I'm not dead... Again!

Hey y'all!

I just wanted to throw this out there and let you all know that I'm still around, just got caught up in some life stuff again and writing has been pushed to the back burner for a bit.

Magoo and I have also been taking part in Nanowrimo this month so we've been writing other stories for the sake of that. However, we do have Chapter 4 written out, Magoo just needs to edit it and we need to look around for a song before we can post it. We also have Chapter 5 completely planned and ready to be written too. So, I was thinking... Double update or no? Let me know your thoughts. :)

Also, I'm currently working on a prequel for Whispers In The Dark, it's going to feature Jimin/Hoseok and a mix and match of new characters that will at some point show up in the main story. The prequel will help explain some things that subscribers have been asking about! ;)

Thanks all of you for being patient and hanging around, I really hope to get faster with updating but no promises!

Love y'all!


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