Hango Fashion

Hello, lovely readers of Turning the Tables! I realize that I include a lot of descriptions of clothing in my story to help contribute to the culture of the story's setting. Many of the clothes — male and female — are inspired by hanboks (traditional Korean wear). I shaped Shingan fashion around modern designs of the hanbok, some of which I've provided below. Feel free to keep checking back to this post, as I'll add all of the images that I use as inspiration for my characters' clothing!

Formal Attire

(left) I used this first picture as inspiration for Tae-hee's red dress at the first evening ball of Munhwal. Although direct skin is usually not exposed in Shinga, some women may choose to wear mesh fabric to show off their features. While most unmarried women wear pastel (pale pinks, greens, blues, purples, yellows) and off-white dresses, Tae-hee just doesn't really care. She likes vibrant colors — and so do Shinga women, but just not with their dresses.

(center) The suit on the left would be formal attire for men in Hango. The buttons are usually fastened in Shinga, but not in Rogyeo. The hat is optional in both kingdoms, but is usually worn by bachelors (unmarried men) who are wealthy. The woman on the right of the man is wearing what older ladies in Shinga would wear: dark colored dresses that do not reveal much skin, topped with a hairpiece that is very mature.

(right) The dress that this model is wearing is too flashy for Shinga. This kind of dress would be worn in Rogyeo, where people love flamboyant colors and women are free to expose as much skin as they want.



More Formal Attire (ignore the left and right dresses in the first picture)



Casual Dress

These are what women and men would wear on a daily basis. Obviously, those of prominent status and/or wealth would wear clothes of high-quality fabric/design.



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