My motivation went haaaaaywire

So! It was just this week that the second semester started, just this Monday. And then we're not even through with the first week and we were already bombarded by school works! I just want to chill y u doin' this to me acads. By Wednesday, we were already assigned to our respective groups for the research paper, we had to think for the topics. And then by Thursday, we were assigned to our capstone project group! Not even teeny-bit through the semester I. want. to. give. up. already.

Good news! Yay, yay, yay! By this Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, we don't have classes! Isn't that a good news! Well, not if the FIRST THREE CHAPTERS OF THE RESEARCH PAPER IS DUE BY THURSDAY. I'm not complaining, I'm just....... complaining. I don't have anything else to do but complain *sad face* I already gathered 40 related literatures but bicth who has the time to read all those... and paraphrase... and compile... and write... and proofread... and then write again... and then proofread... I want to be in eternal laziness. I just want to lie down and sleep. And then, we have to encode and list the books in the library because it's part of our research... Thousand books... To be encoded by four members.... and a librarian... RIP. Wanjeon RIP.


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bebs kaya mo yan, kaaaaaayang kaya mo
Your hard work will pay off someday. It's okay to struggle and suffer alittle when you are young. Your future self will thank you later on. Start doing and organize your time well. Divide the work equally. That way you can work more efficient. You can do it. Just think about your graduation day and how proud your parents would be and mainly how proud you will be.