I promise, I haven’t dropped off the face of the planet

Hey everyone, 

I just wanted to take a quick moment to acknowledge my extended absence from writing recently. I apologize for the unannounced hiatus, and it will be coming to a close soon. I sincerely thank all the subbies, new and long term, who have invested their valuable time into my writing and hopefully finding some entertainment out of it. 

For those who don’t know, I fall into the broke college kid category of people. The past six months or so has been by far the most difficult on me financially, academically, and personally. Normally, my natural stress reliever is to write, but I haven’t even had a moment to do so because I’m so busy working three jobs and going to school that the only writing I have time for is for my assignments. This has been truly frustrating for me on many levels.

After this semester, I only have one left to earn my next degree, however I found out that I will not be able to complete that in the Spring as I had planned (thank you, financial aid for ing me over). But I decided that this was truly a leading in disguise. 

I have been spreading myself far too thin, and still living on a poverty level budget. I need a break somewhere. I need to be able to work more until I can get my finances back on track. And I need to be able to factor in my stress relievers since I’ve been so on edge. 

The good news for y’all is that my brain is ready to write, and desperately needs to do so in fact, so once this semester is through, prepare for me to make up for lost time like nobody’s business. 

Again, I thank everyone for listening and reading to my random rants and stories. I truly love this community of writers and fans of Asian entertainment as it not only allows me to be myself unchained, but I even managed to meet one of my closest and dearest friends thanks to it, and that’s a beautiful thing I think. 

Anyways, have a great week. 

Much Love xoxo



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