Random Thoughts.

4 yrs in a relationship and it feels like a one sided relationship and feels like we fight more then we actually get along. Im so tired. tired of trying.

Some one told me i should just give up but what can you do when you love the person so much?


Some days i wish i could disappear from reality this qoute is fitting " Reality is just a crutch for people who can't cope with drugs."




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I think you should take some time to reflect back on everything. Try to think from your side and also from your partner's point. Write down what you think is the problem and what each of you should do to change or fixed the situation. After that , talk with your partner face to face. Talk honestly and sincerely . Give your partner the chance to speak as well. I think communication and commitment is important. Both need to play their part and try fixed it before it gets worse. If no one wants to take the effort , or if the spark is no longer there and etc then maybe its time to call it off. Think properly and at least talk things out. All the best to you. I hope that things get better for you