The perk of being stupid

This is random but I realised that being the stupid one among your group have both good and bad. 


1. No one ask you anything complicated

2. They prioritise you when doing an explanation

3. They do more work than you (the complicated ones) 

4. They leave you to do the easier ones. 



1. They never trust you in things that you actually know

2. They still treat you as the stupid one even if you know better

3. They think you cannot do anything

4. They would leave you out of conversation because you can never understand.


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You just described me in one post. TToTT Soft beans need to stick together! Like a mush of beans that aren't quite firm enough. Refried beans! We are refried beans and must stay together! *runs away like the I am*
there is always pros and cons! hwaitinggg!!
I think everything have it's pros and cons no matter what so as long as you can pull it through and survive than I guess you are alright