haggle like a pro
Image result for arrow png When Bomseok moved to SK, the biggest help with learning the language is from KDrama's
Image result for arrow png If there's one thing about living in Canada besides his friends, he misses Tim Hortons and their coffee
Image result for arrow png Bomseok is a Subway junkie. He literally memorizes the Sub of the Week menu
Image result for arrow png He visits the gym as much as he can between schedules and when there's none he hits the gym like nobody's business
Image result for arrow png The reason why Bomseok works out is because he used to be a bit chubby back in the day and just wants to keep the weight off and he just happens to get some packs whille he was working out
Image result for arrow png Bomseok has an IG and SC (PBSeok_92)
Image result for arrow png An idol that he looks up to the most is a tie between RM and Suga of BTS. They helped them through a lot when they were trainees together
Image result for arrow png Bomseok's ideal type of woman is probably Jessi. He likes girls who are confident and gives him a hard time
- Bomseok basically grew up eating convenince store, so he knows his way around the store and has a few tips and trciks up his sleeve. In other words he's a convenince store chef whiz
Image result for arrow png Takes the least amount of time when getting ready
Image result for arrow png He does admit and describes himself as a momma's boy
Image result for arrow png  Not to brag or anything, but Bomseok is a bit of a baller when it comes to playing basketball
Image result for arrow png  He's a big supporter for the Toronto Raptors
Image result for arrow png Bom looks up to his dad a lot
Image result for arrow png Bomseok is a loud and proud user and reader of the Webtoon app. Is currently obsessed reading the "Lookism" series
Image result for arrow png Wears glasses. He wears contacts for promotions and working out. Wears his glasses in his spare time and doesn't have any scehdules
Image result for arrow png Voted by the members to be one of the first members to gt married


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Father - Park Hodong (fc; actor Lee Kyungkyu)  - 57 - playful, supportive, wise, protective - Hodong and Bomseok never really had a father and son relationship. They were almost like best friend status. Hodong was always there for his son and still wants to be there even when Bomseok grows old as his old man. Hodong was also there whenever Bomseok needed a Yoda to his Luke Skywalker. He was also the one who suggested to buy a TV for the convenince store

Image result for Kyeong-shil Lee

Mother - Park Dushim (fc: Go Dushim) - nuturing, supportive, caring, overprotective - Dushim dotes over her son a lot. He was always overprotective of her because he didn't want to see him get hurt. you can say that she was the most hesitant of Bomseok starting to train as an idol. Now that Bomseok is debuting as an idol, she is more than proud of her little boy

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Best Friend - Son Taejin (KARD J.Seph) - bright, joyful, supportive - Taejin and Bomseok met at school when Bomseok moved to South Korea. Taejin helped Bomseok with his Korean and Bomseok helped him study for his English exam back in school. He's very excited for Bomseok upcoming debut in Buffer. He's lowkey more excited to ask Bomseok for girl group member phone numbers

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Close Friend - Min Yoongi - 24 -  calm, understanding, passionate - Yoongi and Bomseok were friends during their trainee period. As we all know, Yoongi is a bit of a quiet and stoic person, however Bomseok got close to him after asking for advice on his lyrics. They connected on a personal level through music, even though they didn't share the same story, they both held a good amount of pressure on them.. Yoongi taught Bomseok how to compose and produce music and ll that Bomseok knew was here to *cough cough" illegally download the good music making software. Bomseok is proud about his friend debuting and making a name for himself. They do hang out together, but it's rarely outside of the studio.

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Metaphorical Son - Seo Hayoon - 20 - witty, restless, alturistic - Bomseok and Hayoon were trainee buddies. However it wasn't always like that. Bomseok was handling a dispute between Hayoon and another trainee, when Hayoon's sarcastic mouth got him in trouble. Bomseok defended Hayoon by saying that it's his first month training, the least they could do is get used to his way os speaking. From then on, Hayoon and Bomseok got comfortable with each ohter. They're both tireless when it comes to training and you best believe that these two spent long nights in the practice room and leaving the building together late at nigt. Hayoon would teach Bomseok how to dance to Beyonce like a pro and Bomseok would teach Hayoon how to rap like Verbal Jint. (maybe Hayoon used to have a crush on him?)


Image result for jessi

LOVE INTEREST NAME (BACK-UP):  Soloist Jessi (Tiffany Hwang)
STATUS: Crushing and kind of in denial(?)
PERSONALITY: As we all know Jessi is the epitome of being a boss lady. She's confident, blunt and downright sassy. However, Jessi is a woman and has her own emotional states. She is also a straightforawrd woman who is not afraid of voicing her opinions. but she can be cute and adorable to the people she loves and who are close with her. She has also admitted that when she dates, she dates or a long time (let's not count Dunbfounded), she also likes guys who have a job and aren't too sensitive. 

FIRST MEETING: Bomseok met Jessi when she was working on her Un2verse album. Jessi heard about Bomseok's producing skills when she listened to Bomseok work while she was listening for Suga "Agust D" and ask the Big Man himself if she could work for him for her album. Everyone knowing how big of a fanboy Bomseok is for Jessi and agreed to work with her. During working sesssions with Jessi, he would show her what he got, but she would say a few a lot about it. She would disregard and add her Jessi flare into it. Bomseok loved seeing a determined woman and you can say that he was caught  staring at her a couple of times. After the album was released, Jessi asked if Bomseok could work with her again and Bomseok managed to stuttered an "okay" for her.

INTERACTION: Jessi and Boseok built up a nice sunbae-hoobae relationship with each other ater working together. If Jessi needed a beat, Bomseok got her. They worked together often and Jessi even offered Bomseok to be featured to be featured for her future single. Bomseok never had a serious relationship with anyone, but he has learned when someone is developing a crush on someone (credits to EVERY KDRAMA EVER) and was connecting with the cheesy symptons that were listed. Bomseok didn't tell s because being the secretive person that he is and also because he doesn't want a bunch of unwanted advice from s. (lowkey he would feel embarassed as eldest guy getting dating advice by younger people).

Bomseok managed to build up the courageto confess to her, but was shot down. Because Jessi ideal type of guy is someone who has a job. During this time, Bomseok was still a trainee. Jessi told him to become successful and talk to her later. So Bomseok, did nothing but work hard to give Jessi a succssful man. 

ENDING: Bomseok meeting Jessi again as a now newly debuted rookie idol. Jessi told Bomseok that she doesn't normally date younger guys and even though Buffer hasn't tasted success yet (being still considered rookies), she doesn't mind seeing him again - romantically. (I can imagine Bomseok liviing with Jessi's sass and him just loving it).

Image result for arrow png Bomseok normally calls Jessi, "Noona", and Jessi nagging at him for calling her that. So Bomseok calls her, "babe"
Image result for arrow png Jessi doesn't like skinship, but Bomseok tries his best to cuddle with her
Image result for arrow png Their dates would usually be at the studio
Image result for arrow png Whenever asked about his ideal type, "Bomseok would say he likes confident girls and who likes to nag at him" usually describing Jessi
Image result for arrow png If Jessi is asked about her ideal type she would say, "As long as he's a successful man" would describe Bomseok's hard work ethic and is a reminder for Bomseok to become more successful for her
Image result for arrow png If one of them have an oversea schedule, they would bring back a souvenir for them
Image result for arrow png When Jessi came ack from a event in Canada he brought back Bomseok a resuable Tim Hortons cup
Image result for arrow png Bomseok likes to sneak kisses on Jessi cheeks when she's distracted and/or too focused on something
Image result for arrow png Bomseok finds Jessi's sass and determination the most attractive thing about her
Image result for arrow png Jessi thinks Bomseok's work ethic is his most attractive feature

on stage


PERSONA: Mic Monster
PLOTLINE (BACK-UP): Leader (Lyricist)
- sing ; BAP Bang Yongguk ; (EXO Chanyeol) [VIXX's Ravi}:
- dance ; EXO's Chen (Chanyeol) [Suho]: Starts at 3:14
- rap ; Monsta X's Jooheon (BAP Yongguk) [VIXX's Ravi]:

TRAINEE YEARS: 7 Years (which is one of my favourite songs by the way)
Bomseok was accepted as a trainee after auditioning for BigHit when he was 18 years old and being one of the oldest trainees under the label. He was scouted after a represenative heard him rapping while he was taking after his family convenience store. 

As a trainee in the early years of BigHit, he did train alongside the famous BTS members. He was even part of the original line-up for the group, but was pulled out last second. Did he feel jealous? Yes. However he pulled himself up and trained even harder. He thought the reason why he got pulled out because he thought he was still lacking with his skills, but he worked hard to be standing where he is today.

Bomseok likes to be described as a "seasoned" trainee and he wants to be a good big brother for the younger trainees. He would show them the ropes and be like a brother from another mother for them.

Image result for arrow png Credited as one of lyricist for, GLAM's "Party XXO" and "I Like That" as wll as being the DJ in their MV for "Party XXO"
Image result for arrow png Background dancer for both GLAM and BTS
Image result for arrow png Helped produce the beat for Suga's "Agust D" and "The Last"

Image result for arrow png Bomseok caught stealing music off a Soundcloud producer - One of Buffer's singles sounded very similar to a Soundcloud producer. (Up to you if it's for reals or not



Image result for arrow png An intimate conversation between Hayoon and Bomseok?
Image result for arrow png The Buffer members help out with Bomseok's convenience store
Image result for arrow png Buffer members head to the gym and Bomseok is just going at it

COMMENTS: I hope you like Bomseok! I hope that you can give me a lot feedback on Bomseok.

Image result for arrow png Infinite, "Bad", "The Eye"
Image result for arrow png Got7 "Just Right", "Fly", "If You Do"

Debut Colour : #330033 

FC Names : Chargers, Refreshers,  PC's????


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