random discussion (help me !?)

if someone forgived you, does that mean they forgive you completely?


or do they feel the need to hold back their trust?


can you promise yourself to be better this time too?


if you’re too terrified to know, will you hold back aswell or will you take the chance and see for yourself?


but what if you’re afraid to hurt the same way they did?


will you let them hurt again?


what will you do?


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Tbh it depends on how serious the matter is. If it's small they'll probably forget if you are good friends but if it's like a big deal, then chances are they might forgive but not forget.

But the best you can do is to not hurt them again and hope that as time passes they will truly forget and trust you again
Oh the hurt party:
if someone i considered close to me hurt me or betrayed me and i forgave them... there will always be something telling me 'what if they just go behind me and do it all over again?' it's going to be hard to give 100% anymore to that person. Whether it was my friend telling someone else something i told them confidence or it was them going behind their word.

it'll take a lot for the person to trust the person that hurt them specifically again.