My mind won't be quiet

My mind won't shut up. There are so many thoughts. Everything has been a mental challenge today. Dealing with the district manager at my work is so mentally draiing. She has an eye on us the whole time she's there. I get so much anxiety from her being there. She makes snide little comments if I don't make a good sale any day I'm working. I can't force people to buy pets if they don't want one or can't have one. I can't force people to buy a cage if they already have one. I can't force people to switch food if they don't want to. This one customer made me feel so bad about myself too. I answered her every question and then she goes to a manager who repeated everything I told her. This happened two days in a row. 

Then I saw the Kangin thing...

I'm heartbroken. This is my opinion. You can politely disagree with me, but do not bash me or belittle me.

I don't believe he should be out of Super Junior. Does he need help? Yes! Absolutely. I believe he should go to a rehabilitation center, one that specifically deals with alcoholism and offers anger management courses and coping methods. The road to sobriety isn't easy and I believe that Super Junior along with his family should be his support system while on that road to sobreity. Once he proves himself sober and is willing to stay sober (meaning no alcohol), then he can come back. It may take a year or two, but I honestly think this may be the best thing for him. 

Writing this has helped but my mind still won't calm. I just need it to be quiet for one moment...


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