I had read one story when I was a kid and I still think about it time and again and I still have not figured out the answer to it.

So, I would like to share it with you guys today hoping to get the answer.

The story goes like this~

There was a little girl who got a beautiful doll as her Birthday Gift from her parents. She took care of the doll so very much, loved her too much. She would comb her hair daily, change dress daily, and always went to bed with her. The doll was very happy to get such nice owner.

One day her friends came to her house, they too found the doll very cute and wanted to play with it but the girl refused to share the doll with anyone. Whoever laid a finger on the doll, she slapped away their hand. She was very possessive of the doll and didn’t let anyone even touch it.

At first the doll was startled to see such face of her owner for the first time, she had always been loving to her but this side of its owner was totally new. Later whenever any friends came to her house, she used to quarrel with them if they even said they too wanted the doll or tried to play with it. This irritated the doll so much because dolls are made to be played by everyone and she wanted her master to be sharing and more humble.

Every day she used to fight with someone regarding the doll. While the doll was satisfied with the treatment she was getting, I mean, it was very much loved by its owner and it was treated like a complete princess but the behavior the owner showed to her friends was annoying.

So one day she ran out of the house at night when the girl was sleeping. The doll was sitting in a bench in a park when one of the girl’s friend saw her and asked, “Hey, you are A’s doll, aren’t you? Why are you here alone?”

The doll replied, “She is only nice to me but mean to you guys so, I thought I should punish her so, I ran away from home.”


Now my question is in our day to day life as well we meet some people who have two faces, they are so good when you are with them but rude to others so, what should be our reaction with them. I mean, we can’t be rude to that person because s/he has never behaved bad to you. But you get irritated knowing that the person is not the same with all.

Similarly, you can’t say any person is bad on the basis of his/her attitude towards you because sometimes you come to know that s/he is ill-mannered only towards you but the same person is really helpful and sincere for others.

So, what to do in these situations? How to describe that person or how to behave with them?

In first case, you can’t show your bitterness because that person is really nice to you but deep down you know that the person is not as good as s/he is showing.

In the second case, can we get angry at that person when you know that the person is really a trustworthy one, it’s just that s/he is impolite to you, maybe s/he has some reasons?

I am in Dilemma >.<





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su_j85 #1
Kill your emotions. Just like me. Thus no more worries.... Hahahhahaha
makemeintelligent #2
In my life, i m facing the 2nd condition with the most important person of my life. Sometimes i feel irritated, anger, frustration and even i sometimes think of running away too but then again thats not me. I mean before everything which is happening right now i was a happy jolly type person. So why cant we show some respect towards that person and do things which can describe the real me (OR YOU) and try to understand their situation. Lets be hopeful that one day time will take turn and we will get what we really hope for.