rant squad

It's just me that doesn't likes mafia!au 's anymore? I mean. They are interesting because they have action, but someone thought once "why not make romance?!" and guess what? The mafia leader somehow fell in love with this adorable little bun he was supposed to kill and then he becomes all good and rainbows but then somehow that adorable little bun says "shoot, me you won't dare!" and the mafia leader wouldn't shoot them because he is in love with them. I mean if i was in love with someone and they would tell me "shoot me, you wouldn't dare" i would be like ", haha" and shoot their damn leg or arm off.


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mafia au is all that there is in aff.....
Mafia au...... -----> a traditional cliché if I can say ... it's always like that... mafia boss + the target ... but it's still thrilling even though you know what will happen even before starting reading it XD