Just a quiz (stolen from throwingpinapples)

1. What's your lucky number?

Idk, but three, nine and five are my fave numbers lol. 


2. What shoe size are you?

In Euro sizes, I'm a 37-38, but my feet are so small I could squeeze into a 36.


3. How many pairs of shoes do you own?

Probably four or five, I don't buy shoes unless I need them, but I am getting into fashion these days so it might increase some time later lol. 


4. Do you want children?

Of course. 


5. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?



6. Have you ever been skinny dipping?

No and I never will lol XD


7. What position do you usually sleep in?

Normally, I sleep on my side. I might curl just a bit or a lot to the point where I'm scared of worsening my poor back bone lol. I like to sleep in your usual flat, straight position too. I'd often try to sleep on my belly, but I always end up suffocating after some time lol. 


8. What do you typically have for breakfast?

I'm having oatmeal real often these days, tho I would usually have some milk and sandwitches, if not rice and eggs. 


9. Have you ever fired a gun?

Only in games lol


​​​​​​10. Have you ever tried archery?

Only toy archery XD tho I'd love to try real ones. 


11. Favorite clean word?

I love clarify and clarity a lol. I love academic too, it sounds... satisfying. 


12. Favorite swear word?

and shiz, which is a censored word for lol. I don't normally curse or swear a lot, coz I was raised that way, but when you see me cursing without the ceonsor, you know I'm mad lol. 


13. What's the longest you've ever gone without sleep?

A whole day and a half, I guess. 


14. Do you have any scars?

A soft one above my cheeck bone, dk where I got it from. Also on my lower abdomen on my left, due to my cousin recklessly zipping up my skirt to the point where it bust my skin lol. I have one on my left toe too, it happened when my German Shepherd literally dragged me all over the rocky road as I hold on to her collar for dear life. 


15. Have you ever had a secret admirer?

Yea, I had a couple.. I think, I mean, a secret is a secret, and I'm a bit dull, so Idk to what extent XD


16. Are you a good liar?

I'd say I'm above average, but I hate lying. 


17. Are you a good judge of character?

Not bad


18. Do you have a strong accent?

I have a strong American accent, and I'm not even American lol. People often ask me if I was raised in the US or if I took class with a native because of it. I was born and raised in Asia for my entire life, but I've grown up listening, watching, talking and learning in English. My dad used to live in the US and my mom is an English teacher, and my ethnicity is like.. unclear, since my dad's grandparents even, are mixed bloods, so when it fell to ME, it was haywire lol it's not clear anymore, so my face really stands out, not gonna lie, I mean I'm not blind, I look foreign. And since I used to live in my dad's fam big house (and everybody in his fam speaks fluent English) I somewhat grew up in an 'English' environment. This accent of mine bothers me quite a bit, actually. I always get bullied for having it, like when I speak my national language, the accent is always there. Also, I speak in English more often than my mother tongue, it's like second nature to me, so I often mix or refer to words in English when I speak, and my friends would always tease me for it. I MEAN I WAS JUST SAYING THE WORD GRASS, OR AMERICA, OR ALABAMA and they'd mimic me to no end. I know they don't mean to bully, I mean we tease each other every day, but they know that I'm insecure about it, or maybe they bought my lie or mask or something, Idk. It only makes it worse when I have to read something in my mother tongue aloud since everybody in class always laughs at me when I speak in my national language's formal format. I really hate it ;-;


19. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?

My dress when I had my 3 year old birthday lol. Everything expensive that I have are from my mom. 


20. Left or right-handed?

Right, but I used to write every letter in backwards when I was a kid XD So for example, I'd write the word 'Apple', now imagine it flipped to the left, that's how I wrote them, literally backwards. 


21. Are you scared of spiders?

Small ones, no. Big ones, HECK YES. 


22. Are you a clean or messy person?

I was a very, very, clean and tidy person. Now, I'm just clean, but messy, if you know what I mean. Things would be everywhere, lkbut I'm not disgusting lol. 


23. Most used phrase?

Probably 'omalord, idk anymore' or 'jacket please' since I borrow them often lol or 'I WANNA WRITE'. I say single words more often than phrases lol. 


24. Most used word?



25. Do you talk to yourself?

Often lol


26. Do you sing to yourself?

No, I don't think so lol


27. Are you a good singer?

Well, I'm not gonna lie, I sing pretty well lol. 


28. Biggest Fear?

Drowning, my parents fighting when I'm gone or worse, divorce; not moving to the next grade or shiz like that. 


29. Do you like long or short hair?

Long, but sometimes, I enjoy short hair, but MY version of short hair is only shoulder lengthed lol


30. Can you name all 50 states of America?

Meh, I can name a few.. under 10 lol


31. Extrovert or Introvert?

Extroverted lol but I can be an introvert if I want to. 


32. Are you ticklish?

Woman, if you put a finger five cm away from me, I'd already feel it. 


33. Have you ever drank underage?

Once or twice, but I was forced to. I vowed to never drink until I was at least 18, if not 21 lol.


34. How fast can you run?

Depending on my clothing, I can run quite fast, but I have poor stamina lol


35. What are you allergic to?

Seafood and lactose, but my lactose allergy is getting better, seafood too. I'm actually somewhat allergic to sunlight as well. I have a skin condition related to it, so.. I can't get in direct contact with it for too long, if not my skin would grow bulges of puss, and it's rip my skin as it come out that it'd just be raw meat. It took me MONTHS to heal, I lost like 10 kg since I couldn't eat and all, I felt like dying back then. Until now, the doctors can't really put a finger on what I have so yea lol I'm just rolling with if. 


36. What do your parents do?

My dad is a manager, while my mom is a teacher. 


37. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?

David, Alice, Apple and Joshua haha


38. Do you want a boy or a girl for a child?

I'd love both, but I'd like it a lot if I can have a girl ><


39. What's an interesting fact about your family?

Well, we have Korean surname for our surname lol and it wasn't meant to be a Korean surname, but it still is in a way lol. 


40. Name three things that you love.

I'd name a person, but since it said 'things' I'll say my laptop, my books and my bed lol


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