Okay so I recently did a collab with Hanie aka Medievaal or she was known as h-nie and vermillions before in aff?
I was beyond excited like jknofdnmvocmlkdklfcxv I really adore her graphics like whutt

A collab with senpai. Finally xD

So I might as well just share it in here ahahah. Anyway, I did the base bc I couldn't afford to destroy her base if I was the one who will do the finishing lmao. And this is my horrible base. We used tom holland bc we both love him, apparently ahah. Who doesn't? He's cute aijkmvkdl

And this is her ahmazinggg finish. She replaced anything she wanted to add, and added some colors and amazing typo and boom!!

(click the image above to be redictered to her deviantart page)


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Wawwwww so nice! Wuuutttt wuuttt

missed you btw!