D-Boys Min Yoonhyung / C.A.S Fairytale Prince


min yoonhyung




→ Nickname ⋮ explanation
→ Nickname ⋮ explanation

⟪ BIRTHDAY ⟫ April 19, 1996 (21)
⟪ BIRTHPLACE ⟫ Daegu, South Korea
⟪ HOMETOWN ⟫ Daegu, South Korea

⟪ ETHNICITY ⟫ here


→ Language ⋮ explanation
→ Language ⋮ explanation


→ Year ⋮ event
→ Year ⋮ event


⟪ FASHION STYLE ⟫ Fusce scelerisque sagittis arcu, eget pellentesque tortor pharetra eget.

⟪ APPEARANCE ⟫ As one of the guys, C.A.S does on first glance bear strong resemblance to the other members, however, once you get to know him better, definetely has a distinguidahble face of his own. C.A.S has an etreme doe-eyed appearance. His eyes are round and innocent, and his lips are small and (slightly) plump. His skin is smooth and even, and he is definetely, along with another member, getting prettier by the day. There are only really two things we have problems with for C.A.S For one, his nose, which we find to be much bigger than should be for his face. Certain angles only make it look worse too, The other is his awkward smile. When C.A.S laughs, it's cute, but when he smiles it just seems so fake, which is unfortunate considering we really doubt he's faking a smile all the time. It's just the way his smile naturally looks and we don't like it.


⟪ PERSONALITY ⟫ write here a list of qualities and flaws

C.A.S has firstly proven himself to be a variety prince. C.A.S just seems to be good at anything, and we do mean anything. He’s hilarious on “Infinity Challenge” and has numerously proven himself to be daring, whether it’s him catching chickens, rolling around in mud, revealing his real height or baring his  face for all. His honest nature makes us absolutely love him, and we adore that he has an “I don’t care” outlook on what others think of him. When people bashed K.I., the guy didn’t care, and kept doing the same gushy-mushy act on shows. Normally, we can’t stand aegyo, but K.I.' is just so purposely exaggerated it’s hilarious. Granted, though we love the more “boy-ish” charm he’s been exhibiting lately, we’ve never had anything wrong with K.I.' great personality.

K.I. is cute, to put it lightly. Widely known for being “Mr. Strong”, K.I.' manners, respect and responsibility are well known throughout the fandom. K.I. is as charming as can be, though not necessarily for a lack of emotions. Rather, we see his “Mr. Strong” personna as being the result of his personality being extremely vanilla and mature. Some may find him the love heart image lovely, others may find it a bit bland and boring. This guy though is sweet as can be, even if he is a bit closed minded sometimes. But K.I. has antoher personality on the inside of him, for instance getting scared of loud noises while perofming on stage singing the end of the song can be difficult for him because then fireworks would go off and bang his body twitches and his hearts pumps really fast. The next personality is shy, he can be shy on variety shows such as "Running Man" or in an interview alone but members of the show would cheer him on or cheer him up so that he would be more comfortable with them beside them. The final personality is childish, he can be a bit annoying somethimes but also on stage he can be very annoying he would laugh at other people's mistakes or just play around with props.

⟪ BACKGROUND ⟫  at least a paragraph

K.I. was born on July 21, 2001, in Daegu, South Korea. His family consists of his brother Min Yoongi. While K.I. was still an infant, him and his brother moved to Suwon. As a result, K.I. grew up being scared of loud noises, he didnt like the noise of fireworks because it would make his heart race more. Once she grew up K.I. tried to go to different entertainments such as S.M. Entertainment. After a few years at the age of 15 he saw some posters saying "Auditions" so this was his chance to be in an entertainment since he was 13 he can now join an actual anertainment an live his life as an idol.

As K.I. made it clear he wanted to start acting, K.I. would go with his brother once in a while to see how he was doing. During one of those trips, the producers asked his brother if K.I. would be an extra since a few of the children in the scene weren't going to make it. That was his first taste of being on a sort of stage which he can only remember now if his family points it out in the scene of the movie he was in. He started visiting his older brother, Yoongi more in movie studios. Seeing he is happy while acting made her want to persue something as well to make her happy. His brother signed him up for dance lessons as a start to see if he would enjoy it. That one moment changed his life forever as he realized during his 1st year at dance classes, he loved rapping. He continued to dance when he was in school and got into k-pop through his brother. One day, he and his friends decided to take part of a k-pop rap competition. After performing in front of an audience alongside her friends, K.I. realized that he wanted to become an idol one day like his brother because he immediately fell in love with the feeling of being on stage. He had rapping lessons with his rap teacher, his teacher taught him new tips so he noted down tips and listened more to singers such as JYP, Gary, Haha, Skull etc, after a few hours of listening he stunned his teacher with his lovely singing voice.

⟪ TRIVIA ⟫  unlimited, likes/dislikes/hobbies/habits/trivia go here

Duis vitae est rhoncus lorem posuere eleifend. Vivamus risus mi, iaculis sagittis cursus eget, varius et dolor. Integer lectus ex, varius ac ligula a, pulvinar rhoncus lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur finibus leo a magna sodales accumsan. Vivamus venenatis tortor sit amet diam tincidunt mollis et sit amet elit. Cras lacinia ut mi et pellentesque. Ut id ex neque. Suspendisse nec semper lectus, efficitur ullamcorper magna. Suspendisse consequat ante fermentum leo finibus, in interdum justo commodo. Donec in nulla vitae eros fringilla lacinia.



Older Brother, Min Yoongi ⋮ 24 ⋮ rapper ⋮ cute, snobby, beautiful ⋮ These two sibling get along really well, never stop talking to each other even though they both had different jobs. His brother is sometimes rude to her but she can be nice when they both performing on stage, his brother is elegant and also is a model for a cover magazine.  


Relation, name ⋮ age ⋮ occupation ⋮ personality ⋮ relationship with your character
Relation, name ⋮ age ⋮ occupation ⋮ personality ⋮ relationship with your character
Relation, name ⋮ age ⋮ occupation ⋮ personality ⋮ relationship with your character
Relation, name ⋮ age ⋮ occupation ⋮ personality ⋮ relationship with your character


Relation, name ⋮ age ⋮ occupation ⋮ personality ⋮ relationship with your character
Relation, name ⋮ age ⋮ occupation ⋮ personality ⋮ relationship with your character
Relation, name ⋮ age ⋮ occupation ⋮ personality ⋮ relationship with your character
Relation, name ⋮ age ⋮ occupation ⋮ personality ⋮ relationship with your character


⟪ CHOSEN PLOTLINE ⟫ write here


Praesent luctus, dui eu viverra sollicitudin, est leo blandit eros, non finibus velit ante vitae lacus. Vestibulum finibus egestas mi, at egestas dolor congue ac. Phasellus sed dapibus felis. Nunc vestibulum consectetur massa quis condimentum. Nam felis leo, fringilla eget ligula a, porttitor elementum elit. Quisque vel scelerisque ex, id ullamcorper nisl. In nec mi a augue fringilla convallis at ut ligula. Duis quis quam facilisis, congue nibh non, tempus nibh. Praesent ut enim at felis convallis rutrum. Donec ac arcu egestas, mattis elit ac, vulputate augue. Sed lectus augue, laoreet sit amet tristique ut, mollis ac urna.


Duis vitae est rhoncus lorem posuere eleifend. Vivamus risus mi, iaculis sagittis cursus eget, varius et dolor. Integer lectus ex, varius ac ligula a, pulvinar rhoncus lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur finibus leo a magna sodales accumsan. Vivamus venenatis tortor sit amet diam tincidunt mollis et sit amet elit. Cras lacinia ut mi et pellentesque. Ut id ex neque. Suspendisse nec semper lectus, efficitur ullamcorper magna. Suspendisse consequat ante fermentum leo finibus, in interdum justo commodo. Donec in nulla vitae eros fringilla lacinia.

love interest

⟪ OCCUPATION ⟫ write here ⟪ AGE ⟫ write here
⟪ BACK UP ⟫ write here ⟪ BACK UP ⟫ write here


⟪ PERSONALITY ⟫ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum in eros ut lacus luctus ornare non ac ex. Etiam congue dui eget sagittis semper. Vestibulum a nisi nisi. Praesent at arcu porttitor, dictum nibh a, aliquam turpis. Phasellus porta nunc a ex posuere ultricies. In rutrum sagittis nulla eget condimentum. Integer et tincidunt ante, et placerat lectus. Nulla placerat magna vitae fringilla bibendum. Mauris a augue commodo, dignissim elit fringilla, rhoncus massa. Ut semper consequat dolor, vel varius nulla egestas laoreet. Vestibulum maximus purus ipsum, sit amet facilisis neque rhoncus at. Praesent ac lectus varius, dapibus lectus et, malesuada enim. Maecenas aliquet est risus, ac ultrices metus dapibus vitae. Aenean id viverra lorem, vel vestibulum enim. Cras felis lectus, tristique a nisl et, consectetur euismod eros.

⟪ ANY LAST COMMENTS? ⟫ Fusce scelerisque sagittis arcu, eget pellentesque tortor pharetra eget.

⟪ SCENE REQUESTS ⟫ Mauris tempor, mi vitae sollicitudin imperdiet, diam lacus venenatis libero, at fringilla risus nunc non elit.

⟪ PASSWORD ⟫ if any



Praesent luctus, dui eu viverra sollicitudin, est leo blandit eros, non finibus velit ante vitae lacus. Vestibulum finibus egestas mi, at egestas dolor congue ac. Phasellus sed dapibus felis. Nunc vestibulum consectetur massa quis condimentum. Nam felis leo, fringilla eget ligula a, porttitor elementum elit. Quisque vel scelerisque ex, id ullamcorper nisl. In nec mi a augue fringilla convallis at ut ligula. Duis quis quam facilisis, congue nibh non, tempus nibh. Praesent ut enim at felis convallis rutrum. Donec ac arcu egestas, mattis elit ac, vulputate augue. Sed lectus augue, laoreet sit amet tristique ut, mollis ac urna.


Duis vitae est rhoncus lorem posuere eleifend. Vivamus risus mi, iaculis sagittis cursus eget, varius et dolor. Integer lectus ex, varius ac ligula a, pulvinar rhoncus lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur finibus leo a magna sodales accumsan. Vivamus venenatis tortor sit amet diam tincidunt mollis et sit amet elit. Cras lacinia ut mi et pellentesque. Ut id ex neque. Suspendisse nec semper lectus, efficitur ullamcorper magna. Suspendisse consequat ante fermentum leo finibus, in interdum justo commodo. Donec in nulla vitae eros fringilla lacinia.


Duis vitae est rhoncus lorem posuere eleifend. Vivamus risus mi, iaculis sagittis cursus eget, varius et dolor. Integer lectus ex, varius ac ligula a, pulvinar rhoncus lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur finibus leo a magna sodales accumsan. Vivamus venenatis tortor sit amet diam tincidunt mollis et sit amet elit. Cras lacinia ut mi et pellentesque. Ut id ex neque. Suspendisse nec semper lectus, efficitur ullamcorper magna. Suspendisse consequat ante fermentum leo finibus, in interdum justo commodo. Donec in nulla vitae eros fringilla lacinia.



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