tinsley shea Rees
name chae lee (although she prefers to be called this when she's working/in korea as an active velvet member)
other names
— tinsley shea rees / english /this is her english given name; although she was born in japan, she was adopted by americans. only her family/close friends use her english name as she prefers.

— chae bear / this is the most common nickname for tinsley amongst her korean friends and fans. it was first given to her by her love interest, and he'd call her that so much that when her members or other trainee's called her that, the fans caught on and started calling her that name too. 

bIRTHDATE december 24, 1994
birthplace akihabara, japan
hometown fresno, california (1994-2005), akihabara, japan (2005-present).
ethnicity japanese
nationality american & japanese

english / fluent / having lived in the usa for a fair amount of time, and having a full fledged american family, it was only natural that she'd learn the language to communicate with her family and the poeple around her. 
japanese / Semi-Fluent / despite being japanese, she didn't begin learning the language until she was nearly twelve years old. she only ever uses japanese to communicate with haruka (her friend, mentioned in the relationship section).
korean / fluent / she picked up the language shortly after becoming a trainee. she's very fluent in the language now, but had such a dificulty learning it at first.
chinese / basics / tinsley learned the language through her company. she can't really keep up a conversation, but knows she'll most likely be part of the team that does chinese versions. 

Faceclaim Hiko achiha
Backup daoko

APPEARANCE Although she has a pale complexion, she isn't unhealthy. Her amber colored eyes radiate with happiness and her sandy pink lips are always wide in a smile. she stands at 5'6 (170 cm) and weighs about 50kg. Her collar bones and shoulders are her main focal point and almost rival her thin/small waistline. Her hair is naturally brunette, and straight; it hangs a few inches below her waist and refuses to cut it, but is opened to hair color changes.

*Her right ear ; Left ear
*Naval piercing she's had since she was sixteen.
*she does not have any tattoo's but will probably end up getting some later in her career.

Style tinsley's more of a summer/spring type of person. she loves to wear things that flow or show her body off. 




//dorm & practice

Other she's crazy in loev with cute looking things so, it's no surprise she has these kinds of stuff too.

personality traits

— positives: playful, warm, confident, hard-working, charismatic, selfless
— negatives: naive, passive, ignorant, delicate, magnanimous

〄 playful: Chailee is the type of person who is full of jokes and giggles. she takes a lot of things that are said with a grain of salt, and makes friends easily because of it. She has a humor that others can connect with/can't deny. she tries to make averybody feel welcomed so that nobody is ever left out. she's naturally good at talking, and is sometimes seen as the group's spokesperson. 

〄 warm/selfless:  She is a person with a very warm heart. Moreover, it's easy to sway her because of this. She loves cute things and if you go on to tell her a sob story, there's no doubt she'd cry. If you tell her a really lovey-dovey , she becomes instantly flustered and giggly. She is full of understanding, and despite being young (for her age), she is a very good listener and gives advice as best as she can. She won't give you advice that she doesn't follow though, in thoughts of being called out as a hypocrite.

〄 confident: Chailee is pretty confident in herself and what she can bring to the table. She likes to think that she's a great person, and that she can make a difference in somebodies life if she tries hard enough. There are exceptions to her confidence level though, that not even her close friends know about in fear that they'd use it against her to bring her down, or that it'd get leaked.  i mean, nodoby wants their flaws to get magnified, so she tends to keep them to herself. 

〄 hard-working:  It's because she's so hard-working that she is where she is. She trained for a long time, and trained herself even before that in order to do what she does now. She is coldly determined, and because of that she will be able to achieve anything she puts her mind to. she hates being let down and letting others down, so she lets that drive her to work hard.  

〄 charismatic/charming: she has very good stage presence that she's been working on ever since she began training. She learned a lot from her her juniors and seniors and has become even more charming because of it. Her "perfect" age aids to make her image shine. since she's good with her words, and gives off a graceful performance, it amplifies her trait even more.

〄 naive: Because she is still young, there are a lot of things that Chailee tends to brush off too quickly. And She knows that she's still considered a "child" in a lot of people's eyes so when it comes to certain adult situations she tends to skip past all of the effects that would come with the choices she makes. Overall, she is pretty much an "innocent soul". This trait could wind up putting her in a lot of trouble one day whether it be accidental or not.

〄 passive/magnanimous: Because she's so kind and caring, she often forgets how it is to be mean or to stand her ground. She does not complain about the things she doesn't agree on, and she takes criticism, good or bad. When the going gets tough, she'd rather stay out of it , and let nature take it's course. "Forgive and Forget"; even to those who've done her wrong. Because she thinks that way, many people pitty her, but so long as she's happy, she could care less.

〄 ignorant: Again...she's young. There are more than a handful of situations and things she doesn't know. Each day is a step toward being more wiser than the day before. But as of now, Chailee is walking into a whole other world world blindly. she isn't sure what's on the other side of her debut, and will most likely make several mistakes in the process. Through them, she is going to grow as a person, and adapt to the world around her; the world of an idol. 

〄 delicate: Chailee isn't so delicate emotion-wise; But she's delicate when it comes to physical contact. She can move and groove in any which way, but her skin bruises easily. It's been that way since birth, so she can't be grabbed too roughly. It's a high complaint for the industry because make-up artists have to spend more effort covering up her many bruises she obtains on a daily. 

It had been two years since addison was told she'd never have children again --after the twins, of course who'd been born one years prior to receiving the news. It was hard, that alone was a make or break for addison, because she wanted to desperately have a family with her husband. and although they both worked in the medical feild, william knew just what needed to be done in order to make their dream come true. unfortunately, in order to do so, they both had to work for it; and at the moment addison just wasn't having any of it, she wanted time to mourn in her sorrow. however, as the suggestion of surrogacy was thrown on the table by her husband, she got better for the chance of a life time; for the chance to become the family they wanted to be. it had taken a lot of work for them to choose the right surrogate, and it was even harder when they were ocean's apart, but addie and will hadn't given up on their dream of having a family. 

On the date of her birth, "
Baby S" --or at least that's what the surrogate called her-- was handed over to William and Addison Rees in akihabara, japan; where will and addie had traveled thousands of miles to be when their daughter came out of the womb. she was beautiful, oh, so beautiful. the family fell in love with her, and she was the perfect match. "Baby S", was named Tinsley Shea rees. immediately after being released from the hospital, the family took her to their home in the states until she turned eleven and out-grew the city, with her crazy imagination and outstanding talent. and although it was true that she never excelled in studies, she was a very good performer, and she lived to shine on stage.  there wasn't enough resources for her in the united states to continue her career, she didn't want to be an american artist, she wanted to take up something of her own ethnicity and after doing proper research, she decided to take up korean pop. she didn't want to be overshaddowed in a thirteen member group in the japanese industry; her talents were too good for that, she wanted and needed a chance to get started, and she needed to be closer to korea; but the closest her parents would go was japan, where she was born. she was eleven, so she didn't mind it one bit. the move gave her more inspiration, and the chance to prove herself. and up until the day she made it into SM entertainment, she worked her a** off. 

— music: her whole life revolves around music and she's genre fluid; will listen to anything and give her opinion on it as soon as she's got one. she can differentiate what sounds are in certain musics, and even play by ear. 
— family time: her family means the world to her, they're the reason she's going to be an idol, so whenever she has the time, she likes to show them how much they matter.
— beverages: her favorite being bubble tea and the strawberry accai refresher from starbucks. water is a must.
— food: Eating is always something she wants to do. especially when it comes to pastries. she isn't picky whatsoever, and goes for "trying everything once".
— cuddling: day or night, doesn't matter who's there, she's going to cuddle you.
— skin ship: she's not afraid to show her love for others. she's pretty affectionate.
— sleeping: god, does she love her beauty sleep. sometimes, she's the last to wake up, and has even cause some confusion and delay within the team for it. 
— singing: it's only natural that she'd like singing; it's her specialty. she loves to better herself, and one of those ways is by training and singing. 

— being disrespected: she knows that respect is earned. but you can't treat her down just because she's new at something.that will get you on her bad side.
— crude comedy: simplistic comedy or bad comedy; when it's forced or distateful. it's bad enough that comedy isn't her favorite, what's wore is if it's crude. that definitely puts her in a bad mood.
— too much make-up: she understands that it's necessary sometimes but he hates the feeling of it on her face. thankfully she doesn'tneed much of it.
— waking up early: as stated before, she loves her sleep, so waking up early really throws her off. she's like a zombie and usually takes about ten to fifteen minutes to get past.
— wasting time: she absolutely hates wasting precious time and being kept waiting. there's just something about it that frustrates the heck out of her.
— being lied to: this is one of her biggest pet peeves; hurt her as you will but she will not stand for you lying to her. that's a make or break for her.

— whenever she gets nervouse, she touches her earlobes or starts playing with her piercings.
— when she's deep in though or organizing her thoughts she bites at her lower lip or stick her tongue out.
— tugging on or touching her lashes when she has too much make-up on.
— she goes around touching or commenting on the members 's when they're wearing something that amplifies it. 
— goes around poking some of the members cleavage when they look like they're about to burst out of their dress/top.
— crying when she's overwhelmed or irritated.

— singing
— learning new things
— reading 
— playing instruments such as the ukulele, guitar, piano, harp and chello
— texting

— ultimately, tinsley is left handed. 
— she loves pastel colors.
— tinsley is oddly good at aegyo.
— she loves visual kei; her favorite group is mejibray (go figure.)
— mom and dad / William & addison rees / 48 & 46, respectively / reproductive endocrinologist and infratility specialist/general surgeon ; ob/obgyn, maternal fetal medicine/fetal surgeon, neonatal surgeon, medical geneticist. / despite being very immersed in their work, william and addie keep very close tabs on all their children. they make sure they have what they needfor their children to succeed and do what they love. They're very selfless when it comes to their kids, but make the right decissions when it comes down to it. and they are the reason why tinsley's made it so far. "with love and support, comes the success of our dearest child."
— brother / elijah rees / 23 / freelance model/university student / he may not always be around, beit he's at school, or out with friends most of the time; but he cares about his sisters more than he can say. he's taught them both how to defend themselves, saying that whenever they do so that it'll be him living inside them as a guardian or protector. Tinsley can come to him for any advice and support. / fc: finn roberts
— sister / elisabeth rees / 23 / freelance model/university student / elisabeth is pretty much tinsley's best friend. why have friends when you have siblings? that's right, even though they aren't blood related, elisabeth showed kindness and warm welcome to their sister by choice. they were overjoyed to have each other growing up; they faced the world together, and went through hardships together. there was no seperating the two.  / fc: grace phipps
— close friend and tutor / haruka minai / 20 / university student / tinsley met haruka in the fifth grade as a set up by her parents. since tinsley was japanese, they wanted her to have somebody to speak with in that language with and up until that point, tinsley hadn't even learned her native tongue. so they had haruka and her parents over often to teach tinsley the language. surprisingly, the two really hit it off and became extremely close. / fc: kudo haruka
— friend / chae ina / 20 / idol, trainee / tinsley hasn't talked to ina much, but she appreciates her for everything she's done to get to where she is. she loves her personality; how she can be so kind and caring, but blunt and stern when she needs to be. 

Stage name Chailee
Personal fanclub Here
Plotline indigo / main vocalist (b.u: red/lead vocalist, yellow/main vocalist, main dancer)

Vocal twin chungha
Rap twin not applicable.
dance twin chungha
Talking twin chungha (both english and korean)

Trainee years four years and seven months.
Trainee life upon signing on to be a trainee; she had to let go of her culture in order to embrace a newer one. at the begenning, she was teased for doing things a certain way, the japanese-american way of things. that alone had been hard, but learning things that were foreign were harder. she doubted herself many times, and she wouldn't have gotten through any of it without mia and her families support. she overcame all of her fears and worries within two years. she opened her mind to learn and in the things around her like a sponge. when her perspective shifted, her trainee life became much easier. she fit in with more of the girls that she hadn't before, and dancing, and singing came easy too. she was climbing the roster ranking quickly, and with due time, she was chosen for the velvet line-up.


— 2014 / happiness mv cameo
— 2017 / kcon australia

— Year / Scandal / True/false
— Year / Scandal / True/false

backup Chanyeol, chen, or lay 

Personality  mia is a very wise and intelligent person. really, he could have been a philosopher if he really put his mind to it. he's very determined in this sort of sense. 

outwardly, mia doesn't seem like the type of person to get riled up. however, on the inside he could be compared to a fight me child. if he puts himself through something, he usually see's himself through to the end. to others, he can seem pretty mysterious (someone you don't really want to approach)because he's so quiet and observant, but  if you do get close enough to become his friend, he does become funny, and very loyal. getting on his bad side isn't something you'd like to do either. he doesn't go up to your face and talk smack to you, nor does he say smack behind your back, but he'd be more of the "forgive and never forget" kind of person. he'll remember what you did to him, and will be very mature about it when you're around; but he'll never see you the same way again, nor whil he be doing any favors for you . 

mia is the type of person who does things for the long-term endeaver, so whenever he chooses to do something it's often well thought out. so sometimes he get's easily overwhelmed at little changes or adjustments and can fall into a short-lived depression. at times like this, he tends to shy away from people and voicing his opnions. 

Love story Mia and tinsley met when tinsley first moved back to japan. she had just turned twelve and he was fourteen. tinsley had gotten a job at the same daycare he worked at; and at first they just kept to themselves, but tinsley, being the way she is; approached him. she'd make small talk with him whenever she could, and put herself out there for him to notice. it was a no-brainer to say that she'd had a crush on him from the first instant she'd seen him. her first crush, actually and it hit her harder than anything had ever hit her. often enough, she found herself staring and daydreaming over him like he was some sort of idol (little did she know he'd become just that; a visual kei artist). 

how we got together Later on in their friendship, although mia had decided to quit his job at the daycare to take on music full-time, he still decided to keep her around. he invited her to his practices where the other group members teased them about how close they were. It took mia a long time to finally proclaim his own feelings for tinsley too. But he did so before he signed his contract for mejibray. he liked her more than he could say, and at that point, he didn't want anybody else to walk by his side but her. 

interactions as of today, they're pretty lovey-dovey. and they know that public displays of affection are gross, but they'll sneak a kiss every so often. mia especially loves holding tinsley in his arms. And he definitely can't go without holding her hand. no, he's not obsessed with her; just infatuated, deeply in love with this girl that he fears letting her go. mia trusts tinsley completely, that's why their long distance relationship works. and they make the most of the time they have together. 

Status in a relationship
ending engaged(?) you choose.


— tinsley calls him "anime prince", because when he's all dolled up and ready to go up on stage, his outfits and make-up resemble that of a prince from anime.
— mia loves hard rock; such as alice cooper, 
— mia loves balmain clothing
— if he's lazy enough, he'll go out in pijama's.
— he used to work at a nursery/daycare and his nickname was "hachi no Oniisan" (Bee brother), because his hair was dyed gold and black.
— he has trouble with english
— mia's low-key obsessed with pudding.
Comments/questions sorry this is lacking. i've had some major writing/appblock but i'm trying my best lol. anyway, i hope you like tinsley. i tried to do something a little more different. thanks again for taking the time to read through this!
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