Application Form for Sixth Sense

Application Form


Username: U-Kiss_Mikan

Profile Link: 


Your Character


Full name: Kim Mi Joon

Nicknames: Mi Ji, Mi Joo, Joonie.

Korean age | International age: 17 | 16

Birth Date: April 19 1996

Birth Place: a, USA

Hometown: Busan, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean-American

Languages: Korean (fluent), English (fluent), Mandarin (fluent)

Blood Type: O

Weight | Height: 48 kg | 169 cm





Ulzzang used: Park Hyo Jin

Description of style: Likes to wear cute clothes. Mostly short pants that are just above the knees. Sometimes she wears mid-thigh shorts. Loves to wear baggy shirts and singlets. Likes to pair up sneakers and shorts together. Doesn't really likes to wear heels since she's already tall.


Personality: She's very close to Jae In. Even though their age difference is big, they are still very close. She sometimes imitates people but mostly she likes to imitates Jae In to get to her nerves. She's also one of the group members who call her by the name, Jane.

                   She's very friendly and always cheerful. She doesn't gets angry or mad or frustrated very easily. If she has a problem she have to face, she'll face it positively. Rarely cries or scolds people. Sometimes she acts like a mother if she's in the mood to do so.

                   Loves to share her things but made sure they give it back to her. She has many friends. She's related to an idol but when she tells people about her famous brother, people will always says that she and her brother don't look a like. Some even suspect that she's adopted.  

Likes: -Making new friends.

- Meeting people.

- Challenges herself to do new things.

- Singing

- Rapping

- Dancing

- Shopping with her friends

- Buying and trying new things.

Dislikes: -Smell of smoke and alcohol and strong perfume or cologne.

- Cooking.

- Washing dishes.

- To be pranked by people.

- Being miserable, unhappy and mad.

- Heels.

- Tight outfits. (She feels very uncomfortable.)

- Heavy metal music.

- Delaying things.

Hobbies: Painting

- Trying to compose new songs.

- Singing

- Dancing

- Rapping

Habits: - Bites her lower lips before smiling.

- Likes to puff out her cheeks when she's ignored.

- Makes faces when she's bored.

- Purse her lips when nervous.

- When she laughs, some tears will usually appear.

Skills: -Rapping

- Singing

- Gymnastics

- Dancing

- Beat boxing


Personal Life

Family Background: Her family only consists of four people. Her parents, her brother and herself. Her brother is a famous idol in a famous group. She tends to imitate her brother's raps in all of their songs. Her parents are very open-minded, unlike most parents. They allow her to follow her brother's footsteps into becoming a famous idol.

Parents: Kim Hyung Jin | Father | 53 years old | Retired.

Kim (Park) Ji Young | Mother | 49 years old | House Wife

Siblings: Kim Kyoung Jae aka Kim Ellison/Kim Eli | 21 years old | Main Rapper of U-Kiss.


Social Life

Friends: Kevin U-Kiss, P.O Block B, Hyunseung Beast, U-Kwon Block B, Woori Rainbow

Bestfriends: Soohyun U-Kiss, Changjo Teen Top, CL 2NE1

Rivals: None.


Lover: Dongho U-Kiss

How you both met: She was sneaking into NH Media's building to meet her brother. On the way to U-Kiss' practice room, she bumped into Dongho. He was rushing and immediately apologised before running away again. She continued to look for her brother but can't get him out of her mind.

A few days later, Mi Joon followed Eli out to meet his friends despite his refusal. She met Dongho again, who was acting childish with his band members at that time. When they went shopping, Soohyun and Kevin buys for her a lot. Dongho however, was shy at that time.

When they stopped by at a restaurant to eat, Mi Joon took notice of a quiet Dongho. She sat next to him and talked to him through out the whole outing.

His Personality: Very unpredictable. When he's happy, his mood can change to an angry one in a split second. When he looked angry or moody, he can be cheerful and happy almost immediately. He would do an aegyo in front of Mi Joon to make her cheer up even more.


Stage Info

Stage Name: Joon 

Persona: Cheerful Eomma

Group: Sixth Sense

Position: Vocalist, Rapper, Lead Dancer

Trainee Duration: 3 years

Trainee backgrounds: Nothing much happened. The staff treated her like how they treat the other trainees and idols. She's very friendly to them and the staff members are comfortable with her.

How did you get accepted: She wanted to audition for SM Entertainment but unfortunately she didn't get accepted. However, one of the audition judges sent her audition video to Cube Entertainment's CEO. Cube's CEO decide to call her the next day and invited her to audition for them.


Password: Gangsterz


Did I miss out anything?: She met Jae In during her second year of training. Jae In was a bit lost at that time but Junhyung guide her. When Junhyung was not around, Mi Joon replaced him and guide Jae In.


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