Sorry! T_T

I apologise to my readers for not updating in like FOREVER! ><

I'm just so caught up in the freakin' stupid life. D: 

Life's so hectic now! ): 

I promise I'll have something up for all my readers soon. Not a chapter but a one-shot. 

I just wanted you guys to have something to read.

It's not a request but something that I'm feeling right now, which I wanted to pen down. 

I promise there will be an update soon, for ALL my fics and my request thread! (: 

I tell ya, there'll be maybe double updates or something aroud the start of may. I'm going to work hard on my m'sia trip during the 30th of apr. Since, I'll be going there for 3 days, I'll make the best of it and hell, I'll be prepared to do at least one to two chappies for a fic. 

So, please be patient with me. Thank you very much! :D 

*bows 90 degree* Sorry and Thank you! 


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neh unnie don't worry! we'll wait for ya! fighting!
I'll look forward to it! Yukeez hwaiting~! ^^o