I Don't Wanna Be Alive Anymore

I'm just so tired of life right now and I don't how to deal with my depression. My family barely talk to me. My friends aren't really my friends. Kpop used to be an escape for me but now it doesn't even make me happy anymore.

I have no worth in life. I'm ugly, i'm not that smart and I'm socially awkward. If I end it all, isn't gonna be better for me? I don't have to cope with this ty life anymore. And nothing's gonna change my mind. Nobody's gonna change my mind. So if you're reading this and thinking i can persuade her not to do it. Don't. Because I am gonna kill myself and by the time you've read this I probably have already. 



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As for friends , i think what matters is your personality. You can try to be more helpful , kind , and etc . Although i know you are the socially awkward type , but still all it takes is some effort. You dont have to be the one to strike conversation all the time , but you can always try engage one when you have the opportunity. People that are true to you will accept you as you are so you dont have to worry too much about fitting in and etc. All you need to do is be sincere and friendly :) About smartness , i think that everyone is born different. Imagine if the world are only smart people than what will happen ?? It dosent really make a perfect sense of balance right. And the world might be in deep trouble trouble . Its okay to be average and etc. I think what matters is that you have already given your very best. At least you can still read , write amd count right.. If you feel that study is not really your forte , maybe you can try make it up with other talent that you have. Find something that you are good at and work on it thats where you'l shine more. Example if you are good in sports go train and win for your school . If you are good at drawing practised your skill if you are good at music then go invest more time on it.. As for your mental well being , i think you should go seek for help from the professional. You can always talk to social support group and etc.. You can try to mediate , do some yoga or maybe swim to help calm your mind. You can always talk to people in here or at special forum where people who face the same problem could relate to you and etc. There's always a solution for everything. All you need is to give yourself all the time , space and chances that you need . Give yourself a chance and most importantly Give Life A Chance. Death will not solve your pain and misery instead it will only add on more pain and regrets. Imagine how would your love ones feel without you anymore ? Although you may feel or think that no one cares but that its not true at all because its just what you think not how others really feel . So please never never give up on yourself. Life is worth fighting for. You have been hanging on for quite some time now means you are a fighter so why would you want to quit ... Dont quit instead go show to the world who you really are. Go do something meaningful for yourself . Go make yourself proud achieve your dreams , go and travel , eat good food and etc.. Life have so much to offer and you are so young. Dont waste your life. The fact that you are here means alot to everyone. Even thou we are strangers but as you can see down below many people support and do care for you. You are not alone. Please never never give up
Please dont do that. Dont hurt yourself in anyway . Maybe you just havent found your purposed yet . In life everyone are meant for something. You just have to keep on trying and keep on searching. No one born knowing their purposed . It comes with experience , hard work and alot of failures . You must first learn to accept and love yourself . In life no one is good in everything . No one is perfect and everyone have their flaws and imperfection. In my opinion , no one is really ugly. All it takes is some effort to look presentable and decent. You can exercise , eat healthy food ,change your hair style , maybe take better care of your skin , mix and match your clothes and etc... So dont worry too much about looks.
I'll say it anyway, too!! PLEASE DON'T DO THAT!! I have struggles with depression as well and I understand how lost you feel. PLEASE go talk to someone .. Focusing on something I liked really helped me. I, and I'm sure many others, would be more than happy to talk to you any time you like! Please know that we would welcome having you as a friend. YOU AREN'T ALONE.
goldteacup #4
I don't care, I'm still gonna say please don't do it!!! You'll make so many people suffer! We don't end our lives just because we're sick. Your brain just needs care and healing. This will pass. This is the one and only life you get to fall in love, work in your dream job, laugh with your friends, start a family. Just one day more. It isn't your fault, you are good enough. Life isn't fair, and I can't guarantee happiness, but I can guarantee your situation will change, because that's the way the world works. If you're free to make this post and listen to kpop, you have many many blessings in your life you can use in your favor to change the way you think and fight depression
Mewlrose #5
Don't lose hope. There's always a way to get around depression, and you aren't the only one. Don't think as if there is no one out there who cares about you. Keep your head up and please don't do it.