BLEACH Arrancar Series~

neliel-tu-oderschvank.jpgThis has been bothering me soooooo much. Especially since I finished watching the Arrancar Arc of Bleach. 


Everything makes me feel Or...hmmmm saddened? I can't describe that feeling after knowing that the end of a very epic season has ended. 

but one thing's for sure. And i'm just wondering

For major bleach fans out there, please answer this question. 

You guys remember who Neliel was right? That little arrancar that Ichigo has met since his entrance to Hueco Mundo?

Well after her trying to save him, or return the favor back to Ichigo, and stuff. What the hell happens to her?

I know that she was hurt and Orihime went to go heal her after she turned back into a kid and Ichigo went after someone else. BUT WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO HER? 

after the series, i'm pretty sure she's the only arrancar left....SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED!!! and if possible, give me some evidence to back it up, just so i could believe ya even more~ 


and for Bleach fans that haven't reached this far, IGNORE ME!!! 

otherwise, thank you~


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HinataSnow #1
Kubo literally trolled us and there's a big chance that Neliel is still alive. Since her two Fraccions are still alive, I guess that they probably went back to their home together~!
I Love Nelliel too!!! ^_^