A Crappy Year: Neanderthal Individuals Without a Shred of Intelligence

I don't know what's going on with this year, but I seem to be surrounded by ingnorant individuals. Ignorant prejudice individuals, and not even the ones that know they're prejudice. The type of people that claim they treat everyone equally but every day something stupid or prejudice just spews out of their fat mouths. I guess I shouldn't be surprised because the type of people I'm around come from redneck backgrounds, but I gave them the benefit of doubt because these people seemed nice. Silly me for giving people the little benefit of doubt that I have for human beings. 

The amount of intelligence added up in this household is a minimum. I just don't understand why people wholeheartedly believe stereotypes. It disgusts me. Unfortunately I'm never around like minded people. Everyone is just so...Neanderthal like.

I just don't get why people can't put themselves in other peoples shoes. So involved with their own dribble that they can't even process how to take others feelings in account.

I hate fake affection. Never pretend you care around me and then continue to use offensive language. It's maddening.

It's so much easier to get my feelings out when I right them.

Why are people like this?


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